Vampire Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a vampire. Welcome to the Quantum Realm. Also known as Evolution, Evolutionary Process, Metamorphosis and Ultimatized. Those composite category scores were then added together to create an overall power total for each character. Pain Inducement The ability to cause pain but not necessarily damage to an organism. Also known as the Penance Stare. Bat Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a bat. The ability of an organic being to merge with a robot. Its totally up to you how you can spin your character to be someone unique. Skeleton Anatomy The character is a skeleton. He's got super strength, flight, invulnerability, heat vision, shapeshifting, invisibility, and telepathy. Are their obligations to save the world from crime and whatnot hindering them from living the lives that they want? The medium doesnt to go where the ghost lives i.e. Fungi Manipulation The ability to manipulate fungi. Bovine Anatomy is also known as Bovine Body, Bovine Form, Bovine Mimicry, and Bovine Physiology. However, if you happen to have some asbestos on then you can have the fight half won. Memetic Manipulation The ability to manipulate memories. Holograph Manipulation is also known as Holographic Projection, Hologram Manipulation and Hologram Projection. Memory Absorption is also known as Memory Theft. Djinn Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a djinn. Weapon Manipulation The character has a weapon that uses super science and/or magic to make the character more powerful. Astral Traveling The ability to travel in ones astral form. Dinosaur Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a dinosaur. Appendages (head) is also known as Extra Heads, Multiple Heads and Polycephaly. Generation of the weapon as a superpower is also not an example of power bestowal by an object. This same list of superpowers is also known as Memetic Physiology. This same list of superpowers is also known as H2O Physiology, Hydro Physiology, Hydrokinetic Physiology, Hydrophysiology, Self-Liquification and Water Physiology. Plant Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a plant. As we all know Superman was born on another planet which was destroyed. Appendages (blades) is also known as Blade Arm, Bladed Arm and Sword Arm. There are many examples of comic companies copying character ideas but if you research well there is plenty of room for you to be original even with the same list of superpowers. Hybrid Anatomy is also known as Cross-Breeding, Cross-Species Physiology, Cross-Species Genetics, Fusion-Species Physiology, Half-Blood, Half-Breed Physiology, Hany (Japanese term), Hybrid Physiology and Hybridism. Strange or Dr. Eleven. And, I challenge you to put on that form-fitting outfit and fly into your life! Power Girlraw unprocessed natural material. What will he show us in the years to come? Conversely, the ability to suck the life force out of a person. Obviously, characters that have and have this power and are not listed here. Spring Mimicry The character can take on the form and/or characteristics of a spring. With over a hundred heroes to choose from in Exos Heroes, you need a head start in learning about the best characters to gain a competitive advantage.A hero's skill and potential in the game depends on their stats, attributes, and Fatecore. Imperceptibility (other/self) is also known as Aura Negation, Empty Presence, Non-Aura, Non-Presence, Presence Negation, Relative Nonexistence, Undetectability and Undetected Presence. Power Mimicry The ability to copy the powers of another being. This same list of superpowers is also known as Mass Alteration, Mass Control and Mass Shifting. Accelerated Healing The ability to heal more quickly than normal. Fey Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a fey i.e. The down-to-earth spirit transcends Spidey's original alter ego. Power Bestowal (persons) The ability to give powers to another being. Also known as Morality Manipulation and Morality Warping. And a relentless drive to use the money to punch things. However, for all their power there are some drawbacks. Regeneration means the character is near immortal not just resistant to injury. Hive Mind is also known as Brainwave Network, Collective Consciousness, Gestalt Mind, Hive Mentality and Psychic Network. Ant Anatomy is also known as Ant Body, Ant Form, Ant Mimicry, and Ant Physiology. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Despite his immense power, someone coming to the battlefield that isrooted inthe scientific will causeStrange to have tons of problems. Augmented Reality The ability to substitute sensory input and/or tag sensory input in order to enhance the persons perception of reality. This same list of superpowers is also known as Enhanced Accuracy, Enhanced Aiming, Enhanced Marksmanship, Enhanced Precision, Enhanced Targeting, Flawless Aiming, Flawless Accuracy, Flawless Marksmanship, Flawless Precision, Flawless Targeting, Improbable Aiming, Improbable Accuracy, Improbable Marksmanship, Improbable Precision, Improbable Targeting, Precise Aiming, Precise Accuracy, Precise Marksmanship, Skillful Aiming, Skillful Accuracy, Skillful Marksmanship, Skillful Precision, Skillful Targeting, Supernatural Accuracy, Supernatural Marksmanship, Supernatural Precision, Supernatural Targeting, Superior Aiming, Superior Accuracy, Superior Marksmanship, Superior Precision and Superior Targeting. The Phoenix Saga has given the world a pretty clear picture of Jean Greys weakness. Psychometry is also known as Clairsentience, Clairtangence, Psychometrics and Trace Scrying. Resurrection (self) The ability to resurrect ones self. The list of superpowers accompanying Cyborgization are also frequently known as Cyber Organic Physiology, Cyber-Biopunk, Cyborg Physiology, Nano-Aug Physiology, Nano-Augmented Physiology, Nano-Biopunk Physiology, Nanotechnological Augmented Physiology, Robot Mutant Physiology, Technological-Biological Physiology, Techno-Organic Physiology and Technorganic Physiology. Intangibility (self) is also known as Ghosting, Ghostwalking, Insubstantiality, Permeation, Phasing, Quantum Phasing and Quantum Tunneling. Its a team in space that fights things, but in a roguish way, so theyre like, cool and stuff. kate spade lori tote river blue . Talisman Manipulation is also known as Amulet Control, Amulet Manipulation, Charm Control, Charm Manipulation, Juju Control, Juju Manipulation, Magic Charm Control, Magic Charm Manipulation, Magical Charm Control, Magical Charm Manipulation, Mojo Control, Mojo Manipulation, Omamori Control, Omamori Manipulation, Periapt Control, Periapt Powers, Talisman Control and Totem Control. Breath (freeze) is also known as Arctic Breath, Cryokinetic Breath, Freeze Breath, Freezing Wind Breath, and Ice Breath. Running too fast. In fact, his heightened senses are much better than sight making him a very formidable superhero. Water Mimicry The being has a body made of water. The weapons here include famous guns and weapons that do not fit neatly into any of the subcategories listed. Android Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an android. Levitation is also known as Anti-Gravity Effect, Floatation, Gravity Immunity, Ground Repulsion, Levity and Transvection. For the record, a is a specialized type of spear! Goblinoids include goblins and hobgoblins. Wormhole Creation is also known as Distance Connection, EinsteinRosen Bridge and Wormhole Generation. Superpowers: Master spy & assassin, martial artist, armed combatant; skills in espionage, infiltration, disguise and deception, manipulation & hacking. These monsters appear to reside in the most terrifying locations, such as graveyards and dark alleyways. Astral Trapping The ability to keep an astral form on the astral plane. Imperceptibility (self) A person with this power cannot be perceived or if perceived then immediately forgotten. This same list of superpowers is also known as Astrakinesis, and Astral Energy Manipulation. Scorpion Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a scorpion. Astral Manipulation The ability to manipulate energy and/or constructs on the astral plane. Time Manipulation is also known as Chrono Control, Chrono Force, Chronokinesis, Fourth Dimension Manipulation, Temporal Alteration, Temporal Bending, Temporal Control, Temporal Manipulation, Temporal Warping, Time Alteration, Time Bending, Time Control and Time Warping. A game changer that reframed the righteous vigilante as a disturbed antihero, a complex makeover that captured Hollywood's imagination and seeded contemporary pop. or control the intensity of the weather. Rope can be made from natural fibers, synthetic fibers or wire. Duplication (other) The ability to make duplicate objects or persons. Being your own superhero is an important super-secret of the universe. Mind Control (fear) The ability to create fear in a target. Sand Mimicry The ability to take on the form and/or characteristics of sand. Gastropod Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a gastropods. Intelligence Enhancement The ability to enhance the intelligence of others. Flat Body (other/self) is also known as 2D Form, 2D Mimicry, 2D Physiology, Pancake Flatness, Self-Compression and Two-Dimensional Form. Disintegration is also known as Deconstruction, Dissociation and Matter Disintegration. Mind Blast also known as a Brain Blast, Mental Overload, Mind Blast, Psionic Blast, Psionic Inundation, Psychic Attack and Telepathic Torture. Stone Mimicry is also known as Rock Mimicry, Rock Physiology and Stone Physiology. (2) Technomimicry includes the ability to turn a robot into a human. Body Part Disembodied The ability to exist as a disembodied body part. This same list of superpowers is also known as Cell Regeneration Healing Hands, Healing Power, Healing Touch, Recovery Power and Recovery Touch. Alien Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an alien. One of his main powers is his ability to transmute objects. Kinetic Manipulation The ability to manipulate kinetic energy. Hematokinesis, Sanguinarian Control, Sanguinarian Manipulation, Sanguine Control, and Sanguine Manipulation. Animal Anatomy (multi) The person can turn into almost any type of animal imaginable. Shark Anatomy is also known as Selachothropy, Shark Body, Shark Form, Shark Mimicry and Shark Physiology. Transmutation (organic) The ability to turn an inorganic object or material into organic material. There are other mutants whose skin color has altered, as well as other physical transformations. Strengths: Literally Luke Cage's fist. Crustaceans include crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill and barnacles. All of these demonstrated exceptional strength and agility. Disease Manipulation is also known as Bacteria Manipulation, Bacterial Manipulation, Germ Manipulation, Illness Manipulation, Nosokinesis, Sickness Manipulation and Virokinesis. However, almost all magical or technologically advanced footwear takes on the form of boots. Stone Mimicry The character has a body composed of stone. Animal Possession The ability to actually enter the mind of the animal and effectively become one with the animal. Superhuman Senses (taste) is also known as Enhanced Taste, Gustatory Enhancement, and Perfect Taste. The subfamily Caprinae includes sheep, goats and antelopes. Witch Anatomy is also known as is also known as Hag Mimicry, Hag Physiology and Witch Physiology. You mustoverload his high senses. Tasks were frequently performed with relatively little strength and effort. Photographic Reflexes are also known as Adoptive Muscle Memory, Adaptive Muscle Memory, Adomopathy, Body Movement Copying, Combat Chameleon, Eidetic Kinesthesia, Mimetic Muscle Memory, Photographic Muscle Memory, Psychometric Reflexes and Reproductive Muscle Memory. Additionally, even though they are empowered by . Everyday Object Weaponization The weapon user has the ability to weaponize an everyday object by changing the object and/or using the object with superhuman skill in order to achieve superhuman effects. Authors and directors have come up with a variety of approaches to depict how superheroes acquire superhuman abilities. Size Reduction (self) The ability to decrease body size. Power Bestowal (objects) The use of objects that bestow superhuman power. This same list of superpowers is also known as Enhanced Stamina, Immense Stamina, Super Energy, Super Stamina, Superhuman Energy and Supernatural Energy. Summoning The ability to summon beings that are historical, fictional or supernatural but not ghosts for assistance. Rodent Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a rodent. ), and laundry problems. Sure, these heroes know how to tiptoe around their problems and eventually save the day, but their vulnerability in certain situations always makes for a compelling story that will keep people on the edge of their seats. Duplication (temporal) is also known as Temporal Duplication, Temporal Replication, Time Duplication, Time Paradox and Time Replication. Thormore than a minute away from his hammer. Lion Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a lion. Frog Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a frog. Leprechaun Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a leprechaun. Kitsune become more powerful and wiser with age. If the hammer left his side for more than 60 seconds than Thor would revert to Donald Blake. 1 pick, but now, we're taking a look at the top 10. In sensitive Mark Ruffalo (plus an army of CGI maestros), the hero finally has an onscreen ambassador worthy of this most psychologically trenchant Avenger. , and are specialized forms of precognition. Dragon Anatomy is also known as Draconic Body, Draconic Form, Draconic Mimicry, Draconus Form, Draconus Mimicry, Draconus Physiology, Draconus Body, Dragon Body, Dragon Form, Dragon Mimicry, Dragon Physiology, Ry Body, Ry Form, Ry Mimicry, Ry Physiology, Vritra Body, Vritra Form, Vritra Mimicry, Vritra Physiology, Wyrm Body, Wyrm Form, Wyrm Mimicry and Wyrm Physiology. Humanoid trees are dealt with in not here. Body Part Disembodied is also known as Body Part Mimicry, Body Part Physiology, Limb Mimicry, Limb Physiology, Organ Mimicry and Organ Physiology. Sound Manipulation (voice) The ability of a being to use their voice for various effects other than mind control. Aura Manipulation The ability to manipulate auras. We've already revealed Wonder Woman as ourNo. Mirror Manipulation is also known as is also known as Looking Glass Manipulation and Vitrikinesis. This reawakened his superhuman abilities. Magma Mimicry is also known as Lava Form, Lava Physiology, Magma Form and Magma Physiology. Merging (humanoids) The merging of two or more humanoids. Astral Traveling is also known as Astral Projection, Astral Transport, Descensum, Out of Body Travel, and Spirit Walk. Hes got super strength, flight. Necromancy is also known as Black Animacy, Dark Animancy, Necrokinesis, Necro Magic and Undeath Magic. Superhuman Leaping The ability to leap to a superhuman degree. DC seems to have the monopoly as opposed to Marvel on actual ghosts that are major characters. Biological Manipulation (other) is also known as Biokinesis, Biology Manipulation, Cellular Control, Cellular Manipulation, Morbikinesis, Organic Life Manipulation and Vitakinesis. Prehensile Feet Prehensile feet are lower limbs that possess the ability to grasp like a hand. Disease Resistance is also known as Disease Immunity. However, if you overload him with noise then you have a good chance of defeating him. Poison Resistance The ability to be exposed to and/or ingest toxins and not be harmed. Martians weakness for fire is what helped Batman defeat a room full of Martians in a classic Justice League story. Cyberpathy is the ability to control computers mentally rather than control machines in general. Immortality (others) The ability to make others immortal. For example, while they are in their adolescent years. Precognition is also known as Foresight, Future Vision, Fortunetelling, Premonition and Prophecy. Molecular Combustion (self) is also known as Atomic Explosion, Detonation, Explosion, Living Bomb, Nitrokinesis, Nuclear Explosion, Reiciokinesis, Self-Destruction and Self-Detonation. Johnny Storm the Human Torch is a very powerful being. Ok now, this is a bit sexist and slightly pornographic. pandora station suggestions; what disease does kenny chesney have Demon Anatomy is also known as Daemonium Physiology, Demon Mimicry, Demon Physiology, Demonic Mimicry, Demonic Physiology, Devil Mimicry, Devil Physiology, and Devil Trigger (Devil May Cry). Turning a human into a robot alone is robotization. Axe Manipulation The axe can be used for various superhuman effects. Amorphous Anatomy is also known as Formless Mimicry, and Formless Physiology. Gas Mimicry The being has a body composed of gas. Metal Mimicry is also known as Ferro Body, Ferro Form, Ferro Mimicry, Ferro Physiology, Ferrokinetic Mimicry, Ferrokinetic Physiology, Metal Body, Metal Form, Metal Physiology, Metallic Body, Metallic Form, Metallic Mimicry, Metallic Physiology, Metallicization and Metallization. Ghost Anatomy The being is a ghost. We are also going to talk about some tips regarding superhero writing, what to do, and and other significant points! Emotion Absorption The character can absorb emotions. One of most ubiquitous superpowers after super strength. Its not good to portray your superhero characters without emotions. Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns? Force Field Generation The ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy. The books arrived either miraculously or were intended for a certain individual who would come to save the planet at a later time. Energy Constructs are also known as Ergokinetic Constructs, Energy Craftsmanship and Energy Weapon Creation. Vision (electromagnetic) The ability to see all or part of the electromagnetic spectrum that normal humans cannot see and which includes radio waves, microwaves, , ultraviolet, and gamma-rays. Teleportation (self) The ability to move oneself and a person adjacent from one place to another without occupying the space in between. Probability Manipulation (good) is also known as Fortune, Fortune Self-Inducement, Luck and Self-Induced Positive Consequences. Self-understanding that leads to self-control is part of being wise. Embodiment (nation) is also known as National Personification. This same list of superpowers is also known as Serpent Body, Serpent Form, Serpent Mimicry, Serpent Physiology, Serpentine Body, Serpentine Form, Serpentine Mimicry, Serpentine Physiology, Snake Body, Snake Form, Snake Mimicry and Snake Physiology. Mammalian Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a mammal. Antimatter Mimicry is also known as Antimatter Physiology, and Antimatter Form. His powers are gross and grand: He spins gray webs (ewww!) Like Marvel's Mister Fantastic, Ezekiel can stretch his limbs to extreme lengths in all directions. Duplication (energy) The ability to create a duplicate that is composed of energy. Transmutation (animal) is also known as Animal Transformation, Animal Transmogrification, Animal Transmutation and Projective Animal Metamorphosis. Unfortunately, her emotions play a huge part in what she does, and these emotionsare even detrimental to her power usage. Death Touch is also known as Death Evocation, Fatal Touch, Instant Death, Instant Killing, Killing Effect, Killing Touch, Necrogenesis and Physical Death Inducement. a haunted place. Others are the result of genetic engineering. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from Coffy to Jackie Brown. Empathy is also known as Emotion Perception, Emotion Sense, Empathic Perception and Empathic Sense. Duplication (cloning) The creation of a duplicate using cloning. Microwave Manipulation is also known as Fournos Mikrokymatonkinesis and Microwave Control. Plasma Manipulation is also known as Ionized Gas Manipulation, Plasma Control and Plasmokinesis. Similar to which may or not involve visual input, which is limited to a few seconds in the future and which depends on physical contact. The spider bite changed Peter into a man who could climb walls, sense danger, and battle foes with incredible strength. Power Manipulation The ability to control, change, decrease and/or enhance the list of superpowers of others. Embodiment (nation) The character embodies a nation and/or place. Armor (energy) The ability to generate armor made out of energy. Molecular Combustion (object) The ability to make an object explode. This power is very common so a list of every character that possesses this power is not practical. Hippopotamus Anatomy The character is a hippopotamus and/or has hippopotamus characteristics. Pegasus Anatomy The character is a winged horse. Superhuman Swimming The ability to swim at superhuman speeds. The big drawback to this form of mind power is that eye contact is needed. In this article, we make a list of superhero powers and their origin. Theres four of them, except when one or all four disappear or maybe one goes evil. Merfolk Anatomy The character has the powers and characteristics of the merfolk also known as mermaids and mermen. Some superheroes are thought to be vindictive, while others claim to be nice and bring peace to the world. Psychic Weapons The ability to create weapons out of psychic energy. Read on to make some progress in your writing! Transmutation (petrification) The ability to turn persons and/or objects into stone. Armor (energy) is also known as Energy Exoskeleton and Ergokinetic Armor. Mesmer Can Read Minds With Physical Contact Mesmer once was part of a previous superhero team and has become somewhat of a celebrity. They appear as a result of experimental techniques or specific garments with superhero qualities. Thank you for signing up! Heat Vision is also known as Calokinetic Vision and Heat Beam Eye Blast. Top 10 Superhero Weaknesses advertisement Top 5 Trivia Scores 1 Kingston Shamery 114 pts Top 10 Superhero Weaknesses VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton Script written by Jamie Leslie Superheroes embody everything we define as strength, however it doesn't mean they don't have weaknesses of their own. This same list of superpowers is also known as Rodent Body, Rodent Form, Rodent Mimicry and Rodent Physiology. Possession is also known as Body Hijacking, Body Possession, Bodyjacking, Overshadowing, Psionic Possession and Take-Over Magic. Cloak Manipulation The ability to manipulate a cloak to achieve superhuman effects due to skill and/or properties of the cape. Amphibian Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an amphibian. Fish Anatomy is also known as Fish Body, Fish Form, Fish Mimicry, Ichthyes Body, Ichthyes Form, Ichthyes Mimicry, Ichthyes Physiology, Marine Life Body, Marine Life Body Form, Marine Life Body Mimicry, Marine Life Body Physiology, Pisces Body, Pisces Form, Pisces Mimicry and Pisces Physiology. Wormhole Creation The creation and/or usage of wormholes which is a type of teleportation. Talisman Manipulation The talisman can provide power for various superhuman effects. Its not copying to give your character a superpower the same as another books character. Mind Control (group) The ability to control the minds of four or more people at the same time. Dragon Manipulation The ability to control and/or alter a dragons behavior. Magnetoreception The ability to detect a magnetic field to perceive direction, altitude or location. Cyberpathy is especially not the ability to build machines including computers! Electrical Mimicry is also known as Electricity Mimicry, Electricity Physiology, Electrokinetic, Lightning Mimicry and Electrophysiology. After all, in terms of the company's modern relevance, no character is more important. is there a chance we are the bad guys? Not much has changed since then, except now some of those interesting books he picks off the shelf were designed by his company! hes just a guy with a glowing green ring. Mix cold manipulation and add the ability to control the movement of ice and you have ice manipulation. Dwarf Anatomy is also known as Dwarf Mimicry and Dwarf Physiology. Planetary Absorption The ability to absorb the energy and/or matter of an entire planet. Power Bestowal (objects)is also known as Artifact Affinity, Artifact Magic, Object Affinity, Object Magic, Object-Based Powers and Object of Power. Superhuman Will Power The person has a degree of will power that is far beyond the norm. 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