Jake Adelstein's wife, relatives, and kids, Tsukumo Sana: Who Was She Before Hololive? Why anyone would want to listen to the tape of his being killed I will never understand. So eating chef boy r dee wearing his oakley sunglasses and north face garb along with 3k dollar camera his satallite phone i mean i just dont no? Palovak, Jewel. He probably had a de-ja-vu feeling of inevitability. Ranger Ellis also has park dispatch report the incident to King Salmon State Troopers as well as Alaska Fish and Game, requesting that troopers meet the park rescue team at Kaflia Lake near Tim and Amies camp. If Amie had remained quiet, I doubt that the bear would have returned to her, which would have given her enough time to back away and get to the beach, where she could have hidden until the next day when Willy Fulton was expected to arrive, but when faced with the horrors she had just witnessed, who can blame her for losing her mind and screaming. To make this guy out to be a true conservationist is an insult to those knowledgeable rangers, hunters, sportsmen, etc that understand that these bears are wild animals that cannot be truly humanly domesticated and trusted as by there very nature have animal instincts that will ultimately prevail. Knowing this, I think Amie was #1: Reluctant to leave the tent and approach and attack the bear that was on Tim right from the start of the attack and #2: Not knowledgeable enough about bears herself to know that this was not a typical bear encounter, and that once she was able to push the bear away and had moved over to Tim, that she needed to fight back aggressively to keep the bear from returning, and once the bear tested her and she ran or moved away from Tim, that this triggered a predatory instinct in the bear to protect its kill, and dragged Tim away to a safer location. Is the reason why we can hear drops of rain on the tent, wind through the treetops, bear growling and bones cracking or fracturing. I agree that after his death he is to blame for the two subsequent bear's deaths but it seems that something is going on here that raises questions. Tim knew he was going to die at this point and wanted to save Amie from the same fate. Tim also writes in his diary that Amie believes he is hell bent on destruction and that this will be her last season in Alaska with him, leaving him for good, and that she was looking forward to starting a new job and desperate to return to California. Why did the bear's preditory instinct never take over and why is this owner still given two more cubs to rear and train while Treadwell is heavily criticized for doing far less harm, it seems WHILE he is alive. Again, such a great read! 2004, On camera interview: Grizzly Man Movie. (Herrero 1985, et al). But Treadwell was a fool. Although Im sure the (genuine) audio recording is far more traumatizing to hear, selfishly tonight, Im relieved to learn that the one I heard is most likely a fake. As Tim leaves the tent, investigators believe that Amie instinctively turns the camera on, possibly as her message in a bottle, and then asks Tim if the bear is still out there, and almost immediately the bear attacks. Camping where they did, not following advice. Also, with this article penned by "Administrator" this limits the help you can be for those of us who wish to continue to learn more about (and learn from) this sad event. Im not sure the cause or timeline, but it seemed rather obvious to me that this guy wasnt playing with a full deck. The Pioneer awoke in the middle of the night to his horses screaming in the barn. Well Written and the Closest Article to the Truth I think that is Out There, Bear #141 was the bear Tim called "Quincy the Bear", The Horror Tree PresentsAn Interview with Marcus James. In video footage recovered from the camp, there was at least some video taken days or hours earlier, showing Amie sitting on the ground as a large bear sits behind her within 10 feet. Son u obviously ain't never been to Alaska cause your dead wrong dead dead dead wrong u can carry a gun. Tim was a poser a phony sure not what he wanted to be but thats what he became. I used to be a cop and Tim lived in my sector. A sober recount of what might have happened. Nope, No Sympathy for HIM. One other thought came to mind after a short conversation with a Yellowstone biologist who is also interested in this story. Thanks for an enlightening read! He made it out here a long time before they (the bears) got him. Having the presence of mind to turn a camera on with a bear just outside of a thin tent wall could only come from repetition, from someone who had done it many times. Almost from the start, National Park Service officials worried about Tims behavior. Without discussion. Go Away! Timothy seemed like a very misguided man, thinking that this was his life mission, totally detached from society. Ranger Ellis then states that he perceived that the bear was well aware of their presence and was stalking them. Nikki catsouras autopsy photos wallpapers (Nikki catsouras autopsy photos wallpapers). 2005, Trapped: The Life Of Timothy Treadwell; A Cry For Help, Schullery, Paul. The coastal version referred to in Alaska as brown bears (ursus arctos), most of whom would weigh in excess of 1000 pounds. Sadly his actions caused his death and Amie his girlfriend. This is a work in progress. There is an old Pioneer story about one of the original pioneering families on Afognak, (island next to Kodiak). A six-minute recording of the bear mauling two of them was also found on the video camera that was recovered from the location of their dead bodies. LOL.Even dumber, I checked out of the hospital with the bullet resting on my aorta, went to the airport bar, had a few rum and cokes for the developing pain of the hematoma, then took a 9-hour flight to New York.The bullet finally traveled last year and a doctor removed it during surgery on my shoulder. How many times have each of seen a dog take the food and go away a short distance, where it feels safer? Rare in itself. They simply work bt far best, by far. Can that be found online? Am I the only one who thinks releasing the tape would probably help discourage other lunatics? He assumed the risk of putting himself in the worst possible situation (hungry bears already late to start hibernating for the winter and scarce food to be found). Poor amy i wish i could have saved her. Feel sad for his girlfriend thought, seems to me he dragged her to that life. Your voice is beautiful! An excellent, top-notch job, bravo & thank you! Lastly some may say whats up with me? Jewel Palovak also states in her interview, that Tim was working with the park service, providing them with information on boat traffic, weather and other data collected. 1st Off- Kudos to whomever wrote this- you did a truly bang up job of being objectively critical of a difficult story because of all the publicity already surrounding it. If this were true, then we would have hundreds, possibly even thousands of bears hunting humans each year, which is just not the case and has been an argument made since the early 1960s when bears were first trapped and studied. Anyways thank you to the writer for not being like everyone else . You don't skimp on the tough issues either. Telling his closest friends the bears and fox he loved them. Van Daele, Larry. The term Brown Bear is the more correct and scientific use for the specie. At 4:26 pm the team arrive at the lake, and ranger Ellis conducts a quick interview with Willy Fulton. Willy Fulton Amie Lynn Huguenard was Timothy Treadwell's constant companion on his final three trips to visit the grizzly bears in Alaska's Katmai National Park. I took a picture of him holding a water jug that was crushed by a bear. (Emery 2003), Emery goes on to say that Tim was camping near the coast and was nearly out of water, although a freshwater stream was nearby. I agree about his GF, tho, it's a shame someones genuine and innocent Affection was used to place her in such insane Danger. Not surprising the fox followed his every step. (Van Daele 2004). It could be as simple as; Being in the wrong place at the wrong time. God rest his soul and his girlfriend too. He seems a man who felt betrayed the people who meant the most to him and his stubborn pride made him seek out love and acceptance from a source that wouldn't judge him. I never forgot it since I first read it over 15 yrs ago - everything you wrote, in such detail, is sanely deductive, intelligent, thoughtful & totally haunting. Buuutthis is America, no bear spray, no heavy tools, nothing. Six minutes of audio recorded during the attack were subsequently found on the couple's . The bear keeps its distance, and when it appears that this will be like any other encounter, Tim decides to tape at least the audio portion for use in future presentations, yelling out to Amie to turn the camera on, which startles the bear, who had been still up to this point, and triggers the attack. Commercial aircraft fly over the polar bear habitat so chartered planes (or ships) could drop animal carcuses over the region until we can figure out how to cool our planet down to re-form the sea ice. I am impressed with your work. He lived with the grizzly bears of Katmai . And don't understand, at all, the play dead, since if unable to discern female or male, and even if they could, these were brown and not black bears, so any cubs won't be safe up in the tree, meaning mom is going to eliminate any perceived threat by finishing you off, and then back to her cubs (brown bear likely leaves back to her cubs as soon as no perceived threat, so with mom black bear, by all means, play dead if you can't slowly back away.Next, you are rather likely right in the one respect. Treadwell was, and did, none of these. Im gonna give it another listen now that you cleared this out, and put more focus into my original skepticism about the distances from the microphone to see what else i notice. During this last season, Tim had also hid and camouflaged his camp at the grizzly maze within the thick alder brush in an effort to hide from the Park Service, due to a new rule imposed by the park service which required all backcountry campers to move their camp at least 1 mile every 5 days. Who, even though horrified at the sights and sounds of Tim being eaten alive, stayed with a man she knew was hell bent on destruction, overcoming her fear and fought a thousand pound grizzly bear with nothing more than a frying pan for at least 6 minutes in an attempt to save her friend and lover Tim Treadwell. He goes on and on about "wishing he was gay", as "it would be so much easier"anyone watching the doc and watching and listening to him had to be thinking, "who are you kidding? Pretty sure that is more your hang up than his. Tim exposed the bears appearing on tv may have even given hunters all over america the idea to hunt the 160 bears the PS allows to be killed in katmi and kodiak. To me what he was doing had very little to do with protecting the bears, but a big publicity stunt to get attention he couldn't get as an actor.I put a lot of the blame on the Park Service for Tim's death. In the last few minutes of the film, we see Tim walking across the tidal flats with two red fox following close behind. (Epping 2003, pg 13), Earlier on that same day Tim phoned his pilot friend Willy Fulton to fly his float plane in to pick them up on the beach the following afternoon. I doubt he would have wanted to see a bear killed but his actions alone created that chaos. Sleep well Tim and Aimee. I think Treadwell wanted to be anything but Treadwell.Treadwell (like all radical environmentalists) may not have suffered from a low IQ but he was highly naive, extremely selfish with a big ego.In closing; were all going to meet the same ultimate fate, we will die. LOVE ?? Not only that, but there are clues hidden in his childhood. Covid-19: The Greatest Crime In History Exposed! As a person who grew up in Calgary, we are taught from an early age that bears are not your friends. Despite his cavalier approach to the bears, he knew they could kill him, and at one point in Grizzly Man, you hear him say how terrified he was of being attacked by a bear. (Liggett 2003), Liggett applauded the fact that Treadwell was winning fans for the bears, and was being more careful to warn people not to attempt what he did, but she and other park officials were afraid that one swipe of a paw would undo all that and result in a frenzy of stories about fearsome, people-eating grizzlies. Timothy was clearly INSANE. Self-styled bear expert Timothy Treadwell and innocent victim Amie Huguenard died in the jaws of an Alaskan bear. Dear Bear Man;Excellent analysis, at least from my experiences with bears. The next voice is from Timothy as he screams Get out here! Thinking wild animals were his best friends. He really tries to be a nice guy, but at any point fails to convince me that he actually was a nice guy.Can park laws be made stricter in order to protect wildlife from troubled individuals? Being trained as a physicians assistant, it is believed that Amie made her way to Tim, and from the sounds caught on tape, the bear returns and Amie is forced to back off. Your analysis helped greatly, thanks again.On a separate note, I saw that you worked at Yellowstone, and wanted to mention that my Father, Wayne, rode out with Dave Phillips MANY years ago (after college) before going off to medical school (Dave Phillips became a Park Ranger). while pointing to the right. I appreciate this kind of reporting if you will. Always reminding myself that the more time I spend in grizzly country increases the chances that someday, something could go wrong keeps me on my toes at all times and always expecting things to go south at any moment. But after several trips to Yellowstone and watching how stupid tourists are around the bison, trying to pet them, climb on them or place their children on them, one has to wonder. Treadwell shouts, Come out here; Im being killed out here, at the beginning of the recording. I truly wish that you find an another subject to write about as your writing style and reasoning is extremely good to read. The bear-mauling deaths of Californians Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard -- widely believed to have happened in the dark of night along the Katmai coast in October -- actually appear to have occurred at midday, according to a new report from the National Park Service. I just wanted to say that you did an amazing job. McMillion, Scott. (Van Daele 2005, Readers Digest 2005). I've read just about everything about this incident and it really just sums up to a delusional man with "no family", claiming to protect bears, gets himself killed and his gf and two bears because he doesn't understand nor respects wild life. Four garbage bags containing human remains were removed and flown out by helicopter. Please let me know what you think? Well written. (Liggett 2003). Tim then yells for Amie to Get out here! Every thought, every bear, every encounter, virtually every moment of every day, so that the camera became an extension of his body, and to think that Amie somehow knew that she and Tim were going to die that night is hard to believe. A special thanks to Rangers Joel Ellis and Rick McIntyre for their interest, their valuable insights, questions and encouragement. Anything is possible. Those are questions that will never be answered. Some readers may find the following information and examination disturbing. Votes: 8 14.8% Climb a Tree & Wait For Help! After yelling Bear! Timothy Treadwell AKA Timothy William Dexter Born: 29-Apr-1957 Birthplace: Long Island, NY Died: 5-Oct-2003 Location of death: Katmai National Park, AK Cause of death: Accident - Misc Remains: Cremated, Portions scattered in Katmai National Park, AK Gender: Male Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Naturalist The conclusion to this tragic story is the fact, that if Timothy didnt interfere with nature, him, his girlfriend Amie and those beautiful bears he loved so much would still be alive today. I appreciate and agree with your well thought out opinions. I would think twice from just sending this as a letter to Alaska Parks and Recreation Admin for fear I wouldn't get the intelligent and unbiased author, rather that my letter and others and future letters penned by prospective park employees or bear enthusiasts wishing to be the next Mr. Seus or Mr. Treadwell (at heart but with an educated mind) anyway, I would perhaps refrain from mailing this letter in search of seeking the experienced insightful author (name unknown) as it's recipient but,dreadfully, falling in the red neck ignorant hands of the pilot man who said outloud in a movie without much hesitation, that Treadwell got what he deserved. All he did was acclimate wild animals to human beings, putting humans and wild life in more danger. We were yelling and the bear was looking right at us., As the bear continued to move towards the group ranger Ellis fires a shotgun, while trooper Hill and ranger Gilliland also begin firing at the bear. Well after bashing tim a bit i'll say i love the guy see alot of myself in him. Extremely rare, but it has happened. (National Park Service 2003) The same bears he claimed to protect. In his journal he wrote that he was often cold, hungry and tormented by insects, and that the first time he saw a grizzly it ran away. The one rule he should have broken but ironically never did was not to be armed. Not to mention he ended up being responsible for several innocent Bears being killed, who would have likely never been SHOT if Idiot Treadwell had not offered himself as a MEAL, as he did. I feel that in his head, he was helping, and he wasn't putting Amie in danger. (Treadwell 2001). Also, who is the author of this great piece of literature, "The Night of the Living Bear"? (AP Wire 2003), Tim and Amie extend their stay 1 week in an effort to locate a favorite female brown bear not seen earlier. I think thats what helped Treadwells LUCK, he stayed calm.I have no respect for Treadwell. Ranger Gilliland moved in and fired a final shot killing the bear, states Ellis. lol) also not written by a hater of nature or better tagged someone who has no clue about anything not having to do with modern electronics in the comfort of his condo . Pretty neat, and I have to admit I too have had similar experiences. As they approach the area, ranger pilot Gilliland spots a large adult bear near the top of the hill where the campsite is supposedly located. Thanks so much for this detailed article which sheds so much light on this tragedy. Sign up for our daily email and get the stories everyone is talking about. Calling him nuts. Indeed. He broke every rule simply because he actually believed he knew better than the Rangers who work that territory every day. At 3:20 pm, ranger Ellis joins up with two other park rangers at the airport and depart in a park service Cessna 206, with ranger pilot A. Gilliland at the controls and ranger D. Dalrymple in the back seat. At any rate, the attack was in progress when the camera was turned on. Makes total sense that he got GOT by an older bear that had come into the Maze after the younger, stronger bears, had had their fill of food and headed in to hibernate.I will say Kudos to Treadwell for living the life that he wanted to liveby his terms (illegal or otherwise), and also going out on his own terms. Modesto, CA, Professor of Animal Science, Michigan State University. Tim and Amie decide to stay a week later than they had ever stayed in the past, in search of a favorite bear yet unseen. Celebrity News Portal, Lifestyle, Biography. All fake recordings so far have been under 3 minutes in length and the real tape is 6 minutes. 2002, Great Montana Bear Stories: Riverbend Publishing. His need to escape humans and antisocial behavior, again point to the social awkwardness and anxiety he felt toward people. I believe that, had Tim not walked away from the tent and towards the bear, and had stayed with Amie, or had they both left the tent and backed away from the tent giving the bear room, that the bear would not have attacked and both Tim and Amie would be alive today. He needed someone that cared enough to get him help. I learn that. No gun, no weapon of any kind except for a frying pan, screaming was all she had left. When left with nothing else to do and confronted with extreme danger, screamed even louder in hopes that somehow this nightmare would end and the bear would once again leave Tim. Than You!! How can that be when Treadwell and Amy were killed on Monday, October 6? I saw the "Grizzly Man" movie last year, so I knew nothing about his life or death. I know the bear was the one known as Quincy the Bear by Tim. shotgun slugs that killed the bear. The fact that the tape only contained sound and the incident occurred at night or while the camera was tucked away in the duffel bag at night was also deciphered by the rangers. Anyone who wants to be in the proximity of wild animals must understand that or end up like TT. His presence by virtue of deliberately placing himself in harm's way in fact caused the death of a bear that would not have otherwise happened. A harrowing In-depth account of events. He was a nice guy. Humans need to go into natural spaces with profound respect. This event did raise my awareness about the dangers of people coexisting with bears and bear behavior. Possibly in his mind, he thought that if he didnt pose a threat to these animals, that they would ignore him and leave him alone, Timothy Treadwell was wrong. He was trying to prove that bears are not monsters which they are not but they will eat when hungry and just about anything in site is on the menu. Run Faster! There was also speculation that bear #141 was a bear that Tim had never had contact with in past years. The tapes, which capture the sounds of Timothy and Huguenards deaths, are described by Mirror as being rather gory. For starters, Treadwell was an outsider, a Californian from the weird-wacky end of the scale, a guy sporting a shock of. Sadly, I don't think there was anything Tim or Amy could have done at this point. One guess, after another, and it goes on and on and on. At the airport Timothy wrote in his journal that he had a huge disagreement about the validity of his plane ticket with this woman. Andrews Airways Pilot. Showed me all of the aftermath of him and his wife, except the wife was just a jump scare of the exorcist. I was in alaska same time he was people in town asked me if i came here to pull a treadwell so he was definately known. Makes no sense.You might want to fix that.Write the book. Night encounters are much different than surprise encounters during the day and must be handled differently. You could chase a wolf off its kill and it would run away. Just like any of us camping in a hostile environment. He out stayed his welcome.2. Treadwell often established his camp on or near established bear trails, and intersecting bear trails. Rarer yet, a bear who then consumes the victims. If you watch documentaries on Bart, he was actually considered a brilliant "actor." The tapes, which capture the sounds of Timothy and Huguenard's deaths, are described by Mirror as being rather gory. On September 29, 2003, Tim and Amie once again are transported to Kaflia Lake by Willy Fulton, the couple wanted one more chance to be with the bears before winter set in. Yeah most definitely, these day at least! 2001, Discovery Channel on camera interview. Animals. 2003, AP Wire Interview. You expressed compassion and kindness beside the facts. 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