Avis offers convenient one-way rentals at attractive rates. In addition, purchase of any additional liability insurance is not necessary if your policy was issued in Minnesota unless you wish to have coverage for liability that exceeds the amount specified in your personal automobile insurance policy.=. Before deciding whether to purchase the waiver, you may wish to determine whether your own automobile insurance or credit card agreement provides you coverage for rental vehicle damage or loss and determine the amount of the deductible under your own insurance coverage. You may avoid this charge at time of return by providing a receipt for fuel purchased at which time the flat fee will be reversed from your total rental charges. For additional details, we invite you to examine a copy of the policy, which is available for, your inspection, upon request, at the Avis location at which you are renting. You authorize as our agent ATS, VMS or another agent we appoint to bill you directly to the credit/debit card you used to rent the car. This contract offers, for an additional charge, a collision damage waiver to cover your responsibility for damage to the vehicle. Before deciding whether to purchase the collision damage waiver, you may wish to determine whether your own automobile insurance affords you coverage for damage to the rental vehicle and the amount of the deductible under your own insurance coverage. Renter has read, understands and acknowledges this disclosure. Therefore, purchase of any collision damage waiver or similar insurance affected in this rental contract is not necessary. Avis assesses a $15.99 refueling fee ($16.99 in California) if you drive less than 75 miles and fail to show the rental agent your fuel receipt. 7. Changes to these Terms and Conditions will be posted as they occur on the Avis web site at www.Avis.com and will govern all rentals commencing after posting even if the terms provided at time of reserving the rental car are different. Most rentals come with a full tank of fuel, but that is not always the case. Your rental ends in {{rentalHistory.rentalEndsIn}} 23. The actual charge per day for LDW is stated on your Rental Contract, Rental Receipt or other documents which make up the Rental Agreement. Such changes will apply to rentals that you reserve after such notice has been given, as indicated by the date of such notice, if sent in written form, or the date such changes are posted on the Avis web site, which date will be indicated therein, without any requirement by you to sign the changed Terms and Conditions. A "manifest error", as the term is used in this paragraph, means, in relation to an incorrect price, a price quoted in error by Avis which is more than 15% less than the price that would have been quoted had the mistake not been made. Thanks! "Read the collision damage waiver disclosure provision contained in the Rental Agreement before signing this agreement. You agree to indemnify and hold us ATS, VMS and any other agent we authorize harmless for any such tickets, citations, fines, penalties, interest and administrative fees. Roadside assistance is available to all renters. You and authorized operators are covered while driving the rental car within the United States and Canada, but only if the car is rented and returned in the United States. Any change in the Rental Agreement or our rights must be in writing and signed by an authorized Avis officer. The purchase of collision damage waiver is not mandatory under this contract. Prohibited Use of the Car. responsibility limits, if any, provided under paragraph 21 of the Rental Agreement and the SLI maximum $2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence. Changes. Almost done! return location without our permission, you agree to pay the "Unauthorized return location fee" specified by us. If you accept the partial fuel service option at the beginning of your rental, you will be charged as shown on the Rental Contract for that purchase and you will pay a fuel service charge for any fuel not covered by the partial fuel service option. You rent from Avis the car described on the Rental Contract, which rental is solely a transfer of possession, and not of ownership. Return of Car: WARNING - Failure to return the car you rent in accordance with the terms of the Rental Agreement may result in a criminal penalty of up to 3 years in jail. Haven't seen the final bill yet. Further, if you use a credit card that provides coverage for your potential liability, you should check with the issuer to determine if you must first exhaust the coverage limits of your own insurance before the credit card coverage applies. Whether or not you accept Loss Damage Waiver, or if Loss Damage Waiver is not permitted, you are responsible for the loss or damage to the car that is caused by you or by an authorized additional driver through intentional or willful and wanton misconduct; driving while intoxicated or using drugs; participation in any organized or racing competition; transporting persons or property for hire; commission of a felony or an act that could be a felony; failure to complete an accident or theft report; use or operation by an unauthorized driver; violation of the terms of the Rental Agreement; operating off paved roads, use to push or tow something; or obtaining car through fraud or misrepresentation. 5. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the rental period and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are evidence of abandonment or refusal to redeliver the property, punishable in accordance with section 812.155, Florida Statutes. Youll pay any undercharges and youll receive a refund for any overcharges we discover on review. Any Prohibited Use of the Car as described in paragraph 14 of the Rental Agreement, Bodily injury to or Property Damage to any Insured; nor, to the extent permitted by law in the state where the Rental, Agreement is signed, to Bodily Injury or Property Damage to any person who is related to any Insured by blood, marriage. If you do not pay cash for tolls or the roadway does not accept cash payment, you automatically opt into our e-Toll service, pursuant to which you agree to pay us or our toll program administrator, with whom we will share your credit card/debit information, for all tolls incurred during your rental and all related fees, charges and penalties. 17. 6. The inspection must be completed within seven business days of the return date of the vehicle. You also agree that we or our collection agent(s) may access the personal information that you provided to us in any effort to collect any Charges or Costs under this section and may use the address provided by you on the Rental Contract, or in any customer profile, as the place to send any demands or collection notices. If the law of a jurisdiction covering this rental requires conditions on LDW that are different than the terms of the Rental Agreement, such as if your liability for ordinary negligence is limited by such law, that law prevails. If you intend to assert a claim against Avis, you must send the written notice of the claim to Attention: Avis Rent A Car System, LLC, 6 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, New Jersey, 07054 Attn: Legal Department. If Avis intends to assert a claim against you, we will send the written notice of the claim to you at your address appearing in our records. Maricopa County/Arena Fee - Maricopa County, Arizona requires all rental car companies collect a Short-Term Motor Vehicle Rental Surcharge of 3.25% of taxable rental charges, or $2.50 per rental, whichever is greater. If we provide you access to Satellite Radio based on your advance reservation, you will be charged for access whether or not you use this option. The e-Toll charges may take 4-8 weeks after the rental concludes to be billed to your credit card/debit card on file. Depending on the location, date, and/or vehicle: A one-time drop charge or mileage charge may be be added to the rental. Please update the terms and condition section to go to Avis Preferred status. With respect to rentals commencing in Texas, the Rental Agreement does not afford you, or any other driver, any insurance or protection against liability in those two states. LDW entails an additional charge. Data point: Picked up a car in Amarillo, plans changed, had to return it in Wichita. Arbitration procedures are simpler and more limited than rules applicable in court and review by a court is limited. 26. You understand that unless required by applicable law, we will not provide (a) coverage for fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages; (b) coverage for bodily injury to you, or your death while not a driver, or any member of your family or the drivers family related by blood, marriage or adoption residing with you or them; or the drivers family, or to a fellow employee arising out of or in the course of employment; (c) defense against any claim, unless we are required to provide primary protection, but in such event not after the applicable limits of protection that we furnish are tendered; (d) supplementary no fault, noncompulsory uninsured or under-insured motorist coverage, and any other optional or rejectable coverage, and you and we reject all such coverages to the extent permitted by law. Liability for any damage to the rental vehicle may be covered by your personal insurance policy or credit agreement. Contact Avis with customer service questions, lost item inquiries, rental agreement requests, and more. The purchase of this collision damage waiver is not mandatory and may be waived. If you do not accept SLI your. Loss Damage Waiver. In the case of a manifest error in which we permit you to keep your reservation, we reserve the right to require that you pay the difference between the quoted price and the correct price, as confirmed in writing by Avis after the manifest error has been discovered. Children under 8 years of age shall be properly seated in an installed infant, convertible (toddler) or booster child safety seat, according to the manufacturers instructions. Uninsured Motorist/Underinsured Motorist coverage are not provided by the policy except in states where mandated, by law up to maximum amount of $100,000 or in such amounts as mandated by law, No Fault and other supplemental or optional coverages are not provided by the policy, Punitive or exemplary damages to the extent permitted by law. (2) The damage occurs while you, or any authorized driver, operates the car in this state while under the influence of an intoxicant or other drug, as described by the laws of this state. You authorize us to release the rental and credit/debit card information regarding your rental to ATS Processing Services, LLC (ATS), Violation Management Services (VMS), or another agent we authorize to act on our behalf for the purpose of processing and billing you for any tickets, citations, fines and penalties incurred by you or assessed against us or the car during your rental plus a reasonable administrative fee not to exceed $50 per violation. Arbitration. The SLI coverage limits equal the difference between the minimum financial. Loss and damage are described in paragraph 13 below. Return of Car. This means that before your own policies would apply to pay a claim the $2,000,000 protection afforded by the combination of SLI, and financial responsibility limits under the Rental Agreement limits would have to be exhausted. 2. You agree that if the rental takes place at a location operated by an Avis System Licensee, any claim by you, including one that alleges unfair, deceptive or unconscionable conduct, your sole right and remedy is against that Avis System Licensee and not Avis Rent A Car System, LLC, its parent or any of its affiliated companies. The renter may be liable to Avis up to those amounts, and to injured persons for amounts awarded in excess of those amounts. remote lock/unlock, remote disable engine/cancel ignition, and automatically transmit vehicle data such as location, odometer, fuel level and other data during the rental; (ii) to manage your car rental e.g. Some one-way rentals are assessed a one-time drop charge or mileage charge in addition to the rental rate. LDW is optional. By proceeding to rent the car and sign this contract, you authorize the provision of the Communication System in accordance with and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement of the Communication System provider. Update. Liability Protection. (11) The damage is caused by an unauthorized driver if you did not report a theft to the police within 24 hours after you learned the unauthorized driver took possession of the car, did not cooperate with the police in providing information about the theft. Uses. Only {{vm.customerData.profCompStep}} steps to go between you and Avis Preferred status. service marks of the ACE Group, which is comprised of ACE Limited and its subsidiaries. All restrictions, conditions, and provisions of LDW are in Paragraph 13. Uninsured coverage protects you and other passengers in the car for losses and damages suffered if injury is caused by the negligence of a driver who does not have any insurance to pay for losses and damages. Renter has read, understands and acknowledges this disclosure. We are sorry, we are unable to retrieve your Upcoming Reservations currently. Who May Drive the Car. A damage waiver is not insurance coverage. National Car Rental offers flexible one-way car rental, which allows you to rent a vehicle at one location and return it to another one.. If you choose this option, you will not incur an additional fuel service charge, but you will not receive any credit for fuel left in the tank at the time of return. Where the law extends this protection to a non-Permitted Driver, the same limits apply. You should check with your insurance company, or credit card issuer, to find out about your coverage and the amount of the deductible, if any, for which you may be liable. The per gallon rate is used if you buy fuel during the rental and provide us with a receipt on our request, but the tank is not as full when you return the car as when you received the car (by using the factory installed gauge, rounded down to the nearest 1/8 tank), times the per-gallon rate shown on the Rental Contract. The cost of refueling the car yourself at a local service station may be lower than the fuel service charge or the fuel service option. You further agree that we have the unilateral right to change these Terms and Conditions from time to time either upon written notice to you, in paper or electronic form, or upon our posting such changes on the Avis web site. Use of GPS Tracking Devices. You can decline it. If the car is damaged, you will pay our estimated repair cost, or if, in our sole discretion, we determine to sell the car in its damaged condition, you will pay the difference between the cars retail fair market value before it was damaged and the sale proceeds, except in Canada or as otherwise required by law. {{features.value}} litres, Current Fuel Days, Your rental ends in {{rentalHistory.hoursInRental}} Notice: This contract offers, for an additional charge, a collision damage waiver to cover your responsibility for damage to the vehicle. Liability Protection. For Massachusetts drivers: If you have an automobile policy on your personal vehicle with coverage for collision, your policy will cover collision damage to a rental vehicle, less the deductible on your policy. If you elect to accept SLI for an additional daily charge as shown on the Rental Agreement. You are advised to carefully consider whether to sign this waiver if you have rental vehicle collision coverage provided by your credit card or collision insurance on your own vehicle. As the renter or signatory of this Agreement, you certify that you hold a valid drivers license for the appropriate class authorizing you to drive the car or cars described in the contract and you undertake to ensure that any person called upon to drive the said car or cars also holds a valid drivers license for the appropriate class pursuant to local law. Please update your credit card information. YOU AND AVIS AGREE THAT ANY SUCH ARBITRATION SHALL BE CONDUCTED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS AND NOT IN A CLASS, CONSOLIDATED OR REPRESENTATIVE ARBITRATION PROCEEDING. We do not provide the third party processor with your PII, unless authorized by you, necessary in connection with the provision of services provided through such third party, or required by law. We may charge separately for access to Satellite Radio as an optional accessory on the Rental Contract and the Rental Receipt. Travel partners: Avis works with a variety of hotels and airlines to let you earn rewards points for travel, including top-name hotels like Hilton, The Venetian and the MGM Grand. You are responsible for any loss or damage to the unit and its accessories regardless of cause even if you have accepted LDW or PEP. The minimum charge is one day (24 hours), To provide you services or in the course of our business operations, we may need to transfer your PII to locations outside of the country where you rented the car, and your PII may be subject to laws of other countries. Please choose a way to receive your verification code. . The maximum penalty for this offense is imprisonment for 2 years and a fine of not more than $150,000 for the first offense. Even if you buy the damage waiver, you and any authorized driver will remain liable for damage if any of the following apply: (1) Damage or loss caused intentionally, willfully or wantonly by an authorized driver; (2) Damage or loss occurring while an authorized driver operates the rental vehicle while legally intoxicated or under the influence of any illegal drug or chemical as defined or determined under the law of the state in which the damage occurred; (3) Damage or loss caused while an authorized driver is engaging in any speed contest; (4) Damage or loss caused while an authorized driver is using the vehicle to push or tow anything or using the vehicle to carry persons or property for hire, unless expressly authorized in the rental agreement; (5) Damage or loss incurred while an authorized driver is driving outside the United States or Canada, or, if state restrictions are imposed by the rental agreement if such damage or loss is incurred outside of those states where operation of the vehicle is expressly authorized in the rental agreement; (6) Damage or loss incurred while the vehicle is driven, with the renter's permission or accession, by anyone other than an authorized driver; (7) Damage or loss incurred after the private passenger automobile was rented or an authorized driver was approved as a result of fraudulent information provided to the rental company; (8) Damage or loss incurred as a result of commission of a felony by an authorized driver; and. What is Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI)? PLEASE READ THIS PROVISION CAREFULLY. Youll be responsible to us for claims by others for loss or damage caused by your property. Avis.com. You may limit the use and sharing of your PII for marketing purposes, and you may access or correct your PII. We may or may not grant an extension or decline to grant it for the entire period you request, in our sole discretion. Notwithstanding any provision in the Rental Agreement to the contrary, the parties agree that if Avis seeks to delete or materially modify the agreement to arbitrate from this dispute resolution provision, any such deletion or material modification will not apply to any individual claim(s) of which you have already provided notice to Avis. First offense days of the vehicle or credit Agreement a collision damage waiver to cover your responsibility damage! Card/Debit card on file or credit Agreement the location, date, and/or vehicle: a drop! 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