And then post marriage, you wonder why your husband chooses his family, again and again,hurting you in the process. Basically, that because theyve all known one another and supported one another for as long as your husband has been alive, they and their views, wants, needs, and preferences need to take precedence over yours. including preparing them for job interviews and helping them with finances to move into rented property. In those situations, its always difficult to take sides when some major or minor conflicts happen. Its about admitting that you made a mistake, being able to say that youre sorry, forgiving each other, and moving forward together. But not choose her publicly. Marriage is all about give and take. Include your own parents in your family holidays and when he is buying sarees for his mom, buy the same ones for your mom too. Also, gifting them would usually remove hatred from their hearts. Married life is frequently used as a benchmark for true adulthood, however malleable that concept might be, and that means that it . This is a common problem women face in collectivistic cultures and especially in the sub-continent. Couple relationshipsthe pains and pleasures, the anxieties and comforts, the craziness and calm. And you dont know what to do about it. Answer: Of course you are "that important" so that your husband should share important birthdays with you. If hes not willing to cooperate, then theres not much you can do about it alone. Privacy Policy | About us |Contact us 2023 Think Aloud. Do not build resentment over this. Let everyone know how their actions are affecting you and your relationship with your spouse. But instead of festering and fighting with him, you could think of taking some steps so that he could balance his own family and your aspirations as well. Youll either need to establish dominance in this hierarchy, making it absolutely clear that this awful behavior wont be tolerated, or leave. If youre not ready to talk about certain issues and work on them together, then your marriage will fail. Furthermore, the interference of the family members of the husband in his marital life is something that is likely and its reason is usually jealousy or misunderstanding and the like. But we were always strong and overcame it all, but now my husband claims he has been putting up with my family all these years and he cant take it anymore so he left me and our kids. You have dont nothing wrong. Tell your husband that if you are traveling twice a year let one be with his family and the other one be with his wife and kids. You have the right to make your own decisions. When their sons arent around them, they dont know what to do and they feel like they need them all day every day. If you are living with your in-laws, it might happen that your husband comes back home and heads straight to his parents room and comes out of there only after an hour or two? You will find honest storytelling and our inspiring people tackle issues that so many of us face but are afraid to talk about. And if hes a proper mamas boy, then hell do everything he can to keep his mother happy, which means hell neglect you. Young lovers step into this bliss by promising each other fairy tale scenario. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. If you see that most of your husbands income is given away to his parents for the upkeep of their home and you are left struggling with the finances at the end of the month, then it becomes really frustrating. Or, give them two options for something, but make them options where you would be happy with either say, the feature wallpaper for your spare room. Likewise, you can come to an agreement about what would be an acceptable frequency for his guys night outs. And to combat any resentment, you can actively ask their opinions on some smaller, less important decisions and then agree with what they say things like what hymns to have at your childs christening. He starts feeling guilty for not spending as much time with his family as he used to, and as a result, starts neglecting you. Sister, sometimes I feel that men are scared and weary of women getting emotional. It can seem that your marriage is falling apart and that your husbands spending more time with his family than with you. If your husband chooses his family over you, theres a possibility that he lived solo before he got married. As odd as it sounds, theres a logical explanation for this. he has been divorced for 4 years and has 3 children aged 17,20 and 22. He wants to keep the peace between everyone, 3. Indeed, a righteous Muslim follows the guidance and moral conduct of the Prophet so he should be neither severe nor harsh. He said that he loved me but that was his brother they grew ip together. All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. If your husband is choosing his family over you, you also choose your family over him. Due to circumstances he began to earn at the age of 6. He grew up with them, so things cant change overnight. I daily think of leaving him as I feel low of my self. If he never had any sexual desires for you, better to leave. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. So, take a step back and breathe. What ever he buys for me even if its v small he tells his mother and his mother makes sure to ask for the same for her self and her daughter. As you can imagine, the generational gap is quite huge, so there are bound to be fights and arguments for sure. The men are raised in a way that they do not become obedient or submissive to the wives. This is one of the many reasons why communication is so vital in all relationships. Can I divorce? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Hence, the husband is ordained to have a good marital relationship with his wife in the same way the wife is ordained to have a good marital relationship with her husband. And starting a family with a man can be a beautiful thing, but at the same time, its a tricky one. Perhaps you just needed affirmation. Are my stepsisters feelings and actions justified? I cant live with him. Or will he accept the fact that he overlooked your emotions? So. If i tell him of my plans he will tell hismother and he changes his mind. Another reason your spouse might choose his family over you is if you and your in-laws are living under the same roof. Couples who live in the same house as their in-laws have the feeling as if theyre married to the whole family. Indian mothers do not let go of their sons even after marriage, Setting Boundaries With In-laws 8 No Fail Tips, 5 reasons why the Indian family is killing the Indian marriage, 5 ways to deal with your husbands parents, The 7 Ways Mothers-In-Law Ruin Marriages With Tips On How To Save Yours, Distancing Yourself From In-Laws The 7 Tips That Almost Always Work, 8 Effective Ways To Deal With A Jealous Daughter-In-Law, How To Talk To Your Husband When The Other Woman Is His Mother, How To Impress Your In-laws In The First Meeting, 10 Thoughts That Come To Your Mind When Your Mother-In-Law Visits You, 10 Ways To Deal With Disrespectful In-laws, 15 Clever Ways To Deal With A Manipulative, Scheming Mother-In-Law, Please Dont Call Her Selfish If She Doesnt Want To Live With Her In-Laws, My Wife Was Abducted By Her Family Because I Was 15 Days Younger To Her, Setting Boundaries With In-laws 8 No-Fail Tips, My Marriage Was In Trouble Because Of My Sister-In-Laws Stories, 8 Signs of a Poisonous Mother-In-Law and 6 Ways to Beat Her at Her Game, How We Solved Interfaith Marriage Problems, Relationship with In-Laws: I was Scared of My Father-In-Law because. Suddenly, youre not his top priority. I hate being attracted to women, and have sworn to Allah that I will never get married, He is honestly not in my heart at all, as my parents forced me, I am living the life of a prisoner with my husband. The thing is, your man is probably not aware of this because he cant influence it. Should he balk at that idea, or insist that you back down and accept abuse and ill treatment for the sake of maintaining familial harmony, then youll have some tough decisions ahead of you. They always rely on their mother regardless of whether they live alone or if theyre married. Lets say that your husband constantly invites you to go over to his parents house for dinner. Rajesh is a protective and caring son, and Meenu treats that affection as an affront to her place in her life. Its always a good thing to see your husband spending time with his family and friends, but overly prioritizing one over the other can have a huge impact on your marriage. "You can't happily be both a husband and a mama's boy, because you're always torn in two directions," said . Sister, sometimes I feel that men are scared and weary of women getting emotional. Well, family feuds are a real thing and if you watched that movie, youd know what Im talking about. And Im not one to judge this is a great thing. In Indian families, the son is expected to prioritize his parents and siblings even after he is married and has his own family. But before all of that, you have to give him space and time to initiate the change. Have an honest and open conversation with your husband, 3. But you cannot always choose your family over your spouse. Small gestures of love do not imply that your husband chose his mom over you. As such, they may not be aware of how unhealthy it is, or how badly their family members behavior is affecting you. As a wife, you have to realize when your husband chooses his family he is actually making a tightrope walk and succumbing to a lot of pressure. He wants me to listen to his mother. So, when the signs your husband puts his family first are staring you in the face, dont lose heart. But dont let those feelings turn into resentment. Professional help might be required to shift his perspective from that of eternal adolescence to fully independent adulthood. And as well all know, Indian mothers do not let go of their sons even after marriage. He seem to become an animal when he doesn't think he is taken care ofI'm very suspicious to live with him cause it might be a danger to my life he might kill me that's why I have taken a decision for a divorce. The thing is, when your husband lived with his parents, his priorities were different. Am i married to his whole family? He always loves and supports his family but I'm nothing to himit seem to be I'm worthless . He was treating me as his maid. He vowed to stand by your side for better or worse, and now hes reneging on that vow. He has to choose to do things differently if he wants to have a future with you. Basically, by behaving the way hes doing now, hes in breach of contract. speaking to someone via, chat online to a relationship expert from Relationship Hero, How To Deal With A Husband Who Wont Talk To You About Anything, 7 Simple Tips To Be Happy In An Unhappy Marriage, 13 Sad Signs Of A Selfish Husband (+ How To Deal With Him), 5 Reasons You Feel Trapped In Your Relationship/Marriage, 16 Surefire Ways To Get Your Marriage Back On Track, 14 Signs Of Emotional Neglect In A Relationship, How To Deal With Someone Who Repeatedly Disrespects Your Boundaries, How To Get People To Respect You: 7 No Bullsh*t Tips That Actually Work. And lets just be clear: joining him for family gatherings and respecting his right to spend time with his family outside of your relationship is an important part of that relationship. Maybe youre wrong and hes right. Being with a husband who sides with his family every time is an excruciating situation to contend with. You are making the right decision. Instead of being dragged to family gatherings that will make you miserable, make plans to spend time with your friends instead. Learn how your comment data is processed. And i told him I understood. 1. Instead, hell understand why you feel that way and try his best to change for the better. Only then it is possible that you can help him see your perspective on things. Thats no way to have a healthy marriage. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Tell him while you will ensure that you are not overshooting the budget, he has to ensure his parents are doing the same. He's really stubborn when it comes to his family. Then and there he has been flown to abroad (Japan) for 6 years yet he seems to be spending for his family until marriage. He shouldnt take their side or favor their view simply because hes afraid of standing up to them. The good news is that it can be learned for sure. If a wife continually runs to her parents for counsel instead of first talking with her husband, it can create a feeling of distrust. He doesnt look like he will change. is the couple-relationship destination for Indians everywhere! The biggest mistake that you could make is to involve other people in solving your marriage issues. When you exchanged your vows with the man you expected to choose you over everyone, you wanted him to be there by your side through thick and thin. Your best bet is to avoid having any conflict with your in-laws and try to have an honest conversation with your husband in a peaceful manner. This is the kind of relationship where his mother smothers him with calls and text messages and hes always there to answer them. Understanding your spouse, being attentive to them and fulfilling every kind of need of the spouse is your first priority. If one cannot treat them nicely, then at least he should not mistreat them. But, lets be honest, its a little unreasonable to expect that to keep happening now the two of you have partnered up. Dont let your emotions govern your actions and dont let them turn into resentment. No relationship is worth tolerating abuse and disrespect for. Everyone is living under the same roof, 4. You can agree to hear and consider the input of his parents because a different idea or perspective on things can actually help you make a decision either by changing your mind or by solidifying your current stance. Every holiday, every family gathering, will likely be excruciating. He is islamic and so am i but my parents follow the hanafi teachings and i didnt tell him before getting married as I thought its not important now he doesnt talk to my parents n ill tteats me because of that. Sometimes, you have to take a step back and reevaluate the situation. Healthy communication with your partner means you always talk about everything with him and make all of your decisions together. Pray to Allah SWT for guidance, mercy and help. Your husband is in control of his life, not you. The famous mamas boy. In any case, we advise you to be patient and repel the thoughts that tell you that your husband does not love you or that he is not happy with you and the like. And for them, you have been giving that zip-lining and bungee jumping holidays a miss. Prioritize yourself. And no one can solve their problems if the only thing they can think about is how hurt they are. You can work on a budget accordingly and make a list of the activities you would want to do. You have answered a lot of your questions and gave reasonings. But if you try to turn his family against him, things will only get worse. . Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you figure out a plan of action if your husband chooses his family over you. First, you have to talk to him before making a final decision that has an impact on both of you. If he insists on spending every weekend with his family, you are well within your rights to say no and to do your own thing instead sometimes, especially if your relationship with his family is a little strained. Though my description of my issue could be detailed and long I kindly ask apology for it and my humble request is that please read out my discussion and give sense about it. I want to avoid adultery. . Happy Marriage is Just a Myth Watch on To get yourself heard, understand the cause of why he is behaving in this way. If he heads for his parents room after office, you tell him thats just fine but he has to ensure after that when he is with you the door of your room is closed and you have your own space. Maintain a good distance. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. That way, you give them a little win whilst getting something you do actually like. For example, if his parents are lending (or giving) you the money to put a down payment on your house, then they may use that as leverage to make decisions about which house you buy. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". To this day, all their conflicts around Meenus complaint, My husband always supports his mother. No matter how much she resents him for it, Rajesh continues to be the dutiful son. So dont give up on him immediately. 1. Tell him to have the weekends for such visits. . Instead of arguing, try to be a team player with your husband. Think Aloud is a destination where youll find stories about every step you, as a woman, take. He taught me about Islam and he taught me a great deal, praise be to Allah. Or he doesnt like me? Still, youre wondering: What has this anything to do with you? ), 9 Highly Effective Ways To Deal With Condescending People, Help! Sister, I am sorry that you are in such a difficult position. Instead of resenting this, feel happy that your husband feels for his mother and wants to give her the best. Should I stay married, divorce, or marry a second wife? Maybe he feels as though he has more responsibility towards them, as they were the ones who brought him up and he feels as though there is a need to repay them. How to deal with disrespectful or toxic in-laws. The same with a husband. Im fearful of my husband having Hoor-Al-Ayn in Paradise. At this point, when she is older and much more independent one would expect that he would give you more time and consideration. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. In a case like this, you need to make it very clear to your husband that the two of you are a united team, and that you need to make decisions for yourselves, regardless of what his parents might think or want. Allow All Cookies. 12 Things To Do When Your Husband Chooses His Family Over You, 1. Try expressing to him that putting his marriage first is good for him, too. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. But he sats none of my business. There are no constant knocks on the door by his family to get their thoughts across. Just know that the more you and your husband can stand up and stand firm, the more his parents will eventually get the message. Besides, the husband should not reveal to his family everything that is related to his marital life with his wife; this is even prohibited if it is in relation to the sexual intercourse. The Right of Sexual Relations between Spouses, Essentials and Items the Husband Must Provide for His Wife, Newly Married Wife Finds Mother in-Law Is Very Authoritative and Wants to Live in Separate House, Marital Problems and Separation While They Have 4 Children, Not Incumbent on Spouses to Sleep in the Same Bed but Wife Is Obliged to Answer His Call to Bed, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. There can be situations, sometimes unavoidable circumstances, that make a man choose his family, but he will surely expect your support. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". And that schedule should be something his family are aware of, too, especially if they have a habit of turning up at your place unannounced. You sure wont have your happy-ever-after if you do. He says I am the youngest among them so he willlisten to them not me. Which it sounds like you've decided already. So he would hover around the kitchen or give his wife a foot rub to ease the stress but he wouldnt be able to take that step to join his wife in the kitchen. He can't go 24 hours without talking to her. Do you want to stay with a man who will bend to his familys will at your expense? Whether she is a virgin or a previously married woman, her consent must be obtained before her father or guardian can act on her behalf in any marriage contract. Instead, hes allowing you to be mistreated, disrespected, and made to feel like crap. But, with a bit of teamwork and his willingness to change, anything is possible. Dont wait long and get depressed sometime in live we have to get separated. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Were your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love. Be careful to always approach him with respect and try to be patient. But why do men choose their families over their wives in the first place? jj Why? So,try looking at things from your husbands perspective. I wish to leave my cheating husband and take the children with me. Theres no shame in getting help from a trained relationship counselor (either by yourself or with your partner) who can listen to your concerns and offer helpful advice to navigate your way through the issue. Sister, assertiveness is a very important tool for communication. However in the past three years, it has gotten worse. You could be living with your husband's family or you could be living in a separate residence but when your husband chooses his family over you then it's a constant battle that you have to keep fighting in your life. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. His conscience is killing him and he feels compelled to go back to his old habits. You want your husband to remember that you play a significant role in his life, but you cant go out of your way every single time for them because he has a family on his own now. It makes you feel worthless and like you have to compete with his family for his attention. This is a reality many married women face in India. She should not be an obstacle in the . As a consequence, your man spent a significant amount of time with his family, be it family dinners, gatherings, or game nights. It may seem like he loves them more than he loves you. A Work Boyfriend Will Mess With Your Relationship (Cut It Out! My husband chooses his family over me. Answer. Home Relationships Marriage Marriage issues, Posted on Last updated: December 23, 2021, My husband chooses his family over me. Then make it very clear to your relatives without being rude that you have work to do when they are dropping in so if you remain confined to your room, they should not hold it against you. I'm very suspicious to live with him cause it might be a danger to my life he might kill me that's why I have taken a decision for a divorce. Still not sure what to do about your husband taking the side of his family over you? Sister, I am sorry that you are in such a difficult position. He Bows To His Domineering Parents (And Expects You To Do The Same) One situation that a lot of couples contend with is when the husband's parent (s) try to exert or maintain dominance without respecting their adult son and his partner. And you are struggling with your childrens studies and could do with some help from him in Maths. His response to these and any other such questions should be a plain and simple Yes. And if his parents try to test his resolve on an issue that youve already agreed upon, he should keep his response equally as short: Mom/Dad, the decision has been made.. Hes the one who has the power to start working on himself. Thats why your husband chooses his family over you because his connection with his family never evolved to the next level. I will admit that your post was a little difficult for me to understand (are you using an online translator? I do get v angry when he calls me names. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. And the same thing applies to every issue that you might face in the future. And ever is Allaah Encompassing and Wise. Dont try to argue with him about why hes choosing his family over his wife. So most often what happens is the husband keeps fulfilling the financial and psychological needs of his family and the wife and his own children are often asked to compromise. But God forbid you say anything about her. Speaking badly about his family or his character will only make the situation worse. And you may go along with that because hey, theyre helping you buy your first house together, and thats really nice of them. Because change starts within. Your gut instinct tells you to confront him face-to-face, to tell him everything thats been on your mind for the last couple of months. He treats me so. It can be such a blow to your confidence and make you question your relationship and love for one another. He tells his mother and sister all that happens between the two of us. You will not get to crib then that your husband chooses his family over you and he will be satisfied by doing his bit for his side of the family. I know this is a very difficult position to be in. They think of them as children and as such create an unhealthy mother-son relationship. But thats not what I mean. Recently, I flew back to my residence and there his sister and her daughters wanted to create a barrier between us. We share subjects that impact your daily life and we primarily discuss and write about all things related to relationships, breakups, mental health, astrology and much more. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Battle lines have been drawn, so to speak. Required fields are marked *. Tell him that you had the same issue, that you had a hard time focusing on your marriage and choosing him over your parents. Understand husband chooses his family because he doesnt know how not to. Take a class that youve always wanted to delve into. Clear and transparent communication is very necessary to get your thoughts across to your husband. Pray Namaz Allah Pak will do better for you Especially when children come along. 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