Please help make decisions. Prophetic Ministry & Activation - Part 1. I need the lords breast plate of righteousness and belt of truth. You don't need to speak out loud. Be creative in how these gifts are put together (i.e in a card or special enevlope). You need to know the difference for yourself. Here is the information about eBooks. Lord Help me help you help them. I spent the last year listening to the Bible chronologically. Take his shame away Lord. It includes the words we speak with our mouth intentionally that line up with the Scriptures. I feel bad now being so happy upon discovering it and sharing what Gods will for me in the near future. 0000005974 00000 n I see you mentioned the SOAP journaling technique in your notes. Become part of the prophetic prayer list and speak to a prophet today. If you would like to activate your prophetic gift, the first action you can take is to share about your interest in prophecy or call to prophetic ministry with your pastor/minister or a leader in the church who is responsible for this area. There is a lot of resources on this website that can help you in your journey. 0000002806 00000 n Thankfully, had decided to put some great worship music on (God bless Dennis Jernigan) and it helped me get over the hurdle of putting that pen back on the paper. Therefore, dont try to fit in. If you dont use the gift you wont grow in it. The weight of it was gone. I liken it to strengthening the human muscles Thank You for the restoration of every spiritual virtue upon me. The word has to lead to the worship of God and not to you, the servant. In Jesus' name I pray,Amen. When Im sad, I can do the same. Check out the prophetic training category at the right hand side of the blog for many more articles to help you grow in this area. [3]. The same thing happens in the spirit. 2. A prophet Prohecised on me that i had Gift of Prophecy, but i dont know how to start and give prophecy, even i was very interested to have that gift of prophecy. She opened up to me with so much immediately and it was a lot and I found many red flags in what she told me. I felt like this demon wanted to speak to me, but wasnt able to. WebActivating the Gift of Prophecy will help you: Start operating in the gift of prophecy in accordance with Scripture Discern the voice of God through different spiritual senses Separate soul from spirit when it comes to hearing God Operate in prophetic protocol to deliver words effectively And i told God that if there was anything i could do to hasten his coming and to bring an end to transgression, let it be done and show me what i must do. A leader can help you weigh up these insights and confirm that you are hearing from God. DAY 4: Think about it, David spent 15 years running from Saul because Saul saw the anointing upon Davids life. I take on stuff,,,very empathetic and it has been debilitating at times. Along with a gift of wisdom, knowledge and understanding because surely he wouldnt rise to being the Prime Minister of Egypt by just interpreting dreams! 11 0 obj<> endobj With over 3 decades of ministry experience Sean has been involved in University outreaches, overseas ministry, numerous conferences, Bible schools and has been a forerunner for equipping the body of Christ in Prophetic Evangelism. But Lord, my gift is not active anymore, it is as if I lost it. Thank you God restore my gift. vacationland campground reviews Prayer point: Dear, lord please help me stop the stomach pain please keep me through the day and night and keep in your arms for ever in jesus I pray amen.Prayer for healing your stomach Dear Lord, I come to you today with a heavy heart and a troubled stomach. Its not to make us appear spiritual or to make us feel good at prayer meetings. Dear Lord, how awesome is Your love. Help me be the woman you want me to be Lord. She laughed kind of in disbelief. I know the enemy is on the attack and sends me into doubt and depression but I know God will prevail in my life. it will be harder for those who are perfectionists or tend not to process thoughts conversationally. Web-- Finding Your Gift Sheet Prior to using the prayer, print and cut out the gifts of the Holy Spirit below. In order for you to gain the gift of prophecy, you must first learn how to pray. Deuteronomy 32:39 See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. Lord Give him a clear way out Lord. The truth is if someone cant hear from God and have no revelation from the Holy Spirit, they shouldnt be pastoring anybody. 0000000979 00000 n I pray that You would take my life and use every part of me, to Your praise and glory.Father, I know that the Bible tells us that we all receive a gift from You, a spiritual gift, and I understand that this is very special and different from my own natural talents or my own acquired abilities. Every Jezebel, familiar spirit and demonic power is making its way right to your front door. LORD, sharpen my spiritual senses this day. Dangerous Prayers from the Courts of Heaven that Destroy Evil Altars: Establishing the Legal Framework for Closing Demonic Entryways and Breaking Sign up to receive Enliven Blog posts via e-mail and get a FREE copy of my e-book. And because you have provided detailed information to them about what you have, they will know exactly where to find you and what to attack. Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. Thenstep out of the boat and have a go. Lord please help our family give gifts of the Holy Spirits to our children and my husband and me the gifts knowledge to my children, Lord, please help my husband, that he can work to help our family, Lord please help us and please make us aware of our own sin and temptation which comes our way. And it sounds like that is who you are. xb```e``2]|eah`\b`RqZZHb%^ W2 \eUTHe"-snSL" ]l4[ When the Gift of prophecy flows, there is often a change in the spiritual atmosphere, and a release of other Gifts of the Spirit The Gift of prophecy can also be used in spiritual warfare(Ezek 21:14) 12.3 General Guidelines All believers are encouraged to prophesy (1Cor 14:1) All believers are encouraged to desire the Gift(1Cor 14:39) (1 Cor 12-14), But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. Let your fire burn in me, and let me walk in the spirit of discernment again. If you are having a lot of dreams the first thing you need to do is decipher whether or not those dreams are about you, other people you know, the church, nations or world leaders. I know He wants to use me and Im willing. Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church. (1 Cor 14:3-4). If Hes given you prophetic words more on an individual level, then that is where He will be using you. Im not even sure how I knew, I just did and they are. I was confused and upset and asked God why. And He desires to redeem people and situations so that His purpose is fulfilled. And, if you are the one using your prophetic gifting, know that this is a process and dont get discouraged. Day 6: 3. In Jesus' name,Amen. Regardless, you need to learn and hone in on the gift of interpreting dreams. Ive been having short dreams, some I sense from God some from the enemy to make me doubt. The most heartfelt prayers are said silently, and so can yours. Web1 st Corinthians 12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. Based on what He is showing you, you will be able to know the level or area you are called to prophecy in. 11 24 You have made my life so much easier and have brought me closer to God. Required fields are marked *. Ensure you have variety of gifts of the spirit along with enough for each person. He becomes the center of attention and not you. So then you become a celebrity and you get one bodyguard. Grow your Prophetic and Prayer Gifts is an e-book about the stages of growth in gifts of prophecy and prayer, and contains many practical tips to help you activate your prophetic gift and take it to the next phase of development. How have you been praying? In Jesus Name! Please Lord Help me teach bettwr. Until you are sure, that you are sure, that you are sure. But now, i felt that God was telling me it was ok to come into this church and through my own folly of thinking believed that God was saying this church taught no liesso after becoming baptized and a member i believed everything they taught for about 10 years. Introduction: Under grace, you receive the Holy Spirit, who supplies you with every good thing. However, our team is not planning on visiting Nigeria or Africa in the next few years. WebEnroll Now. Question & Answer Panel. You will be putting yourself and your family in danger. What Joseph did have was the gift of interpreting dreams. I used to have dreams coming to pass, but they have disappeared. It is about listening to what God has to say and trusting in His word. The New Testament context for activating the gift of prophecy is a local church where there is leadership and accountability. When you are keen to begin activating your prophetic gift, remember, prophetic ministry requires us to see others and ourselves as the Father sees us. Still not sure if I have it despite sharing a vision, I didnt understand, with God pushing me led to an unexpected prophesied on the spot. If you dont know what the dream means, dont attempt to interpret it. Just as we are all commanded to pray without ceasing but we are not all intercessors. For some reason i was too terrified to cast him out or say anything. You are the first and the last, and besides You there is no other God. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Lord Jesus to live and die for me, and thank You for bringing me into Your family because I have trusted Jesus as my Saviour. Hi I have been blessed immensely from this ministry. I pray that The Lord will align me to the purpose He has for me. That His presence is worth more than anything. This wont necessarily stay the same throughout your entire life but He starts you off with one thing and as you grow you will get more and He will start showing you things with a wider lens. Nurture the Fathers perspective about others. I completely understand your lack of trust because of past experience and not being able to fit in anywhere. Please Lord helped these next few days. No knowledge of prayers to pray at that level. Why is this important? In other words, you cannot come into agreement with doubt, fear, or unbelief and expect the gift of prophecy to manifest. Lord, restore your presence to me. How Do I Activate These Gifts? I need more teaching on the prophetic. This self-paced, video lecture school is for anyone who would like to learn and grow in the gift and ministry of prophecy and includes classes for discerners as well. Learn about the different ways He can speak to you, including through scripture, pictures, thoughts and impressions, dreams, prompts, inner urges and Divine appointments. I danced once when I was young and people were weeping and someone said they had a vision of chains breaking, so I thought that was it and that was all there would be. So, you dont know why people do or dont do certain things. I speak restoration of the gifts of the spirit that I once had, restoration of wisdom in the things of the spirit, restoration of the understanding of the word of God upon me, in the name of Jesus Christ. It is important to make your desire to grow in the gift known, in order that you can follow the next steps: Find a leader or mentor to whom you can be personally accountable with regard to activating your prophetic gift. Prayer journaling has been such a powerful tool this week that I am determined to keep using it regularly. Enroll Now. 0000003136 00000 n Seems to be an odd thing to dowrite your own message from God. The first place you can start to activate your prophetic gift is in your devotional life, learning to receive insights from the Holy Spirit. 5RufEw { KP`y*M;#(i,,wO Zj}>6gbpS"V\H"5,~O(z%:1ae->vv[0vNdk.G,SU#i^b2:n8U@pBc/Y78r_Tm Nh.]]HsYNv3igy}gQaS)Kpt@whMpLc+q"0~H^,G0a Please leave your comments or questions below. I was searching about it online because I never thought much about prophets today, I hadnt thought it was a possibility, then I didnt know women could be a prophet until I came across Anna in the Bible. [1]. We hope you enjoyed this series and you learnt something new that will help you to grow in this gift. WebIn order to activate spiritual gifts, we must watch and listen to what the Holy Spirit broadcasts. I have not sought after You wholeheartedly. My husband is very supportive but he doesnt understand it either. Some examples are: Then, focusing on Jesus, you listen for the Holy Spirits answerand write down what you believe He is saying. Develop a lifestyle of encouragementthis will spill over into your prophetic ministry. 3. 0000005823 00000 n Kevin Stevens is a Pastor, Evangelist, Revivalist, and Author out of Western N.Y. HW]o6}1"iknPAT+1`oed;iml#y^_.nrv\ What Agabus did not know is that prior to giving Paul that word, God had already told Paul to go to Jerusalem. Stared at the journal. (1 Cor 14:3). Father, let the Holy Spirit fill me afresh. So i looked up papal rome on my computer and saw this building everywhere and it was exactly as i had seen it in my dreams. (St. Leo the Great, Sermon on the Transfiguration). 2.3. It is not your job to make people receive the word. 0 O God arise and do a new thing in my life and God wants us to understand that we have done absolutely nothing to earn His gifts. 29 Word of Wisdom. I only told someone once that their daughter was going to be okay and she looked at me really wierd and I doubted whether I should say something or not. Members of the ACU community will gain access to over 5000 audio-guided prayers and meditations, including sleep meditations voiced by Hollywood actors Mark Wahlberg and WebWe have the gifts of the Holy Spirit on the inside of us, and we have the responsibility to manifest these gifts. 0000019932 00000 n What am I expectinga love note back from Jesus? WebFather God, thank You for giving me the ability to discern all the spiritual gifts and callings that You have given to me. %PDF-1.4 % Ask God for Immanuel to be a church with members who have wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, works of miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues and interpretation of tongues. I didnt feel like asking questions, so after reading some scripture, I just made a note to the Lord in my journal of how much He means to me and how much I long for His Presence. Ask the prophet to teach you how to pray effectively and receive the gift of prophecy. My Father, let your mercies overrule every judgment against me in Jesus amen. You may explore this area and find out that prophetic ministry is not for youthat is OK. [2] Following are some articles to help you activate your prophetic gift through journaling: [3] Enliven Blog is an online resource of Enliven Ministries, containing many articles to help Christians grow in the gift of prophecy. Consider this, have you listened to a pastor preach his first sermon verses his 200th sermon? PIETY devotion to God. I need you Lord to give my Mom strength faith and assurance with out question Lord. Third, get around other prophets and you will grow even more in the gift. Notes WONDER and AWE FEAR OF THE LORD Through the gift of wonder and awe we recognize and rejoice in Gods glory his I have found it helpful when starting out the message from God part of the journal, that if something doesnt flow straight away, to just start writing with the revelation from Him that I already know. Thank you Christian TT for these prayers and reminders. 0000001228 00000 n Think about like are the everyday person and you dont have a body guard you may have a security system on your house to protect you at night but you have no bodyguard. We move from simply being aware of the Holy Spirit to paying attention to Himthen re- Acts 2:17 And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There are many different interpretations for the same symbol in dreams so it is only when the interpretations bears witness with the spirit of the dreamer that your interpretation is correct. Love and blessings always and continue to let your light shine on others. Remember that any prophecy is imperfect and subject to judgment. Yes, they do! Just as God instructed Habbakuk to write down his vision, we can also record what God is saying to us through journaling. Amen. He has more angelic protection around him to cover him as he does what the Lord is calling him to do. I want to be very careful. There was one instance where God spoke to me in my sleep and said, this great city will be destroyed but will be made great again. 0000002840 00000 n Heavenly Father, thank You that You have graciously given each of your children gifts and graces that can be used to edify and encourage our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ.Lord, I dedicate the spiritual gifts and graces with which You have seen fit to give to me to You. \"B"J(+)) document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If you are just starting out, I encourage you to explore the topics of receiving a revelation from God and hearing Gods voice. My journaling time tonight was made difficult by the volume of conversation happening in the adjoining room (not The Hunk, our younger generation!) Enliven Blog - Prophetic Teaching by Helen Calder, Signs that you have an emerging prophetic gift, Sharpen Your Prophetic Gift Through Journaling, Activate Your Prophetic Gift Through Prayer Journaling,, The desires Father has placed in your heart (Ps 37:4), Someone your church oversight is comfortable with. The minute you open your mouth and say the words I have the gift of prophecy you paint a target on your back. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hi there. Believe it or not there are Christians that God will literally set them part from the crowds from the very beginning. She giggled as she told me I was a intersessor through dance. Why not join me? I ask for your healing touch and for your The verse you mention is from Job 22:28, and the context is one of being familiar with, and speaking, the Scriptures and having a right heart before God (see preceding verses). You can start here. The power is for service; its for doing the works of Jesus. Do not put yourself out there trying to gain followers or build a platform that God has not called you to do. Prayer journaling is writing down your prayers and questions, and then listening to the Holy Spirit and recording Gods answers. But, think about it, why would you wave a red flag in the face of the bull? WebIn order to activate spiritual gifts, we must watch and listen to what the Holy Spirit broadcasts. The gift of prophecy is included among the gifts. [1] For more information about Mark Virkler and his book, 4 Keys to Hearing Gods Voice, visit his site here, Take Time to Sharpen Your Prophetic Gift, Helen Calder 2011Enliven Blog Prophetic Teaching, Enliven Ministries: Prophetic Ministry for a Revival Generation, DAY 1 Let God lead you to where He wants you to share the word. Im sure if you found TD Jakes first sermon compared to what he sounds like now he wouldnt sound like the same person. Ps. This Course will include healing and deliverance prayers , impartation and activation , He gave me personal dreams about what would happen to me in my walk with Him. The Bible tells us that the gift of prophecy should be desired and sought by Gods people. Ive been confused and overwhelmed. As we get to know Him, we become aware of His voice and His promptings. In Jesus' name,Amen. I would recommend signing up for the mailing list so at least youll see the new messages and get series of messages which we send out on the mailing list. Lord, right now I repent and renounce all spirits assigned against the gift of discernment. 3. Your email address will not be published. I prayed a very tearful prayer about our sins and where the earth is at and heading. Usually these high ranking demons dont deal with people unless theres a major reason to intervene. Then I heard the church I was watching online say not to be friends with someone who says they are a prophet. Curious about the Prophetic and want to be empowered to flow in the gift? Like one instance my 1 friend that i had and i were talking on the phone and i told her that i was psychic (at the time i didnt know a better way to explain it), she wanted to test me by asking me what was she doing at that timei smelled an apple pie and i told her she was baking an apple pie and she asked what else am i baking, then i smelled a cherry pie and i told her she was baking a cherry pie too. Helen has a unique gift of training and equipping and is known for Enliven Blog, an online prophetic training and mentoring resource. Give me a heart to lift up my brothers and sisters in prayer, so that together we seek to become more and more like Christ as we minister in our own God-given gifts, to Your praise and glory.Give me I pray, a correct and godly wisdom and discernment so that I may determine what gifts are from You and which have been misused for selfish gain. DAY 2 WebSean is the Co-Director of Sean and Christa Smith Ministries. Give her peace. Let Loose the Power of Prophetic Prayer in Your Life. Now, God worked through all of that and they still ended up where they needed to be. God bless you and this ministry. I want to hear Your voice above everything else. Three Definitions of Prophetic Intercession. The truth is that most people who are new to operating in the gift of prophesy do make mistakes, especially when they have not. 119:27 3 God, allow us to develop, explore, and nurture our spiritual gifts so that they Thank You Father for restoring my gift in Jesus name. Acts 19. Im absolutely terrified if ive been called for this, but at the same time i can see how God needs people to see and understand Revelation if these days are about to fall upon us and need to turn back to Him. Well that was long ago when I was young. This enables you to activate your prophetic gift where there are leaders to give you feedback, and those with gifts of wisdom to help guide you, and others with prophetic gifts who can provide more insights. Give me the grace to forsake my sins as I seek You today, in the name of Jesus Christ. Hi Tim, I have struggled with self esteem issues and as a child with 7 siblings I was made fun of a lot as being a goodie 2 shoes and self righteous. Nevertheless Lord, I pray that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus. I told her what i saw because at the time i was into painting ceramics. AV!.d8rOy=e %q{2'a'T{^ %7 7yb&,",VV}G^oWN(N5D8!s}(V#:ac!!#h75T+N F'V6F>*Cou8Jw[-3bQI'h#-NRe(KLde8ZK._ Az l *#sLB7J3[/%It"m`BW#c]ez:mGo1BFF,dW}_o3Y"{NBbg>%e5UG[;je#^S'DLkXpR8U=9wR sBQpok*a$DM :^ Manipulation was going on. Helen Calder is a prophetic minister and writer, and the founder of Enliven Ministries, a prophetic ministry based in Melbourne, Australia. Using your gift should be As I have always said, everything in the natural has a supernatural correlation. This summer God called me back to Him. Well, this is getting too long. There were times that I gave my phone, the internet and my children more love than I gave to You, idolizing them. In your journal, you write down your prayer or question to God. Adapted from Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow, copyright 2005, 1994, and 1979 by C. Peter Wagner. Activate every gift you Then she asked me what did she get me for my birthday, i saw a vision of an unpainted ceramic cat. The dream symbols are all in the bible. I confess my wrongs before You God. Part of me thinks im just imaging all of this, but in the same breath, how can i imagine all these dreams of the Papacy burning and finding it in scripture, how can i imagine all these scriptural truths that are coming to light and fitting right into Revelation. Thats it. I feel confident in it now, to break down ideas and make it easier to understand. Thank You for nailing my sins on the cross. Thank you for this powerful teachings on the Holy Spirit,really inspiring and timely. I came across a woman in my current church and had several flags going up in my spiritagain not something really talked about in most churches Ive attended, but then I dont usually fit in. Reignite the fire in your heart to truly communicate with God and find the passion to learn more about Him in prayer. Please Lord weigh on his mind heart and soul. If I really DONT like what Ive written, or it comes out all wrong, and its me and not the Spirit, I give myself permission to shred it. Bring him to his fork in the road. I am just wondering if you are discussing the gift of prophesy or being called to be a prophet? And if a prophet prophesy and it not come to pass at the stipulated time but happen in year s later,Can we say the prophesy come to pass? I went through lots of depression in junior high and highschool and even tried to committ suicide one day, but God literally sent me an angel that touched me and calmed my soul. 8 pages later.. I review what Ive written. Heavenly father I feel like the enemy is weighing on my family and myself, extremely hard. Please keep the world safe. Groups need someone with this gift to remain intentional about inviting Gods presence and provision in to bless, protect, and guide other members of the body. I really loved the feeling of being prayed for by another person. During this time my prophetic gift took off and i was having dreams about me in the last days and God would tell me things about members of the church in order to help them. Isnt it wonderful when the Word of God comes alive like that, and SOAP journaling is a great tool. A couple days later He explained some things to me about why he had me fall away and it was so that i could forget the teaching of Revelation from the adventist church and have a clean slate and that He wanted me to study Revelation again. I find that the Holy Spirits voice usually comes as a series of light, gentle impressions. Prophetic Prayer helps Sharpen Your Prophetic Gift My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27) You do not have to have the gift of prophecy to use prophetic prayer. It affected me emotionally so much, I had someone tell me I needed counseling. Josephs brothers wanted to kill him the minute they learnt of his destiny. Out with the yellow highlighter again. Then lets say you become governor of your state, now you may have 3 4 bodyguards. So, how do you start using the Gift of Prophecy? LORD, sharpen my spiritual senses this day. I just know that she seemed to have this beautiful connection with God that I wanted and she didnt care what others thought if her. I console myself with the recent purchase of a shredding machine. 2. Take his pain away Lord. Helen Calder Enliven Blog Prophetic Teaching I have felt its weight and I have knowledge of Gods love for me and truth, so I didnt understand what was happening. I have to confess that I approached the practice of Prayer Journaling this week with a bit of trepidation, even though I have used this method of journaling before. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.. In Jesus' name,Amen. Thank You that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and that You have sent Him to indwell my heart and to lead and guide me into all truth. God she has rested in you in this season and she is ready for you to use her. WebCome join Sean and Christa Smith and special Prophetic guest, Julian Adams, to get activated and equipped in the Prophetic gift in your life! Activate Your Prophetic Gift Through Prayer Journaling, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). This may be the very gift that will make room for you. Facebook Live may work for others but not for you. Pray before you start your interpretation and ask God for wisdom. I thank You for the fresh anointing in all areas of my life. Simply put prophecy is sharing the word of the Lord. Hi Helen. Only problem is, I have a few mental hurdles to get over as I set out to do the prayer journaling (perfectionism, for one!). vacationland campground reviews Prayer point: Dear, lord please help me stop the stomach pain please keep me through the day and night and keep in your arms for ever in jesus I pray amen.Prayer for healing your stomach Dear Lord, I come to you today with a heavy heart and a troubled stomach. This will give you an indication of whether or not you are actually called to prophesy and where you are called to prophesy. Thank you very much Im humbled to have this gift but I need your prayers as I have been walking with the Lord for 6 years now and have only discovered what I have only recently. Im so thankfiy God led me to your site. How to Activate the Gifts of the Many other things happened that i could predict that would happen. You can read the whole story starting at Genesis 37. Yes, this is work and it takes time and you will have to search it out. Unless you have the anointing for dream interpretation, then you wont need to do all of this and God will give you the interpretation. WebThe gift of knowledge urges us to exercise our mind and will to learn Gods plan for us and for the world. Besides, people are not stupid and after awhile theyll figure out that the word is coming from another ministry. And, while I can expose 5 there will be 10 more behind them doing the same thing. You to gain followers or build a platform that God will literally set them part from the enemy weighing... Hone in on the attack and sends me into doubt and depression but I know the level or area are... Heart and soul grace to forsake my sins on the gift you wont grow this! { } ) ; hi there predict that would happen every judgment against me in near. This ministry 10 more behind them doing the same up these insights confirm. Is very supportive but he doesnt understand it either felt like this demon wanted to speak a! 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