Angry at the interruption, Ernie slaughters the guard and returns to Cassie, but sees the bullet has lodged itself in her. A new doctor Mary Young who grew up in the same town as Ernie, tries a seemingly He was actually a descendant of the fallen angels who had led the rebellion against God. At that place, she Lady Death and Evil Ernie Published: Aug 2, 2012. Many of the beings living in hell believe that the ascension of Lady Death signaled the beginning of the age of judgment - the final battle between good and evil for the fate of the Earth. These two wolves become her companions. Making his way to the heart of the prison he is beset by a host of criminals gathered together by his estranged guardian whose also holding Ernie's psychiatrist hostage. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Not liking the feelings Ernie leaves and asks Chastity to accompany him. Ernie is distraught, but Lady Death appears in the real world for a brief moment, using one of Ernie's victims as a threshold between realities. Eventually, a new dream probe called Neurotech was developed and Ernie became the first test subject. SorceryNecromancyImmortalitySwordsmanshipSuperhuman strengthSuperhuman speedSuperhuman staminaLevitationFlightTeleportationTelekinesis Unfortunately, the cops are outnumbered by Ernie and his army and are slaughtered. The wraiths refer to her father as Sagos. 4. Ernesto As they kill the Dead Onez, Ernie comes out to investigate the disturbance. His father was in a coma for a while and mother lost a baby. Full Name Hitting Ernie with miniature Dream Probe, Ramsey trapped Evil Ernie in a dream loop reliving his past as a kid. Both he and Chastity burst into the halls of his abandoned clinic making his acquaintance while strapping himself into the deadly device, using it to send out mind waves which broadcast its suicidal inducement effects. His parents noticed how Ernest was drawing things happening before they actually did. In the meantime the living Ernest is trying to do some good by helping people and even killing dead ones, one time he even discovers that bullets won't hurt him. WebThe immortal goddess known as Lady Death, who had already established a link with Ernest via his dreams, used her power to resurrect him as an undead agent. As the switch was flipped and Ernie road the lighting there was a prolonged power outage just moments after his death, the good Father checked his pulse to confirm it seeing as Dr. Thomas could not stomach what was to pass, then on June 6 2010, a supernatural event occurred as eerie green energy descended upon the prison. Date Taken. In the meantime, Price and Mary reach the wrecked police department and they go inside, seeking weapons and any signs of life. Wanting answers, Ernie commands his dead to die again and leaves Widmark. Just before heading back into the prison only to find his friend Mac shot and bleeding the cringing prison warden who'ed told him that his foster father had taken Ms. Thomas, before he opted to save her Ernie first dispatched his unsavory caretaker by disintegrating him his testes outward with his powers. At that moment, the Police Department gets instructions to form a barricade to hold the zombies in the city, but they decide to take action instead and go to meet the undead. After creating enough death and destruction, Evil Ernie sought Lady Death in his dream netherworld, but as he was about to claim his long-awaited reward, he was interruped by Dr. Mary Young. [4] Enraged, Evil Ernie decided to kill Mary's family, going against Lady Death's wishes. Having disposed of the doctor, Evil got what he came for: the head of Garris, the guy with the nuke codes. [2] Evil Ernie gained the power to raise and control the recently deceased, which he used to create a utopia of death and destruction in order to please Lady Death, who demanded more killings in Ernie's mind. At the same time Mary and Dr. Price are fighting their way towards Evil Ernie. Free of distractions Ernie returns to creating megadeath. Hope was devastated when she learned that the ambitious sorcerer challenging Lucifer for the control of Hell was her own father. WebLady Death is a fictional goddess appearing in American comic books published by Coffin Comics. Eventually, the undead reach the TV station and their violent takeover is broadcast, but before the show could continue, the power goes off at Mary's house, just as Ernie and his crew approach. Powers / Skills She promised to "love Ernie forever", love he never had, in exchange for his loyalty. Who used his Dream Probe machine. Possession: Due to existing in an undead state it is extremely difficult for Ernie to truly die in the permanent sense. Evil Ernie is undoubtedly the brainchild of Brian Pulido, the founder of Chaos! Ramsey unable to launch the nukes from distance creates a plan to attack Cheyenne Mountain. On his quest to find Chastity, Ernie meets The Savior in Los Angeles. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Comics, it is due to Lady Death and Evil Ernie. That in casting Lucifer aside and aiding her in this venture, he would take her as his bride. Chastity comes to the rescue and distracts Autopsy, just enough for Evil Ernie to get free. Over the coarse of his childhood Ernest would prey to god every night for the next 11 years while living with them. Unknown to his innocent daughter, Matthiashad a dark secret. Mary breaks free and after killing a couple of zombies, she goes to the police department to get some weapons. A request from my sister. The two make their way to St. Louis, Missouri; where Evil makes the aquantence of parapsychologist Dr. Leonard Price who was still suffering from the effects of his failed experimental Dream Probe. Detroit is hit, but most of foreign missiles are intercepted. Thor_Ul The procedure reinforced the mind link between Ernie and Lady Death, but also resulted in his own death. Lady Death tells Ernie to continue killing in order to get his long-awaited reward and the psycho zombie resumes his murderous spree, driving the stolen hearse like a lunatic across town. In the beginning, she had no real purpose or personal story except to be the eye-candy for Evil Ernie's comic book, and she was just seen as the evil sadistic woman who would always give Ernie the incentive to kill. Comics and Devil's Due Publishing. Without Smiley, Ernie constantly grows weaker. Evil drives to his location and uses the dead mind to influence Billy to kill himself. When Ernie made it to the capital, he started act two in his plan, several ghouls wore his masks, and attacked multiple targets throughout the city, dividing the attackers and making them easier targets. Evil Ernie releases living him and kills his parents all over again. He recruits the sorceress Satasha to teach Hope spellcraft. Evil Ernie started out as a tale of revenge for an abused young boy with a twist of mysticism that could almost have passed for the pure delusions of an insane mind but after the 2nd series and the the Lady Death spin off there was no doubt that Lady Death was a real entity in her own right and her story turned out to be far grander in design. Evil Ernie is distracted from megadeath for a moment, when he senses Billy Young in dead mind, but Billy is alive yet. Ernie was sent to a mental institution to get therapy, but due to lack of results, he was exposed to a experimental procedure, which allowed him to meet Lady Death in a dream dimension. Originally, Evil Ernie was part of Eternity Comics. The only one who is not pleased with the outcome is Lady Death, who finds herself in the netherworld mourning the death of a dream. Lady Death first appears as a hallucination by the character Evil Ernie. Something went wrong. Of course he complies, and then flees the scene. Ramsey's soldiers come after Ernie again, having killed them he finds first piece of information about the nukes; In Atlanta there is man who knows launch codes. Some of the undead have reached Mary's house, where her family, Commissioner Stone and other city officials are holding up against the invasion. 07:30PM Moving on with his plan he tries to command the dead who died in nuclear blast, but fails, there is something different in them. 156 Favourites. In recent publishing Ernie's powers remain largely unchanged minus some of the psionics powers and reality warping thus far, he instead has the ability to gauge a persons internal center. When Ernie finds the last cult members, they have just summoned a demon to which they will sacrifice a young girl. Lady Death finally ended Lucifer's control over her by casting him through Heaven's Gate (a place where evil cannot go), and in doing so became the new ruler of Hell. The energy is the substance that animates his dead carcass and as with previous incarnations, it is supplied to him by his partner smiley which after Ernie can channel and redirect said energies for a number of handy persuit's. Soon after the nuclear war, earth is washed over by un-creation wave. Now re-imagined by talented writer Jesse Blaze and artists Jason Craig, Ernie is now depicted as a vengeful fallen innocent turned deadly revenant in service to hell and the master of its domain Lucifer. Ernie holds Mary's younger siblings as hostages, but thanks to their older brother, Evil Ernie releases them, allowing Mary to shoot the weapon. [2] Lady Death used Evil Ernie to murder hundreds of people who he then transformed into undead zombies, thanks to his new powers. Visually Evil Ernie was designed roughly by Brian Pulido and professionally drawn for the first time by Eric Mache, a month before Steven Hughes became involved with Evil Ernie. He also brought the government satellite down, which crashed directly into New York causing major damage and death. This was Ernie's last mistake, as he was killed by Mary Young and Dr. Price using a very powerful military weapon. Comics. Only after final punches the veil of truth is lifted and Ernie learns that Cremator serves Lady Death and looks for her himself. Ernest Fairchild Lady Death: Between Heaven & Hell ( Volume 2 ) (Lady Death Series) i.e evil ernie. Lady Death first met Ernest Fairchild when he was a kid, who reached her realm by chance. View full history. Being devoted Christians they thought Ernest to be possessed, they saw a priest in these matters, but got no help there. Cursing god while questioning a reassessment Smiley if he knew anything about a nuclear bombing headed their way, in the end taking King's hat as his own Ernie set out on the road for parts unknown. Character WebComics. He drew Lady Death, Evil Ernie and many more characters in the Chaos Comic universe. These story-lines did seem to feed into the last 20th centuries fear and blas attitude to nuclear war and nuclear proliferation. They misunderstood his powers and thought that Ernest makes things happen by drawing them. After a brief stint at Devil's Due, Ernie is set to return at Dynamite Entertainment. Comics and returning in Coffin Comics. This time the origin story was completely changed. WebLady Death plunged Purgatori into the Styx, impelling her to tell her the truth, and Purgatori revealed that Lucifer's soul had never actually been inside Lady Death. That loyalty was to kill everyone on Earth. Mary shot Ernie to the head, he felt great pain and the pain crossed over to the dead as well. Image details. Comics characters that were so intertwined with her original story), Lady Death has been given a new origin story, with notable differences to the story told at Chaos! Other abilities which he's never shown in previous continuity with the arcane force is changing and completely regenerating his physical appearance back to what it was before he died and was resuscitated as a ghoulish specter, along with the ability to attach another corpses limbs onto himself using it in place of his own missing limbs; ironically enough his own necrotic appendages possess enough arcane charge in it to give others demonic powers of their own provided that they integrate said flesh to themselves somehow. The zombies start to break the windows and all the officials that were invited by Commissioner Stone are killed by Ernie and his zombies. Inside Ernie's mind, Lady Death is furious. Ernie and Smiley let loose a huge blast of power from above the building complex just as Purgatori was bending the will of the world to her whim. After the disappointing return to Hell, he seeks out and kills a few of the satanic cult members. 534. Mary Young is back to hunting Evil Ernie and teams up with the living Ernest Fairchild. send you an email once approved. She manipulated Ernie and placed fascination in his mind with death and murder, creating the murderous Evil Ernie. At that place, she comes across Dr. Price, who survived the zombie attack from earlier and has found the means to stop Evil Ernie. Doctor Price believed that Ernie's problems were so ingrained into his subconscious that he would need to use his experimental Dream Probe which would put Ernie into a deep sleep. Summoning his reanimated legions to stall them, Evil Ernie would continue his volley of self-destruction just as the newly empowered Mistress Hel would take the body of then living Sera to praise his success. Ernie having gathered some strength to resist orders his Cyber-dead to attack, breaking Purgatori's mind-link. Lady Death is sometimes a protagonist, and sometimes an antagonist in Brian Pulido's Chaos! Soon after the evil one runs out of arcane mojo just as he charges up to unload on the inmates, this is due to having not yet completed the ritual he enacted five years ago by killing Buford King as told by Smiley beforehand; leaving him vulnerable to the oncoming mob. After regaining his strength, Evil questioned the living who wanted to join him as his elites. In the city of Asuwa, Lady Death recovers the sword Deathbringer, which was specially made for her by Satasha and The Silent One. Origin He gathered as many dead in the Endless Graveyard as he could and they all started to scream, which Stone could hear, driving him crazy. The scene plays out as something from a scary movie, Evil Ernie picks off the survivors one by one. This level of planning is almost unprecedented in the comic book world where writers and creative control is rarely so structured and planned this far in advance. The battle between the two is ended by the stake through the heart, Evil leaves, but Chastity survives wanting more. Hope discovers her father summoning dark wraiths, and sacrificing the souls of countless peasants in exchange for a kingdom in The Labyrinth. [4] Enraged, Evil Ernie decided to kill Mary's family, going against Lady Death's wishes. EVIL ERNIE #1 Beautiful High Grade Copy 1st App Evil Ernie 1st App Lady Death. It is unknown if she really did love Ernest Fairchild (Evil Ernie) or was simply just using him. With massive force Ernie brings down the wall. At the same time Ernest is moving through his old home town meeting with ghosts from his past. She uses this power to save Satasha's home city from destruction, but learns that Sagos does not plan to just conquer the Blacklands, but to wipe out all life, and that he has the means to do it. One doctor manages to board a helicopter with the sample of the virus, and fly away. Lady death was pleased with him and told him as a gift for trying so hard she would give him a kiss, but she couldn't be with him forever until all life was wiped from the planet. When they still went unanswered however, Ernest Fairchild changed hands and called upon a new idol of worship. While initially still no match for Mr. King, Ernie manages to get the upper hand by manipulating the severed arm that Bufford transplanted into himself. As the green energy animating him is explosively caustic to living flesh blowing off the would be devil worshipers arm. Ernie's muscle capacity and strength seem to also be greatly enhanced as he is shown tearing through steel doors and concrete walls as easily as human flesh. Faced with the prospect of execution by burning at the stake, Hope uttered an incantation that she had overheard her father use. He agreed to do it and she kissed him. But Ernie is not listening to her anymore and she soon vanishes back to the netherworld, while Ernie approaches Mary's home. Ernie went back to work under the king of demons rooting out and massacring traitors in his ranks within the domain he ruled, all the while receiving regular punishment and torments both for his sins as a mass murderer and of betraying his original benefactor for Hel during the Chaos! But the arcane energy that gives Evil Ernie life has a mind of it's own, Janelle Armstrong, who now generates that energy in steady rate is guided to the place of Ernie's death and she re-powers Smiley. Mary Young is on the other side, knocking on a bar door, unaware that it was Ernie's hiding place to enter his dreamworld. Avatar Press now publishes Lady Death. Hope, realising that her father has changed and is no longer the man he once was, follows him into the dungeons, with her mother close behind. At Youngs, Ernie first disposed the guests, but when the time to kill Youngs came, he was again stopped by the doctors, who had somehow survived the ghoul attacks. As the hosted holy man beset Ernest with visions of a life he was meant to lead, the undead teen begins to question why heaven was never there when he needed them most. All like new! Smiley survived the explosion, and was picked up by Commissioner William Stone. After having dispatched the witless, innocent pilot Brandon Greene who committed the act. Little later Price coaxed Ernie to come into their base. Sagos defeats them easily and brings the temple down around them. The dead mind has started to act more on its own. As Ernest lay dying due to overexpendature of his Arcane Energies which fuel his undead body, Smiley was tossed up to the top floor of the decadent building to where he was situated. Bringing them to her realm where the influx of dead souls would empower her to the point she could beat the likes of Satan and bring about a brave new world, a better one reserved only for those who are good and pure. Ernie manages to fight his way to Cheyenne Mountain and takes it over. WebLady Death is sometimes a protagonist, and sometimes an antagonist in Brian Pulido's Chaos! Evil Ernie went to hell after he was killed, being reunited with Lady Death who still wanted him to eradicate the earth of humans. He discovers a plan to eradicate the dead, plotted by Dr. Price. Saddened by this, Ernie doesn't want her to become a Dead One and gives the ultimate sacrifice of his arcane energy to bring her back. Marius is a crusader who has been waging endless campaigns against the pagans, always returning with only his most loyal soldiers, while the peasant levies were slaughtered. He dreamed of a large endless graveyard with a beautiful caretaker who called herself Lady Death. Ernie's family died at that time while he was still in the womb. As long as Evil Ernie is in contact with Smiley he is connected to Lady Death's arcane power which is depicted by the green glow in his midsection. Defeating Purgatori, Ernie has rescued Chastity who has had a change of heart and breaks up with Ernie. The thing has returned to its original form, but Stone punctures his finger with the pin and drops of blood start to come out. While speaking to him, she declared that the innocent woman she had once been was dead and that she would henceforth only be known as Lady Death. Evil Ernie was blown to pieces before he could claim more lives. Using secret tunnels, he travels to other side of the wall, and kidnaps Mary Young. As the inmates began to swarm them, they launched a counter assault where the possessed button took control of one of Ernest's tormentors and assisted him in their premature executions. She was voiced by He reappeared at Who, As the day of Ernie's execution had arrived, had allowed him to wear his iconic leather jacket and smiley button to his death sentence by his request. Return to Earth and kill Lucifer. Dr. Price and Mary Young are surrounded by Evil Ernie's army of undead zombies, but they manage to reach some grenades which they use to blow up several of them, clearing a path for them to escape. Evil Ernie: Youth Gone Wild - Encore Presentation Vol 1 5. any Comic Vine content. Web1994 EVIL ERNIE LADY DEATH CHROMIUM BOX CARD SET 55 CARDS NEW. With his last breath, Price tells Mary to find Ernie and kill the creep, as it is the only way to stop the zombies. evil ernie is a great character that had a great story yet died (pretty much, he had a short lived stint in WebErnie's most recent appearance was in Evil Ernie Returns, which Chaos! He walked around the hell seeking clues of Lady Death, but nothing, finally Pagan sent him to Cremator with false information, hoping they would kill each other. Now back in the real world with a new mission Ernest quickly eviscerated the suburban area he was in killing dozens of reporters and newscasters in the process. As he travels, the viewpoint switches to a young woman named Layna on Evil's tail. After the whole incident, the Young family and Price start to plan a long vacation and the country begins to rebuild after the massacre. This angered the survivors. The day in which her dream of helping people through Neurotech comes true. The officials realize the seriousness of the situation and they are willing to blame Mary for the outcome, but her family won't take that lightly. He was sent to a psychiatrist Dr. Leonard Price. 1999 NostalgiCards Morbid Monsters Trading Card Pack. WebLady Death originated as the sexy and violent villain that was perceived as a hallucination by the boy Ernest Fairchild. Chastity is still making attempts to like Evil Ernie, as she has a crush on him. Young manages to free herself and after grabbing a gun, she shoots Ernie in the head. She imbues a small plastic smiley faced button badge with her arcane energies as a conduit and when the deceased Ernie is placed in a room the attending nurse pins the badge to him saying she bought it for him as a present to celebrate his cure. published as a oneshot comic book in 2001. In Dynamite Entertainment publishing the iconic character has shifted from omnicidal maniac to vengeful vigilante on the payroll of hell's designate chaos lord. WebLady Death greets Evil Ernie The next morning, Mary Young gets ready for the big day. When the switch for the electric current is flipped, the prisoner's stomach explodes open and his body becomes deformed to the shape of Evil Ernie. Once the duo became popular in the mid-90s, it was basically [5], Evil Ernie: Youth Gone Wild # 1-5 (1991-1992). Born in As their lips met, the machine Ernie was in exploded, killing him. Alias That series not only introduced the titular character but also Brian Pulido and Steven Hughes' perhaps even more famous character, Lady Death, who would go on to The setting for the original Lady Death comic was medieval Sweden. Then Cyber-dead arrive and shoot him with arcane energy guns, such energy in these guns that it kills Evil Ernie most instantly. Comics.He drew Lady Death, Evil Ernie and many more characters in the Chaos Comic universe.. Cheated of their revenge, the villagers decide to burn Hope at the stake as a witch. Hope accepted the bargain and was transported into the infernal realms. Enraged at what he'd done, Ernest warned smiley never to do such a thing again as per their arrangement they are meant never bring harm to the good. Ernest Fairchild was a heavily abused child, who developed several issues as a result of the constant abuse from his parents. Price finds the stash of weapons and arms himself, but he is unaware that they are surrounded by zombies. Free shipping for many products! Those first issues would see re-printing with new covers in 1996. Making him rip out his own heart and eat it, at the same time assimilating his missing biomass from his adversary's dead body. Sagos grabs hold of Mary, revealing that he has possessed Marius' body, and they disappear through the portal, leaving Hope behind. The man agrees and divulges the information. You can search for Annihilating both them, her and the entire psychological institution in one giant burst of demonic power. During the final battle, Lucifer cursed her never to return to Earth while the living walked. Before he delivers the killing blow to Vlad, Ernie feels a psychic cry from Cassie and turns around puzzled. Image size. WebEvil Ernie is an undead, psychotic killer with his own series, published by Chaos! Hi. Ernest Fairchild was born as extraordinary kid; he inhibited the power of telepathy and precognition. Having made it to the Forcecom military base Ernie used the knowledge in the head to send nuclear missiles all over the world. Although Lady Death was renamed to just Lady, because Devil's Due didn't have the rights to Lady Death who had moved to Avatar Press along with her creator Brian Pulido. Before her frst appearance in her own comic series. Creating a mass swell of suicides all over the earth, Sakkara and her allies in Morgan Gallows and his team; The Chosen, would soon arrive to preempt his global genocide. She would eventually convince him that the only way to save the world was to purify it in Armageddon fire, Hel convinced Evil to bring about Ragnarok; the twilight of this era by inciting a megadeath event which would kill everyone on the earth simultaneously. Un-Creation wave that Cremator serves Lady Death series ) i.e Evil Ernie is set return... Power of telepathy and precognition Dr. Price using a very powerful military weapon over un-creation... Ernie became the first test subject endless graveyard with a Beautiful caretaker who called herself Lady Death and Evil was. With Death and looks for her himself to join him as his bride as their lips met the! To break the windows and all the officials that were invited by Commissioner William Stone dream probe, trapped! Mary breaks free and after killing a couple of zombies, she shoots Ernie in the Labyrinth flees the plays... And blas attitude to nuclear war, earth is washed over by un-creation.. 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