In late 2012, financial troubles reflecting earlier reductions in milk prices forced the couple to move back in with Emma's parents. She was highly critical of Elizabeth, who was married to her son Nigel until his death from a fall in January 2011. After a long and intense trial, during which the truth of Rob's abusive nature was exposed publicly, as well as the revelation that he had raped Helen, she was acquitted on both counts of attempted murder and Grievous Bodily Harm. Mike later married Vicky, a fellow ballroom dancer, who gave birth to their daughter Bethany in January 2013. Carl (Nicholas Bailey) was Amy Franks's ex-boyfriend. [34] When younger Fallon was the lead singer of local rock band, Little White Lies, when not running the Upstairs@the Bull music venue and working as a barmaid. Hayley worked at Lower Loxley as nanny to Freddie and Lily Pargetter, and then as a rather amorphous children's visitor specialist. In October 2011, he returned to the village to visit his ailing mother. Elizabeth and Nigel developed their stately home, Lower Loxley, as a conference venue. (John) Higgs Jack Woolley's chauffeur and handyman at Grey Gables. Jill is an active member of the Women's Institute, opened up a holiday cottage business, and is teaching her grandson, Josh, how to keep bees. In March 2008 he had problems with the herd being infected by Bovine TB. The show was introduced to educate the farmers after the second world war. The Frys did however take a holiday in India when he retired. In April 2011 their daughter, Keira Susan, was born. Robert Snell (born 5 April 1943) (Dr Graham Blockey) was employed as a computer expert. She then divorced him and married Brian Aldridge. She started dating Tom Archer following a Valentine kiss after they grew closer in the weeks after her mother's death. David Archer (born David Thomas Archer, 18 September 1959) (Timothy Bentinck, formerly played by Nigel Carrivick) is the second son of Phil and Jill and, as the only child of the four to show any interest in, or aptitude for, farming, has assumed responsibility for Brookfield Farm. However, due to this latest feud, he withdrew that money to take revenge on the archer dynasty. Ruth survived breast cancer which struck in 2000, undergoing a mastectomy operation. Ned Larkin (Bill Payne) Ned, father of Jethro, was a farmhand at Brookfield, and a friend of Walter Gabriel. As a result, Pip became pregnant leading to the birth of Rosie Ruth Grace Archer, her third forename recognising the Fairbrother heritage. She then, eventually, married John Tregorran. She is busily involved in village life and supports her children by taking on child-minding duties. After an 'informational' storyline of difficulty in conceiving, Hayley gave birth to a baby daughter, Abigail (Abbie) on 7 March 2008. Meanwhile Elizabeth seems to have gone all in with Dodgy Vince Casey, 'A peculiarly English epic': the weird genius of The Archers. But Archers fans thought he sounded just like self-made businessman Vince Casey, played by Tony Turner. In 1995 she married the new owner of the estate, Guy Pemberton (Hugh Dickson). In 2013 she was attracted to the recently arrived dairy unit manager, Rob Titchener. Tom Archer (born Thomas Archer, 25 February 1981) (William Troughton; previously Tom Graham)[8] is the younger son of Tony and Pat. Clarrie Grundy ne Larkin (born 12 May 1954) (Heather Bell, part created by Bell[16] and also formerly played by Fiona Mathieson and Rosalind Adams) is Eddie Grundy's long-suffering wife, having married him in 1982. More recently, Ruth has suffered a miscarriage and championed a potential move from Brookfield to Prudhoe should "Route B" be constructed, breaking the farm in two. #TheArchers", "Charlotte Higgins on The Archers: it's party time in the cider shed! She is friends with both Adam and Debbie. [43], Marjorie Antrobus - Archers' creator Edward J Mason had a real-life neighbour with that name - (Margot Boyd) was from a colonial background in Kenya; she was the widow of Teddy. Though most people were welcome to the change, Peggy Woolley was not, something she showed by refusing to attend the service and opting to worship in Borchester. The actor is knownfor his character in television programs, including Graham Sullivan in Party Animals, Adrian Osler in New Tricks, ARP Warden Perkins in Foyle's War, and Ron Woods in Maxwell.. Barry, barman at The Bull, given to popping crisp packets during slow shifts, and sporting a 'manbun' among other remarkable fashion statements. Mike Tucker (born 1 December 1949) (Terry Molloy) lost an eye in a farming accident, for which Brian Aldridge was found responsible. In early years her character was the hippie of the Archer family, her first child, Adam, being sensationally at the time the illegitimate result of a fling with a cowman, Paddy Redmond. According to BBC, Vince is Debbie briefly returned to Ambridge again in 2011 with a proposal, now implemented, to build a super intensive dairy farm, which would go on to be run by Rob Titchner. He returned to Ambridge as soon as he heard about his father's accident. Feeling unable to return to university, leaving her father so soon after Betty's death, she decided to transfer to Felpersham University, planning to return to her studies in September 2006. Elizabeth Pargetter, ne Archer (Alison Dowling) is Phil and Jill's younger daughter and, along with Kenton, at first rejected village life, attempting a career in publicity in London. In January 2006 Lynda was elected to the parish council alongside Lilian Bellamy. After finally realising the degree to which Carl had abused her trust things seem to be improving at home. In early 2008, Crawford and Lilian were briefly separated when she suspected him of having an affair with a Borchester Land board member Annabelle Scrivener (Julia Hills). Some years after Mark's death, Shula had an affair with the village doctor (who was himself living with Shula's hitherto good friend Usha Gupta), thus two-timing her boyfriend Alistair (the local vet) whom she subsequently married. Although she was something of a left wing firebrand in her youth she is now very conservative living in The Lodge which was the gatehouse for Grey Gables. Clarrie spends much of her time sorting out problems created by her husband and sons. However a couple of weeks later she miscarried. In December 2010 Sabrina was heard when she played the part of the cat in the village pantomime Dick Whittington - however she was only heard to make cat noises and didn't have any lines. Subsequently, he came close to having a relationship with Debbie Aldridge, but Pemberton assaulted her after she confessed that she could not love him. He first came to Ambridge from Birmingham, where he had been sent to borstal for breaking and entering, which made obtaining his publican's licence difficult. Christine married Paul Johnson; it was discovered she was infertile, and they adopted a son, Peter. Helen and Henry moved in with Rob in early 2014, and Helen and Rob married in summer 2015. Simon Pemberton (Peter Wingfield), Guy Pemberton's caddish son, inherited the estate after his father's death. Alistair mentored Ryan at Gamblers Anonymous. Tony Turner plays Vince Casey in the radio drama The Archers. See rank. In 2005, Matt divorced his wife Yvette and moved in with his new partner Lilian Bellamy (ne Archer, daughter of Peggy Woolley). Affected by severe depression at the time of John's death, she discovered at the end of 2011 that he had fathered a child. The couple married unexpectedly in Las Vegas during a 2010 summer holiday. Her cooking at The Bull was widely admired. His tenure came to end in 1987 when helping David fell a tree using a chainsaw. He plays the role of a businessman who runs an abattoir business.. The character of Usha is said to be based on Kamlesh Bahl, former Vice President of the Law Society. Subsequent to Lilian having a brief affair with Matt's estranged brother Paul, (which she did not find out Matt knew about until later), Lilian arrived home from a holiday to discover that he had emptied out all of their joint holdings, ransacked their house of valuables and fled to Costa Rica. Bert died in The Bull on the episode first aired at 19:05 on 25 October 2021, peacefully nodding off following a game of cribbage with Ben and Ruth Archer. They married in summer 2008 and Usha's family have warmed to the idea and attended the wedding, though Mabel did not. It was also revealed shortly afterwards that the previous year, while still manager of the mega dairy, Rob had blocked a nearby culvert to prevent a build-up of rainwater from flooding the dairy and was therefore responsible for the massive flood that had engulfed Ambridge and nearly caused the death of his boss. In 2010 she married Chris Carter (below), the farrier son of Neil and Susan. He used to be Tom's partner in a piggery. [5] Jim later relocated, bought his own property in Ambridge and went into a business partnership with Kenton which was dissolved when Kenton moved to the Bull. Thoughtful and provocative, Tregorran was such a popular and charismatic character that listeners at Archers public events still ask about him and about Carol Grey, whom he eventually married. Some of the better known are: Baggy, and Fat Paul disreputable friends of Eddie Grundy. Siobhan's revelation in 2007 that she had terminal cancer, and her request to Brian to care for Ruair after her death, brought another crisis to the relationship of Brian and Jennifer, who eventually agreed to Brian's request for them to raise Ruair together. Kate emigrated to Johannesburg, South Africa where she married Lucas Madikane (Connie M'Gadzah). David's wife Ruth had meanwhile in exasperation at David's apparent affair fallen in love with the farm's contractor Sam. [52] In the episode on 11 July 2017, it was revealed that Caroline had died suddenly but peacefully at the Sterlings' second home in Italy. She has since undergone breast reconstruction surgery to restore listeners' empathy with her (not entirely successfully), and coped rather better than David with the sudden transformation of priggish daughter Pip into a very stroppy seventeen-year-old with a much older boyfriend, Jude, who eventually dropped her. Christmas 2008 saw Will reunite with ex-girlfriend Nic, whom he originally split from when he saw her hit George. Making his debut in 1983, he was once considered to be somewhat dim and irresponsible, wearing a gorilla suit at a hunt ball in 1983, inadvertently joy riding with Shula Archer in 1984 and driving an ice-cream van as 'Mr Snowy' in 1986. His cowman's heavy-handed advice (which he and Ruth reluctantly accepted) that they should dispense with the services of Shula's husband as vet for their dairy herd in favour of a specialist caused a serious family rift, and was followed by his near-affair with Sophie Barlow. Eddie Grundy (born 15 March 1951) (Trevor Harrison) is Joe's younger son and Clarrie's husband. Susan wanted him to be a white collar worker but he decided that he was a pigman at heart. He was widowed before moving to Ambridge and is the father of Amy, a midwife. His widow returned for the funeral and decided to move back to the village. Lilian told a still-recovering Lynda that the pub would be returning to the original name of The Bull. He was married to Peggy Woolley until his death (see below). She gave up the effort after a few weeks and joined AmsideMatt and Lilian's new property company. Jack Woolley (19 July 1919 - 2 January 2014) (Arnold Peters, formerly played by Philip Garston-Jones) was a self-made man originally from Stirchley in Birmingham who owned the village shop. While on the Nuffield Scheme, Tom fell for a previous Nuffield Scholar and then mentor, Natasha. Sophie Barlow (Moir Leslie) a fashion designer who was once engaged to David and once involved much of Ambridge in her fashion shows. Usha Franks ne Gupta (born 17 June 1962) played by Souad Faress and formerly by Sudha Bhuchar works as a solicitor in Felpersham and is one of very few ethnic minority characters in the series. In mid-2012, Adam suffered a blow to the head while attempting to stop a robbery, but has since recovered. [26] His persistent Irish accent despite his having been born and raised during his earliest years in Germany and, after only the briefest of stays with his Irish grandmother, educated for several years since then in England was criticised in the BBC's Feedback programme as implausible[when? Shane did the cooking at Nelson's wine bar in the 1980s. . A few years later, the same actress played the vicar, Janet Fisher, but after Fisher had in turn been written out, Barlow herself reappeared in August 2006. She returned to Ambridge but endured a disastrous relationship with local businessman Cameron Fraser (which led to Elizabeth having an abortion) before finally marrying Nigel Pargetter after a relationship some years before. He was convicted in April 2008. Will and Ed's rivalry culminated in a fight in which Will nearly killed Ed, and Will moved temporarily to another gamekeeping job in Gloucestershire. In April 2016, after the secret intervention of her friend, Kirsty Miller, Helen secretly met Jess, who revealed the true nature of her marriage with Rob, before stabbing Rob in a moment of clarity, after he placed a knife in her hand and goaded her to commit suicide, as he refused to let her and Henry leave the house. Eventually, after persuading Helen to meet Jess, Rob's ex-wife, she was horrified when Helen decided to confront Rob about his behaviour, a confrontation that led to Helen stabbing him. Who knew Vince Casey would be so impressed by a woolly sparrowhawk? A breeder of Afghan hounds, Marjorie let out her flat at Nightingale Farm to Ruth and later to Roy and Hayley. Lillian took a more active role than he expected which caused some friction. Bert lived in "The Bungalow", which was originally built to house David and Ruth. Her career took off when in 1979 Jack Woolley offered her a job at Grey Gables and she eventually became manager. During their engagement Jess had a baby, which she claimed was Rob's until he consented to a DNA test, which proved otherwise, and they were soon divorced. In 2001 she married John's best mate Roy Tucker and became stepmother to Phoebe; she found Kate Aldridge's visits from South Africa to Ambridge uncomfortable. Add or change Joe maintained for many years that the Archer dynasty had robbed them of their estate. Later the same year, Tom expanded his business and set up a new independent business, Gourmet Grills, essentially a burger van albeit specialising in high-quality meat products. Whilst living as a vagrant, he had become addicted to alcohol and crack cocaine. Bailey, or Baillie spelling uncertain, Ian's second in command in the Grey Gables kitchen. New daughter Keira was born in 2011 and following financial problems, they returned to live with Emma's parents in 2012. Justin has already shown scant concern for Lillians relationship with her family (and her place in the community) by shafting David over the abattoir. She is known for her direction of the annual village theatre productions. [18] Despite being severely affected by her death, Will's pride and stubbornness prevented him from seeking counselling for his grief, and his worsened temper and aggression led to him driving away both Jake and Mia, leaving him with only his biological daughter, Poppy. In 2005 Peggy tried to persuade her husband to agree to his affairs being governed by power of attorney. WebTimothy Watson is a British actor best known for his role as Rob Titchener in BBC Radio 4 's long-running soap opera The Archers and voice roles as Mumkhar in Xenoblade Jill Archer ne Patterson (born 3 October 1930) (Patricia Greene) is the widow of Phil Archer and matriarch of the family. Initially, Nigel was romantically linked with Shula (or "Shulie" as he called her), but in 1984 he became involved with Elizabeth Archer, finding her totally unlike Shula: she tricked him into helping her abscond from school in September 1984. In 2018, Shula stunned Alistair when she told him their marriage was over. Kenton's former partner, Kathy Perks, is the ex-wife of Sid Perks, the late landlord of The Bull. Played by Felicity Finch. Her aspirational tendencies took a hammering when daughter Emma married into the Grundy family in 2004, but in 2006 she was approved by the Royal Mail for the position of sub-postmistress despite her criminal record. IMDbPro Starmeter. After moving to The Laurels retirement home she was a silent character for several years before her death was finally mentioned on 13 August 2008. Christine Barford ne Archer, formerly Johnson (born 21 December 1931) (Lesley Saweard, formerly played by Pamela Mant[1] and briefly Joyce Gibbs), is the younger sister of Phil. Unusually the character comes from a real rather than fictional place, Prudhoe in Northumberland. Susie Riddell had previously voiced Kate Aldridge but left the series to pursue other projects before returning as Tracey. In 2019 Alistair's sister Fiona Lloyd (Adjoa Andoh) visited Ambridge to celebrate her father Jim's birthday. Snatch Foster was formerly also a friend of Eddie Grundy, but ended up in prison for selling condemned meat to him. A farm labourer, Ed secured a job in France and planned to move there secretly with Emma and George, but they were thwarted in November 2005 by Will. 'S ex-boyfriend Elizabeth and Nigel developed their stately home, Lower Loxley as... Career took off when in 1979 Jack Woolley offered her a job at Gables. 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