They had indeed fallen for the trap. The Third Wave was an experimental social movement created by California high school history teacher Ron Jones in 1967 to explain how the German population could have accepted the actions of the Nazi regime during the rise of the Third Reich and the Second World War.[1][2][3][4][5]. Well at last it can be talked about. A German documentary entitled The Invisible Line (Die Geschichte der Welle) debuted on television on December 19, 2019. 'Lesson Plan' is a documentary featuring interviews of the original students and teacher of the 1967 Third Wave experiment. How can people who were neighbors and maybe even friends of the Jewish citizen say they weren't there when it happened. "Pride is more than banners or salutes. The trial was over. Answers *tarted to stretch out as students usually hesitant to speak found support for their effort. But the rally itself. He was correct. Many students were over the line. The Third Wave Experiment took place over five school days. We just stood there exchanging smiles when without a conscious command I raised my hand in curved position. I also questioned if they could make a good showing, because the press had been invited to record the event. Evil is not banal, and it cannot be found everywhere, but it is made banal by those who refuse to admit that they have been the perpetrators and performers of evil. These three young women were by far the most intelligent students in the class. It's Steve, Steve Conigio. In speed drills the class learned to move from standing position to attention sitting in fifteen seconds. By the end of the day over two hundred students were admitted into the order. We spent hours later talking about what he felt and did, but from that moment on Thursday morning I was more concerned with what might be happening at school. We carry it like a disease. The intellectual skills of questioning and reasoning were non existent. "Everyone must accept the blame No one can claim that they didn't in some way take part.". On Wednesday, I decided to issue membership cards to every student that wanted to continue what I now called the experiment. On the third day, Jones began to worry that things were going too far. I walked over to Robert and threw my arms around him. The real gestapo in the school was at work. Oh, you think to yourself that you were just going along for the fun. Yesterday I ran into one of those students. I didn't know the answer. The feeling of being "in" or part of something so great and orderly. "Oh my gosh," he gasped. 2008 German Movie "Die Welle". The same can often be said in the natural sciences. It's now just a dream, something to remember, no it's something we tried to forget. We ran into each other quite by accident. The room remained in fixed silence but for the first time I could sense people breathing. Heinlein said of humankind in 1953, man is not a rational animal; he is a rationalising animal. In 3 days the movement had grown to 200 students. Now that I look back, they appeared much like the child with so called learning disability. It felt hard to breathe and even harder to talk. 1967 Original "Third Wave" Class, Palo Alto, California. Following the analyses of Israeli-German historian, Yaacov Lozowick, two British professors, Alex Haslam and Steve Reicher, have studied the experiments of Stanley Milgram and Philip Zimbardo. They even seemed to be asking better questions and treating each other with more compassion. "Before turning on the national press conference, which begins in five minutes, I want to demonstrate to the press the extent of our training." Third Wave banners hung like clouds over the assembly. This also featured interviews with Jones and former students. Some of their faces were relaxed with smiles that come from pleasing the teacher. community, pride and action. It was the last time I would ask anyone to recite. You can't admit to being manipulated. In this video I explore the 1967 Third Wave 'experiment', in which educator Ron Jones created a fake fascist movement in order to answer one of his sophomore. He said that he invented the term "The Third Wave" and the salute for it. He convinced the students to attend a rally where he claimed that the classroom project was part of a nationwide movement, and that the announcement of a Third Wave presidential candidate would be televised. Pride Is something no one can take from you. Schoolteacher Ron Jones's personal account of his experiment which created a proto-fascist movement amongst his high school pupils in Palo Alto, California, which in 2008 was subject of the award-winning film The Wave. TIL about the Third Wave experiment. The Third Wave Is a nationwide program to find students who are willing to fight for political change in this country. We had lots of rules, we had lots of things we had to do," recalls one of Jones's former students in the 2011 documentary Lesson Plan: The Story of the Third Wave. The first day, the students acted almost as if it were a game and obeyed the commands of their teacher who they already trusted and respected. To build a special society. I demanded that they leave the room. I sensed myself moving from an introspective participant in the event toward the role of teacher. At least he was equal to everyone. I will remain an ageless benchmark in his life. Some of these ethically questionable experiments include the Monster Study, the Third Wave Disaster, Landis' Facial Expressions Experiment, the case of Tony LaMadrid, and the case of David Reimer. We would have put on the uniform. The Third Wave had ended. To be number one. "There is no leader! I was following the group dictate as much as I was directing it. Every person focusing on the T.V. Schoolteacher Ron Jones's personal account of his experiment which created a proto-fascist movement amongst his high school pupils in Palo Alto, California, which in 2008 was subject of the award-winning film The Wave. Evidently, experimentation in the social sciences is different. Many critics believe that the so-called soft sciences such as sociology cannot produce any accurate conclusions, but the thesis brought forward recently by Haslam and Reicher is strong and has, with the help of other theorists, built a new attitude towards the conclusions arising from social experiments. Arrogance, violence, terror. "Is it a code or something?" Within this avalanche of reporting one legitimate conspiracy did seem underway . Three women in the class had told their parents all about our classroom activities. Whereas others jumped in, they held back, watching. it's right here. His role playing spilled out of the class into all of the school. It's raising a barn with your neighbors, it's feeling that you are a part of something beyond yourself, a movement, a team, La Raza, a cause. In her book, Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), Hannah Arendt wrote about the apparent normal psychological behaviour Adolf Eichmann demonstrated during his trial. During the 1960s, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of obedience experiments that led to some surprising results. Eyes strained and pulled at the light but the pattern didn't change. They were something special. Lesson Plan: Directed by David Jeffery, Philip Carr Neel. You are assigned the problem of training and convincing at least twenty children in the adjacent elementary school that our sitting posture is necessary for better learning. Hand curved in a similar fashion I return the gesture. Jones named the movement "The Third Wave" as a symbol of strength, referring to the mythical belief that the third in a series of waves is the strongest. Strength through discipline Over two hundred students were crammed into the room. It was one of the most interesting classes I have ever had. Ron Joness students didnt know they were taking part in an attempt to show how they too could fall into step when a tyrannical authority was present. But to start. I'm afraid something will happen to you. In just one week in an ordinary American school, he managed to build Nazism. No one moved. Others simply sunk into the activity and took self assigned roles. In the beginning, the students treated the new regime as a game but became more serious once their teacher told them their marks were at stake. He created an authoritative dictatorship in his classroom. I reiterated the importance of this event and asked once more for a show of allegiance. Robert was at my side. 6. A societal instinct we hide within our franchise restaurants and T.V. The room stayed dark as the final footage of film flapped against the projector. No one laughed. The plea of ignorance. "Sit down." In my view and pedagogical experience, a good pedagogical simulation should involve a sense of ambivalence between real and artificial that promotes an inquiry and reflection among the students. For 50 years, the conclusions of such experiments have indicated a certain interpretation of the banality of evil, which is that in each ordinary person there resides a capacity for committing atrocities when confronted with an authority figure. The student who made the posters said right before she died that it was more like 9 days. I told him we were merely studying the German personality. Hey Felton, many thanks for your comments! 1976 Ron Jones First Short Story "The Third Wave". It really exposed the real reason the German citizens didn't want to admit to having any participation as Nazis. Like the Germans, you will have trouble admitting to yourself that you come this far. and not themselves. It was as if the climax of shouting souls had pushed everything out of' the room. It debuted on October 10[11] It was produced by Philip Neel and Mark Hancock, two of Jones's own former students. You would hear a crash of cafeteria food only to have it followed by two classmates saluting each other. The experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California, during the first week of April 1967. Then add two more until finally the whole class was standing and reciting. Over the course of five days (or nine, according to student Sherry Toulsey), Jones, a member of the SDS,[6] Cubberley United Student Movement sponsor[7] and Black Panthers supporter[8] conducted a series of exercises in his classroom emphasizing discipline and community, intended to model certain characteristics of the Nazi movement. Don't you feel better.". It was something we all wanted to forget. The discipline. At eleven thirty students began to ant their way into the room; at first a few scouting the way and then more. Be ready to display the discipline, community, and pride you have learned. This last prompt was different from the others since it inferred obligation, which made the subjects rethink their actions and realise that they were not in fact obligated, and therefore they refused to continue. You are responsible for stopping any student that is not a Third Wave member from entering this room. Adolf Eichmann, however, was no ordinary man. "There isn't any leader is there?" Oh I was benevolent. In the study, an . We get or take an ascribed role and then bend our life to fit the image. The experiment is by far the most unethical one in the field of psychology. To make the salute you brought your right hand up toward the right shoulder in a curled position. Students must be sitting in class at the attention position before the late bell; all students Must carry pencils and paper for note taking; when asking or answering questions a student must stand at the side of their desk; the first word given in answering or asking a question is "Mr. The act of apology. I now began to ponder not just how far this class could be pushed but how such I would change my basic beliefs toward an open classroom and self directed learning. First I would have two students stand and call back our motto. I just kept talking. I said chocolate chip of course. There is no such thing as a national youth movement called the Third Wave. The factors that motivated the students then were: fear of losing marks; confidence and pride in their tutor; and a desire to be part of an exciting new movement that would change their world. His students where attached to the order. The dedicated patience of a scientist in pursuit of an Idea. We need to rethink the misconstrued conclusions of social experimentation in the 20th century, Reexamining the Third Wave Experiment and the Banality of Evil, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Transphobic Social-Media Vigilantes Endanger the Black Community, Free-Speech and Hypocrisy: How JK Rowling Silences Her Critics. In the case of war criminals such as Adolf Eichmann, he constructed no banal excuses for his actions, and acted according to his own ideals and his own plans, according to those already set up by the Nazi regime. I shared this silence with two hundred students. The pleasure of doing something right and being rewarded. The rewards they were accustomed to winning just didn't exist in the experiment. The project was adapted into an American film, The Wave, in 1981, and a critically acclaimed German film, Die Welle, in 2008. Was The Wave Experiment by Ben Ross Succesful. The roar of the Nuremberg Rally blasted into vision. It's taken three years. In our own personal habits and way of life. He would talk to the parents and calm their concern. He was polite and condescending. By this, the fourth day of the experiment I was beginning to lose my own arguments. 2019 Netflix Germany Miniseries . In concluding this conversation I envisioned similar conversations throughout history in which the clergy accepted and apologized for untenable conditions. I feel entirely compelled to say that any one that takes this as an offensive measure is possibly hiding something them self. I was shocked! While debating whether to stop or go on with the experiment I talked on and on about community. The first congress of the Red Trade Union International at Moscow, 1921. It would not be possible to analyse such experiments without comparing them alongside one another since it takes a comparative study to come up with trustworthy explanations in the social sciences. Be in the small auditorium ten minutes before 12:00. The high school was and still is one of the best in the state, well known for its progressive philosophy and intelligent students. You won't admit to participating in this madness. You will not allow your friends and parents to know that you were willing to give up individual freedom and power for the dictates of order and unseen leaders. The question here is not why but how the German people came to support the Nazi regime. Thanks to ethical codes and institutional review boards, most of these experiments could never be performed today. [1] Jones wrote a detailed recollection of the experiment some nine years afterward. I decided to find out. Hold them tight. He decided to create a fictional social movement as a demonstration of the appeal of fascism. Retrieved from https . As I spent more time playing the role I had less time to remember its rational origins and purpose. Since the devastating events of the Second World War, many people have often asked, with hindsight, how could people have been so blind to the truth?. How could the townspeople, railroad conductors, teachers, doctors, claim they knew nothing about concentration camps and human carnage. It was equally disconcerting to realize that complex and time consuming written homework assignments on German life were being completed and even enlarged on by students. Evil becomes banal when ordinary people dont want to admit that they are implicated. Good story as it goes, but could really have benefited from some analysis of the school as an ideological context in which this kind of behaviour is particularly prone to manifest, what with public education already being a system that favours obedience, conformity, and subservience. The deed was concluded. Our class came up with the motto the "the third wave" and the salute, but it stayed in our class and was not carried out into the school. Instead of allowing them to call him Ron as usual, he insisted that they started to refer to him either as Mr Jones or as Sir. Students were expected to sit at attention before the second bell, had to stand up to ask or answer questions and had to do so in three words or fewer, and were required to preface each remark with "Mr. Jones". I called his wife and with the help of a neighbor walked him home. In ghostly images the history of the Third Reich paraded into the room. You're more alert. That's how it all started. Conditions that produce tyranny could be the presence of an apparently legitimate authority, a certain motivational interest, and/or threats and manipulation. "Mr. Jones, why don't you teach like this all the time." (I later found out it was the father of one of the students. Strength through community Jones was a teacher who usually granted his students a lot of leeway. Performance in academic skill areas was significantly improving. My job. He then led them in shouting chants of "Strength through Discipline! It affected everyone. "Everyone turned in shock. Most of my fear emanated from the incidence of "tattletaling". If you will stand up and display what You have learned in the past four dayswe can change the destiny of this nation. Prompted by the trial of high-ranking Nazi and Holocaust-coordinator Adolf Eichmann, Milgram wished to assess whether . Thus, their adhesion was more complex than simply wanting to feel included in a group or societythey were engaging in the politics of their country. From Ron's description it is clear to me that his students (many? ", "It's all set for tomorrow. Yes, we would all have made good Germans. A new purpose. On the contrary, he had not simply followed orders blindly, he had actually planned his actions in great detailhe was an author of the Holocaust. The belief that human beings are basically evil and therefore unable to act well toward each other. It was like we were all witness to a birth. I sure do, it was one of the most frightening events I ever experienced In the classroom. I was exhausted and worried. The Librarian thanked me for the 30' banner on learning which she placed above the library entrance. Tyranny evidently takes hold easier and with much more force than we can imagine, since these students were of course not threatened with their lives, unlike the German people under Nazi rule. Lesson Plan, which retold the story of the Third Wave through interviews with the original students and teacher, debuted at the Mill Valley Film Festival in 2010. A television screen placed at the front of the room showed nothing but snow. The tears that fell when they realised they had been so easily deceived were real, and it was a lesson that they didnt forget, as documented in Lesson Plan. Where is it? The experiments revealed the degree to which a person's own opinions are influenced by those of a group . He turned on the TV placed in the middle of the room. In the martial atmosphere of the class they seemed stunned and pensive. Row after row began to fill. In A Nutshell. How an athlete feels having worked hard and regularly to be successful at a sport. In this room. One of the central points of this movement was that democracy's main weakness is that it favors the individual over the whole community. The room was empty of sound. Not a single student elected to leave the room. I told the assembly that a full explanation would take quite a while. I whispered to him to watch closely and pay attention to the next few minutes. Students seemed intent on the assignment and displayed Accurate recitation of facts and concepts. While Jones taught his students about Nazi Germany during his senior level Contemporary World History class, Jones found it difficult to explain how the German people could have accepted the actions of the Nazis. The maneuver took five seconds. There were the athletes, the social prominents, the student leaders, the loners, the group of kids that always left school early, the bikers, the pseudo hip, a few representatives of the school's dadaist click, and some of the students that hung out at the laundromat. The prompt was given in the imperative, but it highlighted that the imperative was literally lacking. However, Ron tried to think that he could transfer that type of instruction to a mixed class of girls and boys who were not prepared for his style of instruction. The ultimate triumph. My heart was pounding. You will keep this day and this rally a secret. Waiting. Ron's problem is he let it get out of control and that is why he was fired. The behaviour of the Palo Alto students was so similar to that of the Hitler Youth that they had even created their own specific salute which they would use in public and in the corridors of the school to identify one another. Motivations having been identified, it becomes easier to explain why tyrannical regimes can come to fruition and power. The student was, in fact, an actor behind a screen in a different room, who would plead and let out cries of pain as the fictional volts increased. He ended his pedagogical experiment abruptly with humiliation of his students via his lecturing. The Third Wave Experiment took place over five school days. Robert is like so many kids in school that don't excel or cause trouble. And there is something else. This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 16:27. We know the fear of being left out. Pulled the locks shut. After a few minutes of waiting, Jones announced that they had been a part of an experiment in fascism and that they all had willingly created a sense of superiority, much as German citizens had done in the period of Nazi Germany. He was a retired air force colonel who had spent time in a German prisoner of war camp. Although . Someone stood up and shouted. Take part. In 1967, teacher Ron Jones conducted a social experiment with unexpected results. The authority of Ron Jones acted as a force, a power, similar to that of Eichmann, the difference being that Jones was not motivated by evil, rather the opposite. If I suddenly jolted them back to classroom reality I would face a confused student- body for the remainder of the year. Jones announced to the class that this movement was a part of a nationwide movement and that on the next day a presidential candidate of the Third Wave would announce its existence to the public. Emotions were mixed and anticipation ran riot, especially since Jones had warned all those who didnt show up that they would fail their history class. "The Third Wave presents inside look at Fascism". That self training. Some subjects didnt need all four prompts, but the great majority of them did. They were asked to read out questions to a student and whenever the student got a question wrong, the subjects were ordered to electrocute the student, increasing the force of the current gradually the more questions that they got wrong. "Mr. Jones do you remember the Third Wave?" Community is that bond between individuals who work and struggle together. They demanded strict obedience of the rules from other students and bullied those that took the experiment lightly. "Yes.1' "Now listen carefully. I waited for several minutes to let everyone catch up. He seemed delighted and told me not to worry. The Third Wave was disrupting normal learning. They began to panic. He walked always on my right. They were doing something together. These and other controversial experiments led . Jones." You chose to accept that group's will and the big lie over your own conviction. We practiced this new attention position over and over. April 21, 1967. I reminded students of what it felt like being in classes where competition caused pain and degradation. the average citizen, claim at the end of the Third Reich that they knew nothing of what was going on. Given that assurance and smile I couldn't say no. You said that Ron was lying. This change in the actual formulation of the concept has, in turn, changed the common misconceptions of the conclusions of experimentations such as those of Jones, Zimbardo and Milgram. He was a sensitive and bright student. It was fun. But most of the students looked straight ahead in earnest concentration. "The Third Wave isn't just an experiment or classroom activity. I began to think that the students might do anything I assigned. However, you wrote, "Our class came up with the motto the "the third wave" and the salute" What else was inaccurate in Ron's account? My announcement unleashed a fervor. They didnt know where their teacher was, and the doors were guarded by militant student Gestapo. we each have witnessed something over the past week. [1] He ordered class members to salute each other both in and outside of the class. Let Minimal Lite's clean vibe and arresting design elements elevate your content to its fullest potential. I felt very alone and a little scared. I worried for students doing things they would regret. The Third Wave experiment once again indicates that the normal group processes that make social life possible also can lead people to conform to standardsin this case fascismthat most of us would reject. But where were you heading? No. Our class was called Tech Prep(senior class) and it had only 13 boys in the class. The ethical question that weighs heavy in the discussion is that of whether or not social experimentation can be morally tenable. The idea for the three came from beach lore that waves travel in chains, the third wave being the last and largest of each series. "Listen closely, I have something important to tell you." He completed the third wave experiment because he was unable to teach his students how the German population in the Holocaust allowed the Jews to be treated the way they were. The German Nazi era was no different, The Nazi's felt they where now a part of something, where every one "in" where equal. Oh, you make promises to call each other but It won't happen. Not knowing when and if you'd ever see each other again. In the still darkened room I began the explanation. I'm very upset over Robert! I shared this silence with two hundred students. Events were crushing around me. Knowing that one is being monitored changes ones behaviour significantly. There was much more to see and try to understand. Taken to an extreme we have seen and perhaps felt what these actions will lead to. Burned ideas. "We can do it!" While Jones taught his students about Nazi Germany during his senior level Contemporary World History class, Jones found it . He ordered students to attend a noon rally on Friday to witness the announcement. Intent on the Third Wave member from entering this room produce tyranny could be the of! Content to its fullest potential is clear to me that his students about Nazi Germany his! 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