His bracers have been redesigned to look more sharp and armor-like, and they now completely encase his arms. Infuriated, Natsuo calls him out for all the things he's done to the family and how he thinks he can just come to the family, expecting forgiveness. However, this did not result in Endeavor paying any extra attention to himquite the opposite. Long time no see. His daughter, Fuyumi, congratulated him on doing well against the Nomu, while Shoto and his brother, Natsuo, were not so satisfied to see him. Endeavor fully understands the gravity of his crimes against his family and the horrible pain he put all of them through. Therapy and comfort is our endeavor, whether it's working with a person's interest in natural or eastern therapies, or special attention to skin of color, or just a . Shoto sarcastically commented on his scar while he and his brother continued to give him the cold shoulder. After having three children, Endeavor was able to have his fourth child, Shoto, who possessed Quirk that allowed him to use both fire and ice, something that Endeavor desired. Dabi was determined to fulfill Endeavor's dream even after being abandoned by him. In the 1697 poem "The Mourning Bride," British poet William Congreve wrote "music hath charms to sooth a savage breast but sometimes it will make you . Tomura is heavily burned and left near-unrecognizable, but All For One begins to gain control of Tomura's body. It can be a scar since it's sort of been confirmed that the white marks around the imp species are scar tissue plus in Blitzo's poster during his circus days he did not have any white marking . Rody Soul (Pino), Other His hands will forever acquit the scars of his choices. Juzo Honenuki | In divine patience, Jesus waited eight days to answer Thomas's prayer, and when he finally visited, he offered him the scars. Seiji Shishikura | Nirengeki Shoda | Dabi got his scars from a childhood quirk accident. His bodysuit now has large stripes running across his torso, which are completely engulfed in his flames. He managed to survive this accident after enduring numerous reconstructive surgeries, which left him scarred for the rest of his life. Some time after the events of the U.A. After Shoto gets his hero license, Endeavor tells him how he is proud of his son and vows to become a proper father and a better hero, and while Shoto initially brushes this off, he smiles to himself once his father leaves. Soramitsu Tabe | 1 (formerly No. Of course, Endeavor isn't the only hero to have sustained scars on the job. Endeavor, also known by his real name Enji Todoroki, is an extremely powerful hero in Japan. I am an admin of this site. I should've earned it myself. All rights reserved. Nomu | Katsuki freed himself from Endeavor's grasp then reminded him what he had told him about their first task, in which Endeavor admits they were able to take out a villain faster than he could. I only accepted you guys because Shoto asked me to!! His abuse towards both Shoto and his wife would take a toll on the latter's sanity. YOU WILL LIVE UP TO THE REASON I CREATED YOU!Endeavor become over-excited after see Shoto finally use his fire quirk. Lady Nagant | Endeavor was originally intended to be a teacher at the U.A. My Hero Academia chapter 256 is just amazing from start to finish. Rei had already declined mentally and emotionally due to Endeavor's abuses. Rock Lock | Katsuma & Mahoro Shimano | Before the two could leave, however, Dabi arrives on the scene. His performance in the lattermost received widespread . Fans will have to wait until the next chapter of My Hero Academia comes out to learn what will happen with Endeavor and AFO. The blades were unable to hurt the three fighters as Endeavor jumped in front of them. In order to continue his legacy, Endeavor arranged a marriage with a woman known as Rei Himura, the daughter of the Himura household. After Shoto finished with his second Hero License Training Exam, Endeavor approached his son, expressing joy for his son, saying he's proud of him. So he got the scar during his pursuit of the Wild Hunt after they captured Yen. This is Thesecret1070. [8] Endeavor's eyes obsessively focusing on his hopeless goal. Wild, Wild Pussycats: Mandalay | Harshly training his son, Shoto to become his successor, Surpass All Might and become the No. During Shoto's retake of the Hero License exam, Endeavor asks All Might for advice on what it means to be a Symbol of Peace, showing a rather calm expression towards the former No.1 Hero instead of dismissing him and his advice as usual. Hekiji Tengai, Meta Liberation Army Manchester City by contrast have won the famous old . David Shield | Tenya Ida | Gunhead | Togaru Kamakiri | Endeavor blasts Hood out of the building, ready to show what the No. Crimes Serial murder Ibara Shiozaki | But gradually as Tanjiro keeps gaining powers and growing strong, we see the scar developing into a mark spreading across his forehead. Shoto in particular decides to take on his father's agency, but this time, he offers Izuku and Katsuki to join with him as well. With the building top falling, Endeavor blasts it down to bits, saving many lives. Yo Shindo | According to Present Mic, Endeavor is usually not a sociable person. Kosei Tsubaraba | The comic shows where he might have gotten a scar on the left side below his eye (there in Ep 6), but Anakin only has a scar on the right side of his face during Ep 3, so the scar on the left side couldn't canonically be from that duel before Ep 3. As the training properly begins, he takes the time to get know more about Izuku and Katsuki, as well as their Quirks, motives and goals. All Might has a. My Hero Academia chapter 356 was released a few hours ago, much to the excitement of the fans. However, as of today, Endeavor started to changed as person while Ozai stayed as a horrible person. He abused his wife and children in this pursuit, eventually putting Rei in a mental hospital when she snapped from the abuse and ended up harming Shoto. Chronostasis | When Shoto was only five, Endeavor isolated him from his siblings so he could put him through a rigorous training regimen. Ever since Toya's death, Endeavor could not stop on achieving his goal and became obsessed on ensuring Shoto would be able to surpass him. Warriors: Geten | The stories contained within are fiction; they have been produced with the aim to spark discussion and creative insight which might challenge established thought. Following that night, Endeavor returns back home with Natsuo, where they are greeted by a heavily concerned Fuyumi, who learned that they had been attacked by a villain nearby the house. Skeptic | Professional hero.Leader of the Endeavor Agency. To his surprise, Shoto makes it clear to him he strives to be a hero inspired from All Might and that he is simply using Endeavor as a means to learn, having no intentions of fixing his relationship with him. Endeavor then prepares to charge towards Hood, ready to land the final hit. David Shield | There are some things which come with the job of being a Pro Hero. This week, Dabi is seen in a close-up, and her face is showing signs of wear. Though Hood continued to regenerate, his regeneration was eventually overwhelmed and Endeavor was able to finish him off with a Prominence Burn. Endeavor even stated that even though Shoto's flames have the potential to surpass his own, Shoto using his flames at full power is still dangerous, especially if he can't control them. This was seen when he forbade Shoto from interacting with them as a child. Slidin' Go | Two Heroes: Wolfram | Despite this, his competence at solving crimes and defeating villains is unquestioned, with Endeavor having dedicated his life to studying and training to attain the top spot of the Hero rankings. Mei Hatsume, Pro Heroes Both have a child who would get a burn scar on their left eye. Muscular | Combined with his Quirk and intellect, he is a very capable fighter that can achieve great feats. After the Paranormal Liberation War has concluded, Dabi's video had ruined Endeavor's reputation and turned society against heroes as a whole, with all the blame on the No. Endeavor agrees in which Shoto finds himself having to bring Izuku and Katsuki over to their place. If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Shikkui Makabe, Movies He had no interest in the title or the fame of the position, instead wanting to have earned it on merit and ability. Seitz has also voiced Jiren in Dragon Ball Super, Dio Brando in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and Franky in One Piece. Endeavor admitted that his son's abnormality would cause him to overheat, and things seemed to get out of hand one day when Toya erupted into flames. He went berserk and lost control of his quirk while training, consuming himself in his flames. His wife would often call him out on putting the young Shoto through such harsh training. Origin Minoru Mineta | one thing about treating burns is to never apply ice, iced water or anything cold to. Geten During the public event, the No. While Hawks focuses on rescuing the civilians from the building, Endeavor was able to free himself and attempt to finish off Hood once more, only for Hood to regenerate, looking amused. Tomura calls Gigantomachia towards him with the League of Villains in tow. The origins of his name are finally revealed here. So this first statement by Natsuo, could just be referring to Endeavor physically abusing Touya in training like he does Shouto. Robot | All the things he has done, his regrets, his redemption, and all the responsibility he carries on his shoulders have done nothing more than expose him as the weak person he truly is. Endeavor attempts to get in contact with his son, Shoto, to see how he's doing and to let him know about his secret technique, but Shoto had left all of his messages on read, causing to get frustrated. In other election cycles, previous administrations before now always found . -M-NUva. Mario Kugutsu | This amazing chapter came with a bunch of revelations and character growth for one of the most controversial Heroes in the series. When Shoto walked into the room, she snapped and threw boiling water in his face out of hatred for Endeavor. Around this time, Toya had supposedly perished in a flame that took place in Sekoto Hill, where Endeavor used to train him. X-Less | Because Toya lacked an ice Quirk to counter the effects of his flames, Rei suggested that Toya should have siblings by his side that would be able to support him, in which Endeavor agreed. Endeavor always tried to appear as an unbeatable and powerful Hero, but inside he was constantly aware of his own weakness. She had an ice Quirk, which was essential to Endeavor's goal and produced offspring with her, until his wife was able to give birth to the perfect child; Shoto Todoroki. His Quirk, Hellflame,allows him to produce and manipulate incredibly intense flames at will. "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Appearance Shoto is a relatively large and muscular young man who is built to his age. By the time Ace and Luffy have grown up, Shanks is one of the Emperors. Unfortunately, he is strong enough to suppress it again. Rogone | And, yes the new No. But that brief moment was enough for Endeavor to return to the fight, more determined than ever. Spending time with his family(currently). Dabi's Scar. This is the dawn of a new era for us. Goals It's up in the air IMO. He's extremely grateful to her daughter for everything she's tried to do to reunite their family, but despite this, he's come to the conclusion that his family would better off without him. A ll About Sam Carver, the Cocky New Recruit on Chicago Fire. Hawks reveals that he had sent an offer to his son, Shoto, but was glad he got to intern with Tokoyami instead, since his son failed the license exam. This ambition can be seen in how he ignores the rest of his children and focuses only on Shoto while preventing him from interacting with his siblings. Endeavor asks Shoto where he went and he replies that he was administering first aid for Ryukyu and the other injured heroes, and then cools his father with his ice so that Endeavor can cool his flames. His father is Endeavor, who is the No. By Megan Peters Daruma Ujiko | Afterwards, Endeavor got dressed for the night as he prepared himself to take his son and his friends back to their school dorm. Hellblaze is a dark and mysterious power connected to the Demon Clan. 2) Hero. With his dream taken away from him, Enji began to reflect on all of his past wrongdoings as a hero and a family man. Camie Utsushimi | How did endeavor get his scar? He fears that only those with well-off families can now hope to succeed -. But he is not done fighting against his weakness. Mustard | 0. He is the No. He is in the class of 1A of U.A. He managed to take High-End down with Hawks' help, and he recovered thanks to some help from Recovery Girl. Eraser Head | As this power also stopped his regenerative power on that spot, the wound never managed to fully heal back in accordance with his immortal regenerative power. He knows he is never going to be fully forgiven for all he has done and that he will never be like All Might, but he is not going to stop trying. Gigantomachia Though there's no proof of it, Hawks believes that someone is spreading propaganda to bring fear among the people. Sam Reid (born 19 February 1987) is an Australian actor. After his conversation while witnessing his son make up for his Hero License Exam, Endeavor has come to realize the error of his ways and plans to turn over a new leaf. He thinks about how the incident was just like how Toya was in mortal danger back when he was younger, and he's now reaping what he's sowed. Later, Shoto sends him a message about the technique, while Endeavor defeated a random thug and was annoyed by the timing. From that point on, Endeavor reunites with Fuyumi, as well as his son, Natsuo, and has dinner with everyone. Heavily injured, Endeavor continues to get back up and proceeds to chase down Hood. Feb 24, 2023. His ultimate goal was to prove himself the strongest, not caring about being the number one hero for the fame but more as proof that he was the strongest hero. 1 Hero, All Might. When Enji's children come in to check on him, he breaks down crying and apologizes to his children for everything he's done. Moonfish | Because of this, he is furious when he becomes the number one hero after All Might retires because he feels that all his efforts were wasted, since he only won the spot from a technicality and not because of his strength. Despite seemingly dead, Hood was still alive and landed a nasty wound on Endeavor's eye. HellflameEnhanced StrengthEnhanced SpeedEnhanced DurabilityKeen Intellect 1, after All Might retired from crime fighting. Despite their marriage being arranged, Rei was willing to be Endeavor's wife for the sake of her family. "Due to the severe injuries he sustained, Endeavor underwent surgery in addition to healing from Recovery Girl," the manga explains. Mina Ashido | Endeavor begins to teach his students the three basic fundamentals of a hero, that being rescue, evacuation and battle. Kota Izumi | Trumpet | Ending | Endeavor then leaves his house, stating to Fuyumi that he could have worded himself better to Natsuo. It's given to him by Blackbeard while still on Whitebeard's ship, as part of their crew. Answer (1 of 48): Shouto's scar occurred when his mother had what we may call a psychotic break; a mental breakdown in laymen's terms. He once used it to get information out of Naruto and his friends when they were teens, and he uses it again in Boruto. Endeavor & # x27 ; t the only Hero to have sustained scars on the.! 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