Justin is way to nice to assault anybody on anything except MvC3 LUL. There will be some redditor hate warrior years later that will clip your streaming behaviour or discord messages edit them and present a case that would fail in court but would succeed in social media. His response here. And then the second girl starts her twitlonger with this: "My story is not one of an isolated event, rather one that occurred over many months. Allegations of rape next to allegations of Cheating by an ex from 5+ years ago on the same list with no digression. It's just a nasty element of human nature, especially of any mob/large group. He was E-dating two girls at the same time at the start of his career. i mean, if i were joe id be pissed too. We have serious allegations of rape, sexual harassment, assault And then allegations of a bad date. Is this the same accusation about him from a year or 2 ago if anyone knows? Public opinion matters more this days than actual truth, even if your case doesn't go into court you've basically branded the accused of being a sex offender. Kayce (Luke Grimes) was also looking death in the face as gunmen burst into his office in what was an assassination attempt. Can you elaborate with the whole Scarra and Ryan Higa thing? From what I can see that's prety damning against her mountain of evidence in those google docs. I didn't even think of reading it that way, "you ignored me and it hurt" as in they totally ignored them, and it hurt their feelings, I read it as "you ignored me and it hurt" as in they forced themselves on them. Pieces of shit will be pieces of shit and there is no room for that kind of behavior. The site inhabited by self-proclaimed SJW "heroes". https://livestreamfails.com/post/1328. Nothing he did was illegal but damn was that a gross story from start to finish. I was grooming her, but never got the chance. Asmongold thoughts regarding streamers/Orgs and Sexual Misconduct here. Second girl is coming forward agains reckful: https://twitter.com/DarthDomino/status/1276444128268746754, https://twitter.com/indiefoxxlive/status/1275349895541592065. Sometimes things happen so fast people are shocked and don't process all the details as it's happening. Yeah, if anything it makes him look a bit like a awkward dude who thought there was something there. CEO of Twitch Emmett Shear being called out. The ProSyndicate one is almost certainly true. Guess a cease would do that however is that even legal? Ive been afraid of this making it back to them but Im choosing to not live with that fear anymore. Yellowpaco. Latest update : Cinnpie accused of sexual assault with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24, USA Wednesday, July 1, 2020 5pm EDT, EU Wednesday, July 1, 2020 10pm BST. When someone is straight lying about you & trying to get as much attention as they can? Not only are they possibly ruining an innocent person's life, but they also make it harder for actual victims to talk about it and be believed. She wants to shut him up before it turns around on her. He has been banned from Twitch. Like some of the shit some people did is really fucked. If you hear anyone say this in Twitter it sounds like him to me. 'This Really Happened to Me.' Some of them real paper thin stories. This is probably only the tip of the iceberg. His apology here. Personally I've had my ass smacked, looks commented on and some people get uncomfortably close in certain situations (especially when my hands are occupied with a camera etc.) Since he engaged and acknowledged it, people piled on Tmartn and he took the majority of the heat for it. And if true. that's fucked up. Get it right, she capitalised the first letter on ever word. FAZE Banks, FAZE Clan owner, apparently has also been accused here. Being a woman is BULLSHIT. Twitch streamer and YouTuber Natalie 'ZombiUnicorn' Casanova has accused YouTuber Tom 'ProSyndicate' Cassell of sexual abuse, with his ex-girlfriend KaitlinWitcher also sharing her story. I'm sure me even just explaining this common sense stuff is going to have someone take it badly. CohhCarnage, Dodger,Kitboga, sacriel, Towelliee, CobaltStreak, gassymexican, diction, Strippin, curvyllama, Bikeman, Ellohime, Penta, FauxFreedom, AvaGG, DanGheesling, BurkeBlack ,Classypax, Haylinic and more. Woman are people, and people are shitty. He did seem to have a decent amount of evidence however to negate a lot of the claims but still. Fair enough that she doesn't do youtube but you would think to pass along your card just in case anyways. Can we use this as an opportunity to also cancel keemstar? Yeah, that's how I read it to. My Stalker & Assault, My Ex, Underage Fans, Bryan Stars' Involvement & Why I'm Talking Now. He was 20+. That's just insane and this is just a small snipped of how much worse it would get in the future. Fans of both of the stars rejoiced at their relationship, already guessing it before it was revealed. Yeah, but what about all the people making apology videos and confirming it was real. J1tails has responded here and here. Lock him up and throw away the key. As a victim of slander that some people still believe 5 years later, dont trust everything every women says about this stuff. In the replies, AnneMunition has accused Kaitlin of grooming underaged boys for sex. Edit: Removed a misunderstanding about Swifty - thanks to @Mrskliener. https://twitter.com/mariahcarriesu/status/1274857647334924289, No wonder he was banned from offlinetv apparently there was something that happened between him and Poki. I don't know if those accusations are true or not, I leave it for the police and court to decide, but so called social justice warriors across the web don't. Well known online as yellowpaco, he is a comedian on YouTube whose channel has earned more than 260,000 subscribers. Was it bad? Then your career starts going down, people distance themselves from you, including friends, business partners, financially you start taking a hit, you can't even try and do your job without some random person on the internet calling you a rapist. Hassan Bokhari, a Twitch staff member, accused of sexual assault here. First time I'm hearing about this. Jimmy met a veterinary technician named Emily there, who he fell in love with, and decided to build a life together with her in Texas. Sucks people have to even mention the Destiny community in this. Now anyone can call out anyone without the need of evidence. It was the opposite. As though they are some how equal. Keeping those messages was unbelievably 5head. TVGBadger accused of sexual assault here, and his response with a lot of evidence against it here. That's just how it is. I, too, was sexually assaulted by a guy in the gaming industry. Chess is so last week, we on TLOU2 now bro. Her post describing the event is written like erotica. "An engaging, beautifully synthesized page-turner" (Slate).The #1 New York Times bestseller and Time #1 Nonfiction Book of the Year: Hillary Rodham Clinton's most personal memoir yet, about the 2016 presidential election. You don't happen to have a TLDR of what he said? A small though to men or women who think of crossing the line in the future. The other one that doesnt surprise me and also kind of blew my mind was Kaitlyn. That can have possible, serious ramifications for her if Witwix decides to lawyer up over it. Nothing wrong with disliking someone. She could have just said "yeah no, bye now" at any point, don't buy any of the descriptions bordering on an anxiety attack or a nervous breakdown, jesus. I wonder if anyone is actually surprised that some of these dudes have either very sketchy morals or no morals at all. Fucking Hell, CSGO esports has a lot to answer for honestly. The men should also press charges for false allegations. Yeah he touched it right here." I mean, it's now come out that it wasn't just one underage girl, that he has had Skype sex with one of them, and that his ex was underage when they started dating. Fortunately at least the legal system still has due process, even if people don't want it to. What if all of these conversations that exonerated him were spoken and not text? 4 years. Sascha Steffens, Co-CEO of Method, accused here and here. And she even admits it, for 4 years, despite no contact, she kept thinking about him. No excuses. I dont follow the vast majority of these people but I will say this. The rest of the crew said theyd wait to see what Cry has to say and if he tries to cover it all up theyll come forward. I'm middle aged now and kind of stopped caring. ChrisChanTO response here. It's been covering twitter for almost 2 days. People cry on here every day about twitch mod abuse, and how twitch mods treat female streamers differently, jokes about women on twitch being forced to sleep with twitch staff etc, but when a woman comes forward and accuses a twitch mod of doing exactly those things, they demonize her? yep. She tweets this afterward with the hashtag #BanBager. Just that she has d and experience with an outing involving him and others. Some people do settle just to keep accusations out of the public eye. Now put yourselves in his shoes and imagine how life was for those 2-3 years where everyone thinks you are some abusive pig and friends are cutting you off left and right. Let me remember for the funny minecraft vids and good music at times. the blindfold came off and that was not the case. Wait so Kaitlyn is both accusing someone else and being accused of similar things? Lots of these no-name streamers have like less than 10 average viewers, so they have nothing to lose if they are wrong or have made a false accusation. They don't care or know you exist. No proof and looks like it's written by a baby. Go fuck yourself. You aren't really incentivized to take a slow approach to any information you get. I know HJTenchi is one of them. His response here. Some have already admitted it while others are trying to defend themselves but not looking good. He got a streaming deal with FB last year iirc. Kayce flipped his desk on its side for cover at the end of Season 3, and Season 4's premiere episodes ("Half the Money" and "Phantom Pain") showed what happened next. Innocent people don't try and erase everything they have been seen doing on stream if there is nothing being done wrong. Its definitely hard to say anything against it because when you do you open yourself up to people telling you you're victim blaming or that you must hate women, etc. Share this article: 'Yellowstone' Season 3 Episode 6: Who was the missing girl Sila, what really happened to her? In this "candid and blackly funny" (The New York Times) memoir, Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals what she was thinking and feeling during one of the most . Oh no they actually said that? Another person has accused him in this tweet. Very stilted, inhuman dialogue. His statement here(mirror). He has deleted his twitter account. You can find the archive of the accusations here. Some people lie to destroy others, I would not want to be guilty until proven innocent. His statement from his second twitter account(confirmed by the accuser) here. Some cases seem to be descriptions of toxic relationships and cheating, which is shitty and traumatizing but not quite the same as rape/sexual assault. Disclaimer: These are allegations, not confirmations. I'm not familiar with him, but after googling, yeah he seems pretty big. Ive been watching cry for such a long time and his videos have helped me through shit. He has retired from streaming. It's far worse than "just cheating". Women just really can't win on here, "Innocent before proven guilty is for the courts". Looked at the twitter thread listing names, only recognize a handful. I eventually gave in and said that I would come over. I think its kind of worded poorly. She was pretty rude but she was also being manipulated by an adult. We need to take every one as their own story to tell. Just wow. itmeJP also got accused of some stuff here. Yea she's been gaslit to hell and back by people she thought were her friends. She wanted "something" when they reconnected. When I was 19 I was talking to multiple girls online at the same time being a dumb fucking kid. I don't like JP but that guy knows how to organize a good show with great cohosts/guests lol. Also the number of false allegations pale significantly in comparison to the vast real ones. His 2nd statement here. DotaDemon accused of sexual assault here, here and here. OP just a note, Strippin doesn't have a g on the end of his username. That doesn't mean the woman was lying either. Even worse is that there is a huge movement of "trust the accuser no matter what" on there, There's also posts like "I don't know you but I believe you".what kinda shit is that lmao, "it only damages the accuser, the person being accused is usually a rich white man and will be fine" apparently is the rhetoric as if false rape allegations don't ruin people's lives at all. A few months ago he was celebrating 20k subs with like 3k viewers, 99.9% of people in the world either dont know or dont care. Regarding the allegation against HenryG, is she talking about Pansy? http://www.youtube.com/yellowpaco Not joking. I would absolutely never do this to someone. Removed some text and accusations due to character limit being 40k. Please PM me or comment if you have new information that should be here. I believe in transparency. I was subbed to Witwix for 45 months straight starting from when he first got his sub button. My favourite part of this is all the ones you don't hear about. Unfollowed. https://clips.twitch.tv/AliveAgitatedSpaghettiFloof heres Scott talking about it on stream. This crap has been around a long time and it will continue until ppl are held accountable. 'Everybody's doing it', so to speak. And theres means motive and opportunity for people adored or in positions in power to use their power to get sex. Is it because these claims wouldnt hold any water in a court of law? Most of it is like "I'm there with all his friends being left out" (????). He hardly got any hate for it for some reason, Tmartn took most of the heat. Reject looking ass. Those are some kinda big to big names that usually have pretty wholesome/nice communities. Cho appeared on . I'm sure the fans of all these people that are accused felt the same as you before allegations were released. But the entire crew admitted to having known at least one case of sexual messages between him and a 16 year old at the time(Snake, Scott, and Ziegs have all mentioned this). She goes into detail about the proof, which includes Discord screenshots. His statement here. I would absolutely never do this to someone. Method have made 2 statements here and here. whenever Destiny creators are mentioned, I have no clue who this is. What a joke. Suffice to say it's far from a clear case. People will also claim he doesnt have a young audience but the guy worked in partnership with Nickelodeon and Nintendo, additionally YouTube analytics are not reliable as YT itself doesn't verify age with a real form of identification when creating an account. Victims dont orchestrate prose to tell the basic facts of what happened to them, people who want to play on peoples emotions do. Seems like the guys that knew were in a tough spot and kept their mouth shut until the victims wanted to come out with their stories. poopernoodle released a thank you statement here. Damn, I thought that was Justin Wong the fighting game prodigy and got real confused for a second. When he was called-out for it, instead of using its content to further exonerate himself from every last claim, he deleted all traces of it--including DM's. Innocent until proven guilty should be the default. I'm sick of being quiet. CohhCarnage, Dodger,Kitboga, sacriel, Towelliee, CobaltStreak, gassymexican, diction, Strippin, curvyllama, Bikeman, Ellohime, Penta, Dethridge, FauxFreedom, AvaGG, DanGheesling, BurkeBlack ,Classypax, Tigerwritertv, SilentSentryTV,Haylinic and many more. I've watched them for a long time and never even noticed something like that might be wrong. I just want to start by saying I'm deeply saddened by the stories that are coming into light. and got nervous thinking some of these seemingly nice boys turned to be monsters. Dont give clout chasers victim fakers even a second minute or moment to reinterpret your words. Hmm Takarita is implicated in the first story about swifty and suddenly comes out with a story about Swifty herself? If you know that drinking makes you do things you wouldn't normally do, don't drink in social settings with others around. I mean the Destiny video game community, not the streamer. Trying to end someone's career because they are weird, shouldn't happen. Try to not conflate them with the accusations of sexual assault. IAmSp00n is a different person from Sp00nerism. A cease & desist in this context is basically just a warning that you allege the comments are slanderous and that if they keep talking about them you will sue for defamation/slander/libel. A lot of streamers get romantically acquainted with their viewers/mod though since that is often their primary mean of social interaction. I have a boyfriend you know! when he was just being nice, so I just stay quiet and say sure. Like really?????? Another person has accused him in this tweet, and his response to the second accusation here. From the shitty 80s boner comedies that teach men that their only goal is to fuck women to Carly Rae Jepsen's music conditioning women to have sex with men they've just met. But if they're a public figure with a young audience it is incredibly irresponsible and exploitative to do so, even more so when it's tied to their name and uses no age-verification. I literally stopped reading mid way though, the guy was cringe, big fucking deal. Reading further into this I genuinely think some people are just fucking emotional pussies who can't handle anything without crying and breaking down. Edit: Okay maybe undeniable proof is pushing it, but I'd like to see how the accuser can get out of this. Basically if you try to spread lies about someone that is harmful to them as an individual and/or their career is a potential crime. I remember him next to me, legs and arms wrapped around me. Sadly you're apparently asking for too much. Never any specifics, as she mentioned, JP supposedly threatened some legal stuff. chat you're trolling me right? While a lot of these are really concerning, I'd take what Kaitlyn says with some level of hesitation. Does she not know what revenge porn is or posting it is? EDIT: BIG UPS OP for putting together the post. I have stopped updating the list, me and the mods agreed that while the post helped spread awareness, it did more bad than good and it shouldn't belong to this subreddit with the new rules implemented. I looked at his docs out of curiosity, at the crux of it, is not it a pump and dump thing. 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