The US Navy had similar language programs. [4][32] The shortage of shipping meant that each ship had to be loaded as efficiently as possible, using a technique known as combat loading to ensure that the most important stores and equipment could be unloaded quickly. Todays post is by Dr. Greg Bradsher, Senior Archivist at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland. This information was given to the 163rd Infantry Regiment of the 41st Infantry Division who used it in subsequent offensive operations. I Corps, became commander of the newly formed U.S. 8th Army. Report No. Dutch Indies Japan Nava Occupation Sulawesi GORONTALO with orange disc (2X) $3.25 . The Pacific Strategy, 1941-1944. Others included information about the Psychology in the Japanese Armed Forces (No. It was a grisly task, but a military necessity since Japanese soldiers do not surrender and within swimming distance of shore, they could not be allowed to land and join the Lae garrison. Achieving complete surprise, they were able to destroy 340 aircraft on the ground and 60 more aircraft in the air, leaving the 6th Air Division unable to resist the planned invasion. 92). Land-based aircraft of the Allied air forces softened up the Hollandia area, destroying more than 300 enemy aircraft during the weeks preceding the attack. Horikoshi, upon arrival at ATIS, at first denied all knowledge of any atrocities but on being confronted with his diary, admitted that such things had occurred. The Japanese invaded New Guinea from November 1941 till April 1942 and occupied the Dutch part (except for Merauke) and the northern Australian part (Fakfak fell April 1, Manokwari April 12). The Japanese entered Lae and Salamaua, two locations on Huon Gulf, on 8 March 1942 unopposed. [65][18] In mid-July, the Japanese launched their counterattack with around 20,000 troops, resulting in heavy fighting further inland during the Battle of Driniumor River. [21], Although RAAF PBY Catalinas and Lockheed Hudsons were based at Port Moresby, because of the Japanese air attacks, long-range bombers like B-17s, B-25s, and B-26s could not be safely based there and were instead staged through from bases in Australia. The whole northern coast of the island was now in Allied hands and airfields from which bombers could strike the southern Philippines were soon in operation. I am estimating that a cubic foot of records is 2,500 pages. The Allied victories in 1943 set the stage for the strategic advances of 1944, but they did not determine the exact lines of attack. [14] The 18th Army did not plan for the defense of Hollandia, and the Army Air Force and Naval units stationed there had little opportunity to develop plans due to the rapid turnover of their leadership. [9] Few combat units were stationed at Hollandia in early 1944. Only 30 percent of the captured documents needed no treatment; the rest needed cleaning, drying, and/or other conservation treatment. [28][29] Secondary landings would take place Aitape, 125 miles to the east, at the same time as those around Hollandia. During the Lae-Salamaua Operation in the summer of 1943 the Allies relied heavily on captured documents for intelligence information and planning. This diary along with other documents relating to atrocities was used in the trials of Japanese war criminals. Captured and sunken Japanese ships and boats also provided large quantities of documents, many of immediate value. This document was used as a measuring standard for Japanese military activities on Luzon. The information contained in these reports were bibliographically indexed. [42], " 'The Boeing [B-25] is most terrifying,' wrote one survivor in his diary. Their scheme of conquest envisaged control of the Aleutians, Midway, Fiji and Samoa, New Britain, eastern New Guinea, points in the [2] To ease the congestion on White 1, 11 LSTs were landed off White 2, while engineers from the 2nd Engineer Special Brigade worked to clear the beach, shifting stores and equipment into Jautefa Bay. Even before the war ended, ATIS was exploiting captured records for war crimes purposes. The remote but crucial airfield lay 25 miles south/southeast of the port town of Salamaua. The area was selected by the Second Area Army as a key base for the defense of western New Guinea in September 1943, though by November it had been decided that it would form an outpost to the main defensive positions which were located further to the west. Copies of these ATIS publications can be found at the National Archives at College Park, the Australian National Archives, as well as other archival repositories. Opposition on the ground at Hollandia was negligible and within four days the two divisions had secured inland Japanese airfields. This information was immediately translated, relayed to naval and air units, and, coordinated with the translation of a captured map showing enemy positions, resulted in the repulse of the enemy attack by naval and aerial bombardment. SEATIC and SINTIC operating in Southeast Asia and China received and translated relatively large quantities of captured documents during the war. [21] Japanese bombers were often escorted by fighters which came in at 30,000ft (9,100m)too high to be intercepted by the P-39s and P-40sgiving the Japanese an altitude advantage in air combat. [9] See Seventy Years Ago: The Makin Island Raid, August 1942., [10] The Armys Counter Intelligence Corps faced similar problems with souvenir hunters. Urgent information was extracted before rushing the documents on to the Advanced Echelon where they were sorted, stamped, examined, and translated as necessary. US troops man Anti Aircraft MG in New Guinea 1942. Although the quantity of documents captured in South East Asia and China were not as voluminous as those found elsewhere, nevertheless there were major collections captured. graduate Hollandia. Meanwhile, on 30 March and continuing to 3 April these air forces attacked Hollandia itself and the airfields on the Sentani plain. 'We are repeating the failure of Guadalcanal. From there the documents were immediately sent to Brisbane for translation by ATIS personnel. This deception effort proved successful. [40], About 6,900 troops aboard eight transports, escorted by eight destroyers, departed Rabaul at midnight 28 February under the command of Rear Admiral Masatomi Kimura. 37, No. As a result, code breaking was the main source of intelligence. After the cessation of hostilities, the War Crimes Echelon, a separate part of ATIS, was established. Japanese plans to occupy Port Moresby were negated by losses during the Battle of the Coral Sea and Battle of Milne Bay. During the initial phase in early 1942, the Empire of Japan invaded the Australian -administered Mandated Territory of New Guinea (23 January) and the Australian Territory of Papua (21 July) and overran western New Guinea (beginning 29/30 March), which was a part of the Netherlands East Indies. Before the operation against the Japanese at Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea, 41 st CIC Detachment Special Agent in Charge Duval Edwards at Finschhaven during March and April 1944 gave many lectures on the great importance of soldiers turning in any captured documents. Between November 1943 and March 1944 18 Squadron was ordered to prevent Japanese reinforcements reaching the north-east part of Papua and New Guinea. 4, Bibliographic Index used for all ATIS publications; No. The beach quickly became congested, as it had also been the center of a Japanese supply dump prior to the assault, and engineers had to work to clear the area with bulldozers and construct a roadway to the beach's only exit. [27], The ground forces would be supported by two naval bombardment forces. Among this cache were code books and a list of Japanese and German agents in the United States. Before the operation against the Japanese at Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea, 41st CIC Detachment Special Agent in Charge Duval Edwards at Finschhaven during March and April 1944 gave many lectures on the great importance of soldiers turning in any captured documents. [15] The only Allied response was a bombing raid of Lae and Salamaua by aircraft flying over the Owen Stanley Range from the carriers USSLexington and USSYorktown, leading the Japanese to reinforce these sites. [13] Because aircraft carriers had not been previously used to support Allied amphibious landings in the South-West Pacific, in early 1944 the Japanese leadership judged that Hollandia was safe from a direct attack as it was beyond the range of the available Allied fighter aircraft. Second, the Allies had become convinced that the Japanese were preparing a major seaborne reinforcement and so had stepped up their air searches. 14) was published and entitled Japanese Violations of the Laws of War. The report contained 28 pages of translations, each translation accompanied by a photostatic copy of the original document and authenticated under oath by the translator. On March 1, 1944, soldiers found on the body of the commander of Baba Battalion a copy of a field order issued by him in which he ordered an attack on American positions for that same afternoon. [4][23], The main landings at Hollandia would be made at two locations. MacArthur, with a firm foothold in New Guinea, was determined to move next to the Philippines, from which he had been driven after Pearl Harbor, and from there launch the final attack on the Japanese home islands. Combat boundaries were listed. Also that summer, the 441st CIC unit established a clinical laboratory, which, among other things, restored charred documents. Often, they consisted of combined translations of several documents relating to the same subject, such as (No. Primary Image: The US pursued a two-pronged offensive across the central and southwest Pacific to . Miscellaneous identifications taken from documents captured in early November in the Pinamopoan Area, Leyte, gave the first indication of the Japanese 1st Divisions presence in this area. Document numbers and a brief description including authority, title, date, area of reference and similar essential data were set forth under seventeen headings, such as 1) Diaries, Field; 5) Letters, Postcards; and 16) Technical Documents. In the early months of 1944, both at Bougainville and at Rabaul, large numbers of Japanese troops were effectively put out of action without being confronted in bloody combat. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for My dad's whole collection of old stamps UNTEA Dutch Nw Guinea [ay08] at the best online prices at eBay! Ultimately, a major air and staging base was developed in the Hollandia area and most of the higher headquarters in the Southwest Pacific area established their command posts there during the summer of 1944. target: "#hbspt-form-1677759698000-1549361125", German New Guinea Stamps, Dutch Dutch & Colonies Cover Stamps, Dutch Stamps, The westernmost tip of New Guinea fell into Allied hands in the same month when elements of the U.S. 6th Infantry Division occupied the Sansapor-Mar area of Vogelkop Peninsula. The Dutch surrendered on 8 March. Interestingly, one of the Japanese operational orders provided the instructions Utmost precautions will be taken to conceal the plan., In mid-March agents of the 40th CIC Detachment captured on Panay Island and Negros Island incriminating documents of Panays puppet governor. On December 7, 1941, Japan staged a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, severely damaging the US Pacific Fleet. Through this, a complete picture of the organization, strength and disposition of this force was gleaned. 1, List of Japanese Military Conventional Signs and Abbreviations (March 4, 1943); No. Among their functions was to collect and study captured enemy documents. 3, Glossary of military terms encountered in Japanese documents; No. Pin-pointed locations of components of the enemys main artillery support for this operation were made available to all Corps artillery units. Most important of all, the bombers of MacArthur's air forces, under the command of Lieutenant General George C. Kenney, had been modified to enable new offensive tactics. The headland was formed by the Cyclops Mountains, a mountain ridge rising steeply to 7,000 feet (2,100m) and was backed by Lake Sentani, extending 15 miles (24km) east to west. Similar JICPOA teams participated in succeeding amphibious assaults to examine prisoners and documents for intelligence of immediate tactical value. The B-29s in the Pacific, forming a part of the U.S. 20th Air Force, were controlled by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, acting through Gen. Henry (Hap) Arnold, commanding general of the U.S. Army Air Forces. [28], "Thenceforth, the Battle of Milne Bay became an infantry struggle in the sopping jungle carried on mostly at night under pouring rain. . All of these factors had to be taken into account in determining the lines of advance in 1944. They included plans, charts, air defense details on all Japanese-held Pacific islands, and battle orders. The first appeared on October 19, 1944, and as of September 1, 1945, eight had been completed and published. White 1 would be the main landing, as it provided the only spot where the larger LSTs could land, while White 2 would be secured with smaller LVTs and DUKWs, which would be used to cross the shallow entrance to Jautefa Bay. In July and August 1945 CIC agents gathered more documents at Kweilin in southern China on the Gui River. hbspt.enqueueForm({ Excerpts from the citation indicate that he, with great risk to his life made reconnaissance in a number of caves which had been occupied by Japanese, approaching dangerously close to enemy fire and recovered more than 11 cases of enemy documents vitally needed for the successful conclusion of the operation.. On September 27, 1940, Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy, thus entering the military alliance known as the "Axis."Seeking to curb Japanese aggression and force a withdrawal of Japanese forces from Manchuria and China, the United States . [38], General Imamura and his naval counterpart at Rabaul, Admiral Jinichi Kusaka, commander Southeast Area Fleet, resolved to reinforce their ground forces at Lae for one final all-out attempt against Wau. During the early days of the war the Japanese forces were advancing. [48][55], According to historian Stanley Kirby, the collapse of Japanese resistance was due to a lack of preparedness, changes in the command structure and a lack of combat troops; many of the 11,000 men based there were administrative and support units. In early 1943, it became apparent, as the Allies assumed the offensive, that the volume of documents captured would far exceed the capacity of personnel available to translate each and every document in full. The documents were then sent on to ATIS, SWPA, for final examination. ", Samuel Eliot Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 60, planes and PTs went about the sickening business of killing survivors in boats, rafts or wreckage. At 177 planes, this was the largest Japanese air attack since Pearl Harbor. While MacArthur sought eight days worth of support from the fleet's powerful fleet carriers, Nimitz would only agree to commit this force for two days after the landings. Tweet. I want you to take Buna, or not come back alive. [20], Since Port Moresby was the only port supporting operations in Papua, its defence was critical to the campaign. In May 1945 ADVATIS followed the advance of General Headquarters into Manila. [58], Japanese casualties amounted to 3,300 killed and 600 wounded in combat;[59] a further 1,146 were killed or died in the area up to 27 September 1944. Singapore, the Dutch East Indies and New Guinea had already fallen, and all of Australia's security hopes premised upon Britain's Fortress Singapore ideology had collapsed. Cushing, realizing the possible significance of the documents, notified his superiors who in turn notified the Allied Intelligence Bureau in Brisbane. 11, Factors in Japanese Military Psychology was ever completed, although the material intended for this publication could have been used instead for Research Report No. This information was transferred to a G-2 overlay and became a factor in the tactics adopted in that particular operation. Japanese plans to occupy Port Moresby were negated by losses during the Battle of the Coral Sea and Battle of Milne Bay. Their operation plan decreed a five-pronged attack: one task force to establish a seaplane base at Tulagi in the lower Solomons, one to establish a seaplane base in the Louisiade Archipelago off the eastern tip of New Guinea, one of transports to land troops near Port Moresby, one with a light carrier to cover the landing, and one with two fleet carriers to sink the Allied forces sent in response. Combined Fleet, Third Fleet and Southeast Area Commanders. In early April 1943, a Japanese map was captured showing hidden positions of 87 barges at Labu, New Guinea. The U.S. built Naval Base Morotai, . [4], In early 1944, after the Huon Peninsula had been secured, the Allied South West Pacific Command determined that the area should be seized and developed into a staging post for their advance along the north coast of New Guinea into the Dutch East Indies and to the Philippines. All elements, with the exception of the twenty-man garrison had returned to Bantam Bay by 3 April. Due to USAAF doctrine and a lack of long-range escorts, long-range bomber raids on targets like Rabaul went in unescorted and suffered heavy losses, prompting severe criticism of Lieutenant General George Brett by war correspondents for misusing his forces. The translation of documents captured in the Southwest Pacific Area began with those taken in the Milne Bay operation in August 1942. January 23, 1942 - August 1945. author Paul Bocu, 2019. It is important to note that all ATIS units maintained close relations with the CIC units and Australian Army Field Security Service, since these units were largely responsible for the collection and dispatch of captured documents in forward areas to the language personnel stationed with tactical units. The admirals preferred to bypass the Philippines and take Formosa, which was much closer to Japan. In the second half of 1943 the main Allied concern in the south Pacific was the major Japanese base at . Accordingly, the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, directed on September 22, 1944, that Advanced Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ADVATIS) be established in the immediate vicinity of General Headquarters at Hollandia. [43] The facilities in the area were designated Base G. Several higher headquarters were moved to the area, including those of the Sixth Army, Eighth Army, Fifth Air Force, and Seventh Fleet. In the meantime another landing was made at Aitape in Australian New Guinea, about 125 miles (roughly 200 km) southeast of Hollandia, where Australian engineers soon completed an airstrip. Twelve of these were scheduled to be produced, beginning in March 1943. Interrogation of a prisoner confirmed the fact that supplies were being unloaded at Lae from enemy submarines. By the end of the war, ATIS had processed over 350,000 documents (or 1,680 cubic feet of records).[17]. During the second phase, lasting from late 1942 until the Japanese surrender, the Alliesconsisting primarily of Australian forcescleared the Japanese first from Papua, then the Mandate and finally from the Dutch colony. The weather changed direction and Kimura's slow-moving task force was spotted by an Allied scout plane. In January 1944, during the New Britain-New Guinea operations, captured Japanese code books enabled radio intelligence staff to determine the intentions of Lt. Gen. Hatazo Adachi, commander of the Japanese 18th Army. 141, for example, contained random poems of a Prisoner of War. They were carrying Admiral Mineichi Koga, commander in chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy, and his staff, including Vice Admiral Shegeru Fukudome, who was carrying the Z plan documents and the associated cipher system. The submarine picked up the documents on May 11th and sailed to Darwin. Current Translations were publications containing complete translations of documents classified A, B, C, or D in ATIS Bulletins. Historians acknowledge that the deciphering of the Z Plan was one of the greatest single intelligence feats of the war in the South West Pacific Area. By the end of the day on 23 April the 186th Infantry were about halfway to Lake Sentani, while those from the 162nd had secured Hollandia and were securing the high ground around their objective, winkling out isolated pockets of resistance with aerial support. The other landing would be made at Humboldt Bay by two RCTs (the 162nd and 186th) of the 41st Division. Documents captured during the Philippine operations also proved useful. Japanese makeshift bridges were attacked by P-40s with 500lb (230kg) bombs. U.S. Military forces began capturing records almost as soon as the war began and started exploiting them immediately. The story of the capture and return of the Z documents is detailed in Appendix II. Allied casualties amounted to 157 killed and 1,057 wounded. The Battle of Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway in 1942 represented crucial losses for the Japanese and marked a turning point in the war. Documents recovered from the bodies of dead Japanese, members of a Special Suicide Penetration Unit, killed near San Fabian, Luzon, on January 19, 1945, gave full accounts of the units and personnel involved. The Allies proceeded to turn the island into an air base. Report No. ", Samuel Eliot Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 38. Seven LSTs were also assigned. Another document, captured on Luzon in early February, gave the Japanese 14th Army Operation Order of January 8th, bringing to light the plan of the Japanese Armys movement into Northern Luzon and the organization of the Shimbu group and its mission into Southern Luzon. Of Japanese and German agents in the tactics adopted in that particular operation B, C, or come... May 11th and sailed to Darwin in July and August 1945 CIC agents more! Subject, such as ( No much closer to Japan included plans charts... Atis, SWPA, for final examination others included information about the Psychology in the summer of 1943 the source! Functions was to collect and study captured enemy documents war criminals the documents... Ground at Hollandia was negligible and within four days the two divisions had secured Japanese. To all Corps artillery units captured enemy documents, C, or D in Bulletins! 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Salt Lake City Fatal Car Accident, Articles J