Optical fibers works on the principle of total internal reflection. Fiber optic cables have much higher bandwidth than copper twisted cables. Ex: L https://www.academyofemc.com/emc-standards. (2015). The other telephone line is copper only, so that it works when electricity is gone, sometimes 12 hours in winter by 0 F. Armin Ansari, PhD, a health physicist who leads the radiological assessment team at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) told Insider that people concerned about reducing cell phone radiation should consider wearing a Bluetooth headset or headphones. The ACS says on its website that it does not have any official position or statement on whether or not radiofrequency radiation from cell phones, cell phones towers, or other sources is a cause of cancer. Most U.S. government health agencies, including the CDC, FDA and National Cancer Institute, have stated theres no evidence to support a connection between wireless devices and cancer. Lets explore what the science says about Wi-Fi and cancer thus far. Hodgkin Lymphoma: The Latest in Treatment and Research, https://www.dana-farber.org/appointments-and-second-opinions/, https://www.dana-farber.org/research/clinical-trials/find-a-clinical-trial/. There are several ways that a high-fibre diet could reduce your risk of bowel cancer. Installed F.lux set at 2 400 K. (2020). I declined, and hopefully they havent done that. This is in contrast to wireless communications for which the radiation emitted is an intrinsic part of the process. I had not read it before. https://www.emfanalysis.com/fiber-optics-increasing-electrical-sensitivity/. Isnt wired fiber optic internet, which uses light to transmit large amounts of data at incredibly high speeds, supposed to be safer and healthier for everyone? So, I would be wary of what they are offering. It wouldnt be that hard to do in the case of EMI emissions. The greater the distance you put between yourself and your We'll tell you what you need to know. So many people on YouTube addressing this issue dont really seem to know nearly as much as you do. Because fiber transmits signals via light instead of current, its immune to electromagnetic interference and ultimately thats a very good thing. Reach out to me via email if you have any specific questions. Evidence of oxidative stress after continuous exposure to Wi-Fi radiation in rat model. I believe I am experiencing this problem but Im confused because regular tv channels dont cause me to feel ill. They do not service the military planes, but they see them in the dark hours by their jet exhaust. It will take building awareness of this issue, which we are all starting to do. I have fiber optic internet which I have been happy with, however this prompted me to question whether it could be contributing to my EMF sensitivity. There is likely quite an electric field and/or EMI coming to your computer. (2014). On the other hand, theres a big concern for the 5G connection on the air. The other place where the AM radio was extremely noisy (buzzed loudly) was when I held it up to the shielded ethernet cable (Cat 7) where it inserts into the laptop ethernet port. I fully intend to switch to a different Internet provider, as I am not satisfied with my current one. Im always extremely leery of new technology, especially when its being offered for free. Insufficient transmitting power. What is harmful for male fertility: Cell phone or the wireless internet? Disconnect the existing cable and telephone lines in your home from the cable provider. So would this solution also work for 5G? So I went to the shed and turned off power supply to the ONT. Besides, it is fun. The Military Operations are aircraft. I just got fiber optics installed in my apartment building four weeks ago. Cant remember exactly when those first cell phones came out but Im pretty sure these networks of cell towers didnt exist then. 8.) (2017). Those results have also been inconclusive. I was thinking if I get the line to run to the garage and shield the converter, then run it to my own modem/router, would that result in less DE because I dont have copper running right into the house? Everyone is confused and misled by fiber, solar and corrupted internet. This is all so new that we are seeing what works for electrically sensitive people as we go. Do you have connections with people who may be able to create/propose solutions to manufacturers? I like to do my computer work in an area that has the circuits turned off. I have been enjoying the challenge for 31 years. Could you clarify something for me? It is the only EMF resource on the internet by an electrically sensitive engineer that has over a decade of experience working directly with thousands of individuals and families. This would give us internet that is healthy/safe/fast/reliable for the entire society. I am so thankful for this information, Jeromy. Do you have an older Radio Shack AM radio to measure radiated EMI? However, you can and should ground this before it gets to your laptop. Effects of acute exposure to WIFI signals (2.45 GHz) on heart variability and blood pressure in Albinos rabbit. This will greatly increase the RF in your neighborhood. My only concern is that we speak carefully and correctly, in part so that the critics have even less excuse for dismissing the issue. Here are a few: 1.) There is no good reason to connect billions of devices which could be using up 20% of our electrical output for wireless communication by 2025. I can send you his very technical explanation if you email me. Again, whether that radiation will be harmful for humans depends on various factors. My view is it is best to err on the side of safety rather than to wait until one becomes ill. Now I limit my familys use of the internet since I have small kids. It will depend on the equipment they use. Adults:877-442-3324 Pediatric:888-733-4662. Is there a way I can test to see if this is the cause? https://www.electrahealth.com/cable_tv_current_isolator.html?a_aid=esh. My question is how do I do a fiber optics system that will act as barrier for my condo since I cannot change the internet connection in the apartment complex. + one computer tower is wrapped in a carbon plastic sheet, grounded Instead they are pushing VOIP. EMI from Specialty Lighting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6fZP-J2brk If so, what kind of technology (all the components) is the right kind? We still have copper wire old line. On paper it sounds great. Thanks! Tk L, et al. This is crucial for people with EMF and RF sensitivity. Hi Jeromy, I am writing from the UK. I think your EE acknowledges my point when he uses phrases such as are not *effective* radiators and that EMI is the *primary* issue. It radiates at 10% of the power of a typical router when in use. The more I can learn the more changes and preventative measures I can put in place to make our little world as safe and healthy as possible. The meter started flashing red indicating 10x above extreme exposure level! Do you have a YouTube channel? I think that in future it should be part of the sellers responsibility to keep and provide this critical information. https://www.emfanalysis.com/low-emf-computing/. Thank you writing this article on EHS and fiber optic installations, it was very interesting. I have seen several people get better by switching back to their original internet providers (this is with all wireless disabled). These can typically be found on Ebay or elsewhere online for $20-$30. I was unable to learn whether it was a fixed ground based radar or an AWACS plane. Apart from this detail, what are the principles = which criteria to check? As the article points out, it can be on the copper cable/internet lines as well. Ive just been informed by Verizon that they will be suspending/disconnecting the current copper (landline) phone network in my community and I will lose my phone service in three weeks if I dont switch to their fiber setup. Im not planning on changing this.). https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/05/13/fiber-broadband-and-small-cells-an-unholy-municipal-alliance/, https://www.emfanalysis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Communications-Power-Grid.pdf. This is all leading up to a question: If that doesnt work, then my next article about putting a home fiber optic system between your computer and the modem should do the trick (#7 above). (I get my internet access through Comcast and use a wired connection with my own non-wifi router. * Remove all Smart Meters and put the Analog Meters back. These operations One more question I want to switch from an iPhone 7 to a low emf phone. For most ES people, sticking with older technology as long as possible is the best option for now. + all phones are on a copper line only, all zero AC. I am working on the updated version of the book. It is picking up the magnetic component of the fields in the AM frequency band. The fact that it hit me at that point and not before makes me wonder if it was the computer itself that was the problem the massively increased speed might have enabled the computer to work at a new level of efficiency and with it, send out a whole lot more radiation. Ill be posting many more articles and videos in 2020: Hi Jeromy, thank you! Dasdag S, et al. A few resources for you: 1.) I have to stay at an AirBnB that has 4 very strong wifi networks according to my cell phone (all full bars). From the O.N.T. So, we are addicted to speed for family peace. This is a problem for me too when the computer is connected to the internet (even on ethernet), I get symptoms. it is low-frequency, electronic devices are all around us, and always on. I was trying to choose one with a larger lot, so I can have some distance from my neighbors. I dont think SAR values are the best judge of the safety of a phone. So far, there is no consistent evidence that WiFi routers or WiFi-powered devices increase cancer risk. However, it doesnt capture most of the newer small 4G DAS/5G antennas. This EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure is a primary reason why electrical sensitivity is increasing when high-speed internet is installed in our communities. Dana-Farber shares patient stories which may include descriptions of actual medical results. I outline this process here: Im a teacher from Ontario, Canada. I steered our conversation into the electro-smog arena and he mentioned EMI as a concern he was already familiar with. Then you just need to have an ONT unit (fiber optic modem) that you can tolerate. Thanks for your comment. I never really thought twice about it until I came down with a massive headache that lasted for about three weeks. But does it affect health? However, it is a major contributor to electrical sensitivity and poor health. Glad the article has been timely for you. It feels like I have some superpower to tell such things! I see so much brain cancer this year. Its definitely EMI, yet THEY say that optic fibre cant produce such, which is a pack of lies. If you are electrically sensitive, you may want to see if you are affected in other homes in your neighborhood. I have experienced what you are going through. Now I am made surer that I did the right thing by getting rid of the fiber optics & 1 Gigabit router and went for a cable internet & a slower modem. An AM radio is also well advised. But there are currently no known health risks in humans. I just found your page and I just need to offer a huge, hearty Thank you for all this great info!! Server 2 provided a safe modem, TPG-Link VR1600V, and all wireless can be disabled. What do you think? It requires an internet connection to work. Such emissions are a by-product of operation, much like those of combustion. I just submitted my consent for fiber optics in my neighbourhood, hoping there would be no problems with it being wired. Continue internet service with a non-fiber optic provider as long as possible. You do want to check the fiber optic cable coming into your home for EMI. Or can all remediation easily be done at a later date? Im sure many others are facing or will be facing similar situations and could greatly benefit by your answers. With all the jet traffic and the need to monitor the practicing planes, they must have a supporting radar. Eventually well have products that are designed with low-EMI emissions in mind. We are in a rural area of FL and have only been in our home for 2 years, but with the addition of these new towers it really worries me. This is separate from the 2011 assessment by the IARC, which labeled EMFs as possibly carcinogenic. The IARC is also part of WHO. Theres been controversy surrounding the EMF Project. Feel free to reach out to me for an email or Zoom consult if you wish to discuss. And must the radio be set all the way to the left at 530 kHz, or could it be used on any AM channel, from 530 to 1700 kHz? The two pronged adapter cant be earthed, as we use three-pronged 240V AC. It makes my hands burn. why oh why does this site move so rapidly from one non disaster to another perfectly safe product to blame for early death, cancer, the end of the Also, when you say disconnect existing cable and telephone, I am uncertain what that means. Watch this: Disabling a Samsung Smart TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnW1_hM3iO8. ===== (BTW, were in the States where misinformation and greed at the expense of safety abounds.). Advantages of Fiber Optic internet The Federal Communications Commission agrees, but suggests consumers may want to take steps to reduce their exposure to electromagnetic radiation, especially from cell phones. Although AT&T will probably stop maintaining the DLS lines when our community fully converts to fiber. Its not so much of where the cables are located (they are generally out at the street, either on poles or underground). Thanks. EMI isnt limited to being on electrical wiring. As of yet I have not given consent, but time is ticking. If I cant reduce this EMI, I will not be able to use a phone. Yikes! Another option I thought would be put faraday enclosure on the ONT, ground the ONT and cable to the ground rod right there, and then use shielded cable at least to the router. Wi-Fi is a wireless technology. In the wee hours of the morning, military aircraft use the Green Bank valley for ground support practice. I just ordered the items (the links you give are broken now, but you can find the amplifier on eBay and the phone on Amazon by searching for the product). But, since HFC connection and using VOIP (non-wireless corded phones), I have measured 700-800 V/m at the phone, yet THE Server 1 phone connected to copper cable measures 7.5 V/m. Fibre broadband is in my area and Im encouraged to use it right now I use copper through the phone line . Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health. Bough it because one EHS person tolerated it. A report by the consulting firm Deloitte estimates that the average American household has as many as 25 wirelessly connected devices. Ive been concerned about 5G and had no idea they use the fiber optic system! I am hopeful that we will eventually get this quite right. I had a similar conversation at the EMF Conference with the president of American Teledata where he explained some of the coming/current advances in fiber optic technology. In Illinois, where I live, if you are a homeowner and planning to do a renovation, you can call a number and they will put flags (different colors for different utilities) to show you where the lines are. Thank you for sharing. Many of my clients who need the information now get the PDF and print/bind at a local print shop (its about 80 pages and costs $20 to do so). It is the accidental common mode EMI that is coming in from the telecommunications equipment that is the primary issue in this case. Why dance around with educated guesses when you just have to turn on a meter and use logic. When I had fibre optic installed, I had to wait a few hours before I got a connection. Use your own low-bandwidth cable modem. Well, sorta. You COULD use fiber to pick up sunlight and carry it. No doubt about that. However, the cross section of a single fiber is very, very I worked in lasers and electro-optics and I found splicing fiber to be kind of hit and miss. Obviously I am not good with a blade. I had a guy who [3] This is contrary to gamma wave oscillatory frequencies which emerge in selective focus tasks., Ive read nearly 100,000 pages of such data, and non-intended electromagnetic induction of neuronal cells and tissues are at the bottom line of altered and chaotic modern behaviors, I know Im not being helpful, but ducking for cover whilst we destroy the Earth is a bit counterintuitive We are murdering the planet with electromagnetic infrastructure so we can talk endlessly about how to stop doing it. When I ran the article by a very knowledgeable EE he explained how both the phone line DSL and cable lines are not effective radiators when they are installed properly. I thought I was the only one this happened to. I use only a desktop computer hardwired to an old non-WiFi modem using DSL service. The sensor was used to measure the backscattered and transmitted light from frozen and unfrozen ex vivo porcine tissue and in vivo human skin tissue (finger). This month Comcast installed underground fiber optic cable and they turned it on yesterday. Although the paper says there is no radiation in the area because of the observatory, the fact is that the observatory is old, outdated and seldom used other than for training purposes. If its true, then getting my computer professionally shielded might make fibre bearable. What we need is pure fiber to the home (GPON) with no power backbone (no EMI) and a low-EMI media converter at the home. Finally, this is what I do for a landline setup even when going through the modem: https://www.emfanalysis.com/analog-phone-system/, Jeromy, you write: Indeed, Ill be sending out an article about these 4G DAS small cells in San Francisco next month. Given our frequent contact with wave-emitting devices in the home, you may wonder whether EMFs. Besides availability, fiber internet has a few other potential issues in addition to its many positive attributes. This uses no electrical equipment between the main office and the home. The have kept their phone line DSL or cable internet connections until they know more about the new system. I have Charter Spectrum for my landline phone and internet. I would be sure to ground the connection before it gets to your computer. If one does not use fiberoptics in ones house, but it has been installed in the neighborhood, does that mean the EMI and be traveling on the Comcast cables that one is using for internet connection and phone service? We must recognise the problem and seek mitigation through improved design. If you advocate for fiber in communities, you need laws/ordinances in place that wont allow it to be used to put small cells that are used for 4G/5G on every street corner. Unless a cable carrying electrical signals is properly shielded and grounded it by its nature will radiate beyond the cable. In some instances, the signals are simply slowed down and degraded, but in others, the signals arent able to pass through the fiber optic cables at all. Thank God you and others are on this. Thanks! I am not familiar with the low-EMI/EMF modem models/providers in Australia. Frankly I would be comfortable with 4G. Effect of long-term exposure of 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi equipment on testes functions. Green Bank WV, Electrical Sensitivity Community. How do I find out where the underground cables are? The next day woke up with a rash all over. Wow! Grateful we are getting you closer to a healthier computing setup. The scientific community (too often in revolving doors with the same industries that produce and sell cables phones and modems they should honestly analyze) says its just a conspiracy theory and the 5G is absolutely safe. If fiber particles are ingested they can cause internal hemorrhaging 2. (2018). Is there a single, hand-held device made that can measure all of this harmful radiation, Wifi & VHFs (30-300 MHz) included? Our health is a FAR heftier price tag than saving a bit of money. In fact it is already at our property line and will be connected to my house by December. However, I do stand by what I wrote above in the article. This signal is then transmitted to a decoder, known as the router. Jeromy also does this type of work; see his page https://www.emfanalysis.com/recommended-emf-meters/ Fiber cables are also unplugged as well as remove any connections to the existing wires), would there be *any* EMFs or EMIs emitted from this set up? Is that EMI unavoidable? Most traditional routers support FTTP-enabled internet connection, but cannot efficiently handle the high-speed data transmission of fibre optic technology. (2018). I have a wired modem but I am suddenly having such a difficult time being on my computer. [3] It has been shown that alpha rhythms seem to be related to the focus of ones attention: external focus on visual tasks diminish alpha activity while internal focus as in heavy working memory tasks show an increase in alpha magnitudes. In new builds (if we wish to have wired, fiber optic Internet connections), would using a CAT9 cable help with lowering magnetic and/or electrical fields? It will be interesting to see if it helps me when Im on the phone! The average hourly wage for a fiber optic technician is $20.08. Hi, we have just had fiber optic broadband fitted to all telephone poles in street. Hi, Im all for getting rid of cell towers and 5G and wifi etc etc but this article is just 100% BS. But if I get even half a microwatt of HF and some crackling or pulse or repeated signals then there is likely something on the line. I am using an external keyboard and an old-school mouse and I only use the computer when its running on batteries plus I do not use a modem (the computer is directly plug to the LAN), yet I still feel the buzz and if I do this a long time, I get a headache. In most areas, even the most basic package is much faster than you will need to stream movies on Netflix or Amazon. You will be able to control the EMF exposures in your home more easily if every copper wire is not radiating EMI. lightening) that can reduce speed of transmission. Ive been dealing with EHS and DE for almost 8 years now and am just now finally starting to slowly recover if I keep a healthy distance from stuff and eat brain foods. Thank you for reading. Many communities have multiple internet service companies to choose from. (2015). The EMF Project is working on a health risk assessment of EMFs. Many of our phones, tablets, computers and televisions are connected to the internet without cables. Other common household wireless devices include: The estimated number of wireless devices worldwide has nearly tripled to 22 billion since 2016. Dana-Farber provides personalized care for each patient based on their unique needs; their experiences and results will vary. This should really help with any computer sensitivity. Have you done the steps in this article between your modem and laptop? Pall ML, et al. The best way to protect yourself from radiation emissions from routers and electronic devices is to minimize exposure. Then there is no harm at all. Yes I can see your point, but things are changing and lucky for all of us God is in charge and making changes and these will ultimately be part of the change. Feel free to reach out to me for a phone/Skype call. According to the researchers, this suggests that Wi-Fi affects the heart. In 2011, the World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stated that EMFs are possibly carcinogenic to humans. The label was established by 30 scientists who evaluated studies on EMFs and cancer. The radiation creates areas called electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Sometimes its the ONT device that ES people are reacting to. I owe my health to the discovery of your website three years ago. Fiber can be made safe, its just that the current systems can have problems. How long does it take to fix a fiber optic cable? Because it will be very expensive to get hooked up after they leave our neighborhood, Im inclined to go forward. How do you use your own modem if you have a phone with the provider? For clinical trials outside of Dana-Farber: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. So, to cut to the chase, have you written about a health friendly infrastructure from signal origination to signal destination that would be safer? 3.) Your email address will not be published. The earthing cable is accessible. + bought ten mechanical mice = one ball below and two buttons, no wheel. (2017). a step-up in my previously low-level tinnitus to an all-time high and at a very high pitch a pitch that I have not encountered before. I need a land line too since cell phones bother me even more. Thanks for sharing your experience George. Then it will be to the presses. If not what rating of CAT cable would be best for the job in terms of limiting EMF radiation? With respect to speed specifically bitrate I think that there are many users that simply think higher speed must be better, and so may have signed up to a service that is greatly excessive for their needs. The cable modem can also add EMI to the electrical wiring of your home, so you want this to be clean as possible. The reason that I wrote initially is that you suggest in so many words that the radiation is zero. So, as you can see, fiber optic cables play a vital role in global communication. Have you seen much difference in the amount of EMI created if the ONT is only used for phone service versus using it for full internet access? For now, be sure that you are doing steps 2-4 in this article. Bluetooth uses the generally harmless non-ionizing type of electromagnetic waves. etc If Jeromy has covered this somewhere on this site, just follow his directions. Routers and electronic devices, such as cellphones, Im looking forward to reading more of your articles. You typically cant get cut but you can get a puncture and a splinter! If the fiber system in your neighborhood becomes a problem for you (which it sounds like it wont), then there are plenty of things you can do after the fact. The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. In 1996, WHO established the International EMF Project. Most shows on Netflix and Amazon prime do cause me to be ill. Can you tell me why? It started happening infrequently about the time I changed my internet to fiber (1 GiG upload/download) and after a few months it has become more frequent where im having the issue all throughout the day. How could this be? High Speed Asus AC1900 Eco Router: https://www.jrseco.com/p/jrs-eco-100-wifi-d2-on-asus?c=6680. Inadequate transmitting power. Most of the equipment youre talking about is rated for Industrial / Commercial use, which is far different than Residential. Hopefully that will help get you on the right track. This is the best way to bring fiber to the home. The underground cables are a big unknown. Every cellular antenna on a light or utility pole needs a fiber connection to operate. Wide-Spectrum EMI from Dimmer Switch: https://youtu.be/7Hwa6prYI9M. This will tell you if there is something with the fiber optic system that doesnt work for you. Thanks for writing. I hope that we can get some legislation passed to help protect people from all of this. Alternatively, there are expensive pieces of equipment than one could buy to do this themselves. I wasnt aware of some of this information! Thank you for the article. OR are their inherent technical considerations that make higher data rates inherently dangerous. These The real danger is when fibers are stripped, trimmed, and cut. I would work with a local EMF consultant to discuss this issue. WebNo. I have no need of super high-speed InternetI just do light surfing, emailing, and would like to watch a few videos on YouTube from time to time. Do you know if your internet provider is installing GPON or FTTC fiber? I did so and the very second that the windows in my browser became active, I was hit by symptoms e.g. + the last computer is mobile, new and not checked, dispensing digital anesthesia 3. Those boxes are between every house in our neighborhood! This process of installing cables and So far, there is no consistent evidence that WiFi routers or WiFi-powered devices increase cancer risk. * Im assuming we are talking dirty electricity?. Heh, heh Like every other bird, insect, plant, and living creature, I was born electromagnetically sensitive. Great question. Ill send you my AM radio protocol via email. Im not able to feel WiFi or smart meters. Here are the meters I recommend: And how to use the EMF Meters: https://youtu.be/_aVINxa2ERA. Our cable TV downstairs is via a different provider. Send me a message for more information on EMI filtering options. + the fiber light-electron-light converter (LEL, ha ha) connects to the modem which connects to the router which sends electrons through shielded cables. just louder even when I used it for CD to play music. When/if you update the electronic version with any essential info, will you let buyers know? I look forward to seeing the article you are preparing. Its used to connect laptops, smartphones, and other electronic devices to the Internet. Insects and birds are dying and my dog is sick. It will cost more up front, but will pay dividends in health and economic development for many generations to come. I cannot say Thank You to you enough, Jeromy!! Is there a way for me to tell for sure? I would start with this grounding procedure (get the Ethernet ground adapter and the CAT-7 Ethernet cables): https://www.emfanalysis.com/low-emf-internet-connection/. Hello Jeromy, is there a meter that can tell me how much dirty electricity my cable modem is pumping into my power lines? Is harmful for male fertility: cell phone ( all full bars ) rat.... That can tell me why Ebay or elsewhere online for $ 20- $ 30 land line since! Ill send you my am radio to measure radiated EMI connection, but will pay in! Switch to a healthier computing setup continuous exposure to Wi-Fi radiation in rat model to speed for peace! 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Emfs are possibly carcinogenic many more articles and videos in 2020: Jeromy! Electrically sensitive people as we use three-pronged 240V AC from this detail, what are principles... The book improved design your modem and laptop, especially when its being for... When Im on the air fiber connection to operate fully converts to fiber ( fiber optic system that doesnt for... A phone/Skype call the router and/or EMI coming to your laptop my neighbors a problem for too. Devices increase cancer risk, which we are all starting to do started flashing red indicating 10x above extreme level! Job in terms of limiting EMF radiation will be interesting to see if you have an radio! Outline this process of installing cables and so far, there is something the. And fiber optic cables play a vital role in global communication my neighbourhood, hoping there would be problems! Way for me to feel ill the average American household has as many as wirelessly. 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