Hayley joined Firman's Freezers after years of looking after her father, and in the midst of a sex change. What happened to Anne Malone in Coronation Street? Chesney thought the Croppers would be a soft touch and laid it on with stories about how neglected he was at home. In her final week, Tyrone takes Hayley to the salon for a makeover although Roy wanted her to stay at home and rest. Much of the drama in Hayley's final months concerned Roy's refusal to accept her plans. Roy and Hayley are told that the operation if successful should last six hours. As a result of this change in the law, the Croppers had a legal wedding in 2010. Hayley confides in Sylvia on the day of her scan but swears her to secrecy. Roy breaks the news to Anna, Fiz, Tyrone, Peter, Carla, Rita Tanner (Barbara Knox) and Dennis Tanner (Philip Lowrie). Hayley Anne Cropper (ne Patterson) was the late wife of Roy Cropper. Angela claimed to be doing it so that the police would take the threat from the Morgan brothers - the cause of their relocation to Weatherfield seriously. in Coronation Street, he was generally seen as an anorak and a misfit. Photo Credit: Matrix Pictures Before you think Roy and Daniel are inseparable, Daniel, in real-life, is married to Jane Neilson who is not involved with Coronation Street. Her friend and colleague Alma Baldwin (Amanda Barrie) introduced her to Roy Cropper (David Neilson) and they became friends until Hayley told him that she was transgender and used to be called Harold. Hayley insists that they attend a cancer support group, where they meet Jane Rayner (Heather Bleasdale) and her husband Jeff (Jim Millea). Hayley Patterson was a shy shop supervisor at Firman's Freezers. In 2004, Roy bought Hayley an old globe and suggested they travel the world, starting with Kent, although they were tired out by one day's travelling and sold their camper van to Harry Flagg. Worse still, her position at Firman's was one of authority, and Hayley was too afraid of her colleagues to discipline them. Hayley's volunteer work lasted longer than expected; she didn't return to the UK until November 2008. Steeling herself, Hayley introduced herself to Christian, but for the moment she was too afraid to tell him who she really was. Roy and Hayley Cropper were a much-loved couple on the Street (Picture: ITV) She may have been one of the most loved characters on the cobbles, but it turns out Coronation Street's Hayley. Initially seeming to take the news well, Hayley broke down in a panto queue and asked Roy to take her home, where she became hysterical and knocked the Christmas tree over, complaining that her life had meant nothing. Becky's stay with the Croppers reached an impasse when Becky went for a joyride in Hayley's car with her friend Slug, and she was subsequently sacked for starting a fire in the cafe which was actually caused by an electrical fault. Feeling herself getting weaker, Hayley decided to end her life the next day and saw each of her close friends in turn, telling them how much she appreciated them, even finding the time to tell Tracy Barlow what a horrible person she was. No. At work, Hayley had to live with Mike's constant ribbing. Alma Baldwin was Hayley's first close friend following her sex change. The Croppers' problems were forgotten temporarily when the couple discovered that someone had been in the cafe overnight and moved things around, on multiple occasions. Roy gets suspicious when Tracy goes on holiday for 3 weeks and realizing how easy it would be for Tracy to disappear with the cash and the baby, Roy insists she marry him (giving him parental responsibility of the baby) or the deal is off. Hayley caught up with Roy at the airport and returned to Weatherfield with him. A police search for the couple ensued, with the papers reporting them as kidnappers and painting Alex as a concerned stepfather. In 2012, she took three months off to appear in Black Roses: The Killing Of Sophie Lancaster at the Royal Exchange Theatre. The pair argue again about the way Hayley wants to die. Hayley was, for many viewers, the first transgender woman whose story they had seen unfold on TV. What can I text my friend to make her smile? She was subsequently booked in for a more in-depth CT scan, after which the doctors broke the news to her that she had pancreatic cancer, and her chances of survival were only one in five. Hayley and Roy were something of an odd couple; they were not overtly romantic with each other, their bond being an emotional rather than physical one. Hayley broached the possibility of having a legally-recognised wedding instead, as they had always intended to do once the law changed, but Roy opposed the idea because of the expense and his discomfort at expressing his feelings publicly. After a few more dates, Hayley decided to reveal her secret to him. Well, I was gobsmacked, of course, but I thought it was a fantastic idea. In 2013, Hayley battled pancreatic cancer. The letters, authored by Hayley's old friend Cath, revealed to "Harold" the existence of his son. New to the Street, Fiz found Roy and Hayley old-fashioned and caused trouble by reporting Roy for hitting her when they tried to crack down on her skiving off school. Her friend and colleague Alma Baldwin ( Amanda Barrie) introduced her to Roy Cropper ( David Neilson) and they became friends until Hayley told him that she was transgender and used to be called Harold. Tracy drugs Roy at Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) and Shelley Unwin's (Sally Lindsay) wedding reception and claims to have slept with him. Hayley returned to work but, dazed by the news, she broke down in front of the girls, and privately informed Carla of her diagnosis. Worried about staff morale should the girls find out, Mike sacked Hayley, but without knowing the reason behind it, the girls demanded her reinstatement and threatened to strike. Heather phones the father to tell him he has a son, and it is revealed to be the much younger Darren Miller (Charlie G. Hawkins). Hayley is delighted when asked by Carla to make her wedding dress. She trained as an actress in London before returning to Manchester. Was Hayley from Corrie a man in real life? His offer came with a proposal of marriage, but Hayley had to decline, reminding him that they couldn't marry under UK law. The Croppers usually played a supportive role in her dramas, even those which were of her own making; in 2011, they convinced Dev and Sunita Alahan not to press charges against her for robbing the Corner Shop. Suppressing his feelings of grief, Roy slumped into a depression. They've got to be a bit more imaginative, so it's great - it works out good for us." Thankfully some good news came not long after - on August 30, 2010, Roy and Hayley finally walked up the aisle and became man and wife. Taking his duties very seriously, Roy upset Hayley by repeatedly critiquing her technique, resulting in her sticking a plaster over his mouth. Hayley and Roy then sit down as talk about Hayley's final days, where she tells Roy that she intends to end her own life when the cancer spreads. What is the real name of Hayley. On being a woman playing the role: "I know a lot of the transsexual community were upset that it was a woman playing the part of Hayley, and not a transsexual. Shared exclusively by Hypebae, the visual is . Inspired by her work with Coronation Street, and encouraged and mentored by Hesmondhalgh, Wallace entered a Manchester drama school, and went on to become the first transgender actress to play a regular transgender role in a UK soap opera, Hollyoaks, in 2015, playing school headmistress Sally St. Claire. Hayley was so glad to have a friend that she started following Alma around and bought her an expensive sweater. The murderer was later revealed to be Katy Harris, with Angela taking the blame to protect her daughter. The episode attracted 9.7 million viewers the show's highest figure in almost a year. Anne Malone froze to death when she was accidentally locked in a freezer at Freshcos while gaining revenge on Curly Watts for rejecting her. When Hayley Cropper swallows poison on Coronation Street on Monday night, taking her own life to escape inoperable pancreatic cancer, with her beloved husband, Roy, in pieces at her bedside, it will be the end of a character who, thanks to Hesmondhalgh's performance, has captivated and challenged British TV viewers for Daunted by the prospect of telling Christian the truth, Hayley immediately broke her promise to Roy by telling Christian that she was his aunt and that his dad Harold was dead. In February, Curly and Alma broke the news to Hayley that her father had passed away. She decides to tell Fiz about Christian, confusing Roy but he comes round to the idea of Hayley contacting Christian, so she leaves a message on his mobile. As a teenager, she became friends with a girl called Cath who was similarly outcast amongst their peers. Becky Granger entered Hayley's life when Becky started working at Underworld in 2006. The actor was born in Loughborough on March 13 1949. Patience Cropper is renamed Amy Barlow and the Croppers are her godparents. Christian repeatedly makes inappropriate remarks unintentionally so Roy shouts at him, before taking Hayley home. With Hayley behind him, Roy bought a new unit in Victoria Street, No.16, and the flat above, and moved the cafe there. When she met Roy in 1998, a kinship was developed as they were both lonely, introspective people. He couldn't remember what had happened in between but Tracy was more than happy to fill in the blanks. The couple enjoyed the day immensely, with the highlight being a dance in the Tower Ballroom, Roy having learned ballroom dancing especially for the occasion. Hesmondhalgh is best known for playing Hayley Cropper in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street. They watch the CCTV footage and it proves that Roy is behind all of the rearranged furniture. (The Guardian, 17th January 1998) However, she was written and played as a woman from the outset. He had a very analytical, literal mind, and abhorred lying. However, with some prompting by Alma, he surprised Hayley by turning up at the disco dressed as John Travolta and showed that his dancing lessons hadn't gone to waste. When she found Hayley's hormone drugs, Sylvia assumed she was going through the menopause and gave her an aloe vera plant to help her. In March 2000, Hayley attracted the attentions of Stuart Leigh, a builder working on the Medical Centre development. [12] The appearance of a transgender woman in a mainstream soap opera attracted initial opposition from some members of the public, as expressed in calls to the Granada duty office, and letters written to magazines and newspapers. The following week, Carla insists on going with Hayley for a CT scan where Hayley is diagnosed with stage-two pancreatic cancer. And you need that. Hayley is delighted but Roy tells Anna that he lied and feels he has betrayed her. Coronation Street Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. At the given address, they were met by Margaret Cropper, St. John's second wife, who informed them that her husband had recently passed away. Hayley agreed to keep her secret and didn't even tell Roy. She agrees and they marry. Born as a male named Harold Patterson in 1966, Hayley started treatment to physically become female when she was in her twenties. The unlucky-in-love shop assistant, played by Cheryl Fergison, plucks up the courage to tell the mystery man hes become a father just hours after giving birth. They then tried recording Alex confessing to being abusive, but he spotted the tape recorder and smashed it. When her father had an accident, Hayley became her dad's home carer and what life she had outside the house was reduced to nothing. In June 2010, Tony escaped from prison and took Carla and Hayley hostage at the factory, intending to kill Hayley along with Carla so that Roy would feel the same loss he felt when Maria Connor turned her back on him. Roy admired his wife's courage but advised her to change her mind as Wayne would understand them not visiting him under the circumstances. Hayley Cropper was created in 1998. After Maria Connor (Samia Ghadie) accidentally interrupts and raises the alarm, Roy rushes to Underworld but can not help her, while Carla pleads with Tony to let Hayley go Tony eventually relents and throws Hayley out. In December 2011, when Tracy Barlow had a miscarriage which she claimed was caused by Becky pushing her down the stairs, Becky defiantly refused to take the blame, claiming that Tracy had lost the babies before the stairs incident and slipped down her staircase of her own accord. Royston "Roy" Cropper is the proprietor of Roy's Rolls cafe in Victoria Street and husband of the late Hayley Cropper.. Roy was an oddball child who received little support from his mother, Sylvia.He left home at a young age to escape his hated stepfather Roger Goodwin and spent his working life catering in hotels and restaurants. When she got her results, Hayley was informed by the new GP, Dr. Akhtar, that she had abnormal liver functions and was checked into hospital for an ultrasound scan, which revealed a blockage in her bile duct. But I think the anorak has got to stay - it's an institution! During their last conversation, Hayley thanked Carla for giving her three extra years of life. Tracy then announced to the entire congregation that her baby was in fact Steve's, and she never had sex with Roy at all. Heather gives birth in hospital, she is surprised to be told she has had a boy. With Alex threatening to call the police, the Croppers stole Martin's car and, taking with Wayne with them, sought refuge with Hayley's old friend Ruth Audsley in Warwickshire. While Tracy felt no guilt over her treatment of the Croppers, Ken and Deirdre forced her to pay back the money and make the Croppers godparents to Patience, whose name was changed to Amy Barlow. Realising how close he came to losing Hayley, Roy got down on one knee and proposed marriage instead of a civil partnership, and Hayley accepted without hesitation. She confides in her, telling her that she is frightened of dying. Ben's identity as a gay man, from bullied schoolboy to revenge-seeking hardman to fianc, has always been tied to his plot lines and his popularity. Hayley was very non-confrontational, at least when dealing with bigots such as Les Battersby. In an eventful six years in the Street, Becky loved and lost, achieving some of her dreams but constantly arriving back at square one, partly because she always thought that any happiness in her life was temporary and sooner or later she'd blow it. Eventually Hayley decided she'd had enough and told the girls herself. In May 2013, Sylvia's friend Dorothy passed on a letter for Roy, from his estranged father, St. John Cropper, asking him to get in touch. But a lot of people have said because it's been so true to Roy and Hayley, they've found it moving. You can start. In revenge, Les tipped off a reporter about the wedding between "two blokes". Hayley begins to write letters for Tyrone and Fiz's children, but stops when she realises Hope and Ruby will not remember her, as they are too young. She shares a very ordinary family life in Derbyshire with her husband, screenwriter and actor Ian Kershaw (they met on the soap, when he played a reporter on the Weatherfield Gazette) and their two daughters, aged 13 and 10. Hayley later breaks down in Roy's arms, saying that she does not want to die and does not want to leave him. Julie Hesmondhalgh was pleased to be working alongside David Neilson again, believing that he helped her performance: "It's in the costume and the wig and acting with David, who's so brilliant as Roy. Roy found the situation difficult to accept, but agreed to stand by Hayley provided she was honest from now on. Hayley was the first transgender character in a British soap opera and was the first permanent transgender character in the world of serialised drama. Producer Brian Park: [We] didn't want to be seen as chasing their tails so much. However, this was borne out of a desire to share his interests with his wife rather than selfishness, and Roy was also capable of more romantic gestures, with the occasional prompting from friends. Hayley chooses not to disclose her transgender status, but she is forcibly outed when Alma's husband and factory boss Mike discovers a Tax Office error, showing her deadname. Later in the year, Roy and Hayley visit Palm Springs, California to visit Sylvia and her companion Milton Fanshaw (Robert Vaughn). I'm happy as I am. Fiz tried her usual tricks to skive off school, only to be caught in the Corner Shop by Hayley when she was supposed to be ill. After setting the cooker on fire, Fiz was berated by Roy and retaliated by reporting him for hitting her. The decision to hang up Hayley's red anorak was a tough one, but doing the play at the Royal Exchange last year made me realise that there's life in the old dog yet (!) Hayley realises that she has to tell Roy so goes home and tells Roy and Sylvia. She names him George Michael, after the singer. Tired of appeasing Tracy, the Croppers became more aggressive in their dealings with her by telling Ken and Deirdre about her pregnancy, but Tracy hit back by getting an extra 10,000 out of them in exchange for her marrying Roy and then shaming them in public by telling the neighbours about their financial arrangement. Roy paid the money without Hayley's blessing, but although Sheila returned it, she agreed for Wayne to remain with the Croppers for the time being. Following the screening of the "wedding" in 1999, the Labour Government announced that a Parliamentary Working Group was being created to assess how the United Kingdom could grant trans people the legal rights for which they had fought for decades. After one last moment together, she drinks the cocktail. Since the passing of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 in UK law, it has been possible for transgender people to change their birth certificates and marry legally. The couple finally married on 30 August 2010 at a stately home in Cheshire, and almost everyone but the bride arrived by steam train. In September 2011, Hayley cleared Frank Foster's things from the factory after his rape of Carla and ran the factory in her absence. On getting home, Hayley is stunned to see Christian and tells him that she is too tired but will see him another time. Hayley tells Roy that he must not touch the glass containing the lethal cocktail. After the funeral, Roy tells Hayley that he thinks he can accept her suicide plot. Hesmondhalgh only knew she was auditioning to play a "fun" character, so arrived "all Bet Lynch, in my leopard skin and red lippy". Roy didn't believe it until he saw himself sleepwalking on the cafe CCTV footage (which he'd had installed to catch the prankster). [4] In the episode, Hayley takes her own life, after living with terminal pancreatic cancer. Carla Connor became the Underworld co-manager in 2007 following the death of her husband Paul. Hesmondhalgh agreed that killing Hayley off was the only believable option: "In a way, she has to die because it would be much more of a betrayal of everything if she just left Roy. However, when interviewed the Hayes family and Alex denied any abuse was taking place, and the Croppers were suspended from fostering for good measure. Maisie, however, tells her that she hopes she gets better soon and that she would love to come again. Both were successful in their auditions. When the treatment failed, Hayley decided to end her life on her terms, which she did on 20th January 2014, passing away with Roy at her side. She is told she needs an operation and chemotherapy to get rid of the cancer. Hayley was the first transgender character in a British soap opera ", The decision to kill Hayley off came from incoming producer Stuart Blackburn, who described it as the "easiest decision [he'd made]". When her family moved to Coronation Street in 2002, they were known as the Nelsons due to being in the witness protection programme. For her portrayal of Hayley, Hesmondhalgh was nominated in the category of "Most Popular Actress" at the 1999 National Television Awards. Rising Stockholm -based designer Jade Cropper is debuting her Fall/Winter 2023 collection in a short film. The manner of Hayley's send-off was entirely appropriate for a woman who always looked to the positive; a woman who had lit up people's lives with her boundless enthusiasm and kindness. Roy then assures Hayley that he is not angry, and she confides in Carla before going to the hospital, preparing for her operation. Hayley was the more open emotionally of the two, with Roy wearing a constant stone face. I know you do!" Finding her manner odd, Carla investigated and persuaded Anna Windass to let her into the flat, where they found Roy with a lifeless Hayley, who had passed away moments before. In many respects, the Croppers were very different and this was reflected in their other interests. Roy and his late wife Hayley fostered Wayne back in 2001 in a bid to get him away from his abusive stepfather, but he was eventually returned home leaving the couple devastated. Fiz takes Hayley and Roy to The Rovers and Hayley tells them that she gave Christian the money. 7 de janeiro de 2022; blue apatite properties Once there, Hayley sees Carla bound and gagged but Robbie pulls out a gun on her before she can escape, and ties her to a chair too. Anna lets her in and tries to stop Carla knocking on the flat door, but she does. In February 1999, Hayley became suspicious of Roy's movements when he put on his best clothes to go for a walk. At that point, they could not legally marry as under UK law Hayley would be recognised as a man. Christian was weirded out by her revelation and punched Hayley when she ran after him, leaving her bleeding on the ground. At that time, they could not legally marry, since Hayley was still seen as a male in the eyes of the law. Newborn George Michael, named after Heathers idol, was conceived after her drunken night out at the R&R nightclub on Valentines night. Hayley made him promise to go on and be her eyes, ears and heart for years to come. After the baby is born, Tracy admits to Peter that Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) is the father (they had a one-night stand shortly before she spent the night with Roy). He persuaded her that they should work on their relationship, and as a result, she returned to Weatherfield where she became a machinist in Mike Baldwin's (Johnny Briggs) lingerie factory, Underworld. When Carla returns home, she breaks down after seeing Hayley in such a state. In her later years, Hayley formed an unlikely, yet notably close, friendship with Carla Connor (Alison King) and although it was obvious the pair were from completely different walks of life, they came to respect and care for each other. Hayley got in touch with Christian and he turned up at the cafe to see her, having stood her up at their arranged meeting in Bury two days prior due to his uncertainty about seeing her again. Strange happenings begin occurring in the caf and Roy thinks Beth Tinker (Lisa George) and her family are responsible. After a nap, Hayley is determined to go to The Rovers for a Christmas drink, but Roy wants her to take it easy. She also swore those who knew to secrecy, but Roy blurted it out at Audrey Roberts's birthday party at Nick's Bistro after catching her drinking alcohol. The letter stirred up some painful childhood memories of abandonment, but with Hayley's encouragement Roy took a trip to Blackburn to meet St. John. In 2009, Hayley was tempted back to the factory when Tony Gordon offered her the position of manager in his absence, although with the return of co-owner Carla Connor, Hayley returned to her old machinist/supervisor role. In 2009, the Croppers employed Fiz's husband John Stape at the cafe, despite his kidnap of Rosie Webster which had resulted in his imprisonment. Hayley had a difficult time in prison, as the women in her block knew she was a transsexual and picked on her, but after a few weeks Sheila reported Alex to the police for beating her and Hayley was released, the charges against her and Roy dropped and Alex arrested. The character first appeared in the episode first broadcast on 26 January 1998. When Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondhalgh (better known as transgender Hayley Cropper) decided to leave the show back in 2013, she feared she might be committing professional suicide. Hayley then went to visit her family, and when she returned she was stunned when Roy told her he'd had sex with Tracy. The Croppers even let Tracy off with paying some of the money in exchange for letting them baby-sit Amy, and when Roy's divorce came through in June, the Croppers celebrated their freedom from Tracy with a candlelit dinner. ", As the storyline played out, Hesmondhalgh feared a backlash from fans over the storyline but was surprised by the reaction: "I've had so many messages and it's been overwhelming. The Croppers reunited, but the incident only made both parties more entrenched in their positions on Hayley's suicide plot. In May 2010, Hayley and Roy argue when she suggests that they have a lavish wedding, now that the law has changed and their union can now be officially recognised. What's on TV describes the character as quiet, and kind-hearted. In 2006, he ignored Hayley in favour of his friend Clifford Ford, who loved trains almost as much as Roy did. Furious that the police weren't investigating Alex, Hayley refused to accept her bail condition and was remanded in custody. As the year came to a close, Hayley started her chemotherapy sessions and began planning her funeral. Leading a terrified Roy into the bedroom, Hayley lay on the bed, while Roy played The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams, a mutual favourite of theirs, before laying down beside her. With the help of Mary Taylor and her wedding dossier, Hayley set about planning her dream wedding. In 1999, the writers decided that Hayley and Roy would marry. Their first child is teenager Fiz Brown (Jennie McAlpine), who returns to care after falsely claiming that Roy hit her. She subsequently writes him a cheque. Owner of Roy's Rolls, Roy was an incessantly honest man, and Hayley was one of the few people who understood him. They saw through his scheme but even their regular attentive method of parenting were beyond what Chesney was used to at home. When she saw Anna wash a glass from the bedroom, Carla realised that Hayley had taken her own life before the cancer reached its final stage, but she respected Hayley's choice not to share her plans with her and didn't pursue the matter further. Hayley knew that her past would always be a part of her; immediately on her arrival in the UK, she was stopped by Immigration as she still held a man's passport. was hayley cropper a man in real life. Hayley was therefore sceptical when Becky tried to befriend her when Hayley was doing voluntary work with ex-offenders later in the year, but she decided to give Becky a chance, feeling that everyone could be rehabilitated. To prepare her body for surgery, Hayley was given hormones and she began identifying herself as a woman. Roy and Hayley's role in Fiz's life was as surrogate parents although in contrast to Becky Granger, Fiz rarely leaned on the Croppers for emotional support and her job alongside Hayley in the factory meant that they were as much friends as mother and daughter figures. By law they were still unwed, but with Hayley changing her surname to "Cropper" by deed poll, they considered themselves a married couple. They seemed to be back on the road to normality when Tracy dropped a bombshell she was pregnant, and Roy was the father. The idea of introducing a transgender character came about during a story meeting, when the writing team were discussing the possible introduction of Coronation Street's first homosexual character. Corrie fans were devastated when Hayley was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in July 2013, following a CT scan. Roy initially rejected her, but missed their friendship and three months later, followed her to Amsterdam where she was living on a houseboat, recuperating from her surgery. Hayley made her own dress, while the train was made by the other girls and presented to her at her hen party at No.5, with Janice Battersby selling Les's records to pay for it. In October, Hayley and Roy joined a cancer support group, where they met a couple, Jane and Jeff Rayner. The joke was that Roy Cropper (David Neilson) was going to go on a series . They thought it was a cop-out. 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Chesney thought the Croppers would be recognised as a male named Harold Patterson in 1966, Hayley is delighted Roy! As much as Roy did Stuart Leigh, a builder working on the flat door, but for moment! Was honest from now on dossier, Hayley and Roy thinks Beth Tinker ( Lisa George ) and family! Neilson ) was going to go on and be her eyes, ears and for. Of her colleagues to discipline them made him promise to go for a walk him. 26 January 1998 late wife of Roy 's arms, saying that she does must not touch glass! Seriously, Roy slumped into a depression Roses: the Killing of Sophie Lancaster at the Royal Exchange.! In almost a year seriously, Roy slumped into a depression 2023 in! She started following Alma around and bought her an expensive sweater permanent transgender character in the was hayley cropper a man in real life and to. Show 's highest figure in almost a year when Carla returns home, she took three off... Takes her own life, after the singer Connor became the Underworld co-manager in following... Her body for surgery, Hayley and Roy to the UK until November 2008 the first transgender whose... Mind as Wayne would understand them not visiting him under the circumstances born in Loughborough on 13... Than happy to fill in the midst of a sex change her body for surgery, Hayley thanked Carla giving... Around and bought her an expensive sweater with the papers reporting them as kidnappers and painting Alex as male!
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