Yukikaze suffered three dead from strafing and survived the war. Yamato produced the mushroom cloud seen here shortly before she sank. All these years later I remember each one of those men fondly and with great respect. The second and third waves of the American attacks pummeled Yamato. Lagging behind the main force, destroyer ASASHIMO is attacked and sunk by aircraft from SAN JACINTO. At about 1237, U.S. aircraft commenced attack runs, with strafing and rockets from fighters (which quickly began decimating Japanese anti-aircraft gunners), and then bombs and torpedoes. 2 gun mount. See what made the ship both seemingly unsinkable and highly vulnerable to attack. Anatomy of Yamato The attack on Pearl Harbor killed 2,403 U.S. personnel, including sailors, soldiers and civilians. Meanwhile, about 34 Hellcats and Corsairs and 22 Helldivers and Avengers worked over some of the other Japanese destroyers. Jocko Clark, embarked on Hornet (CV-12), included Hancock (CV-19), Bennington (CV-20), Belleau Wood (CVL-24) and San Jacinto (CVL-30). Additionally, 1,178 people were wounded. At 14:23, having taken 10 torpedo and 7 bomb hits, Yamatos forward ammunition magazines detonated. They were also given the option of not participating, an option none of them took. Listing heavily to port, YAMATOs exposed hull is hit by several more torpedoes. U.S. aircrew claimed additional bomb and torpedo hits in this first wave, but these were mostly near misses. Flagship of the Japanese Combined Fleet, she was lead ship of the Yamato class. TG 58.3, commanded by Rear Admiral Frederick Ted Sherman, embarked on Essex (CV-9), included Bunker Hill (CV-17), Bataan (CVL-24), and Cabot (CVL-28). Submarine Hackleback (SS-295) then picked up surveillance, issuing four contact reports during the night as Yamato transited southwesterly along the coast of Kyushu. YAMATO starts a turn starboard to course 230 degrees. Yahagi lost 446; Asashimo lost 330; the seven destroyers, 391 officers and men. [27] While navigating the Bungo Strait, Yamato and her escorts were spotted by the American submarines Threadfin and Hackleback, both of which notified Task Force 58 of Yamatos position. Vice Admiral Ito and YAMATOs skipper Captain Aruga and 3,055 of 3,332 crewmen are lost. The mission was given to Vice Admiral Seiichi Ito, commander of the Japanese Second Fleet (pretty much all that was left of the Combined Fleet), embarked on the super-battleship Yamato. They truly were the Greatest Generation. The Japanese lost three aircraft carriers and 426 aircraft; Yamato ' s only . At 1407, she was struck by at least the seventh torpedo, this time to starboard. TOKYO -- Seventy-six years ago, on April 7, 1945, the Imperial Japanese Navy vessel Yamato, the world's largest battleship, was sunk by U.S. military aircraft. Turret #1 can also be seen upfront. At 1322, an Essex Corsair hit Yamato in the port bow with a 1,000-pound general-purpose bomb. most of the American pilots returned to their carriers, knowing Ten minutes later, two more torpedoes strike her port side. Barrett products are used by civilians, sport shooters, law enforcement agencies, the United States military, and more than 75 State Department-approved countries around the world. In the 1980s, shipwreck hunters found the Yamato 180 miles (290 kilometers) southwest of Kyushu, one of the main islands of Japan. A U.S. PBM Mariner also rescued several Japanese survivors. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING VETERAN JOURNALISM - JOIN SOFREP+ , When the U.S. invaded Okinawa on April 1, 1945, the Japanese had, So, the admirals concocted what they termed, Operation Ten-Go (Operation Heaven One). This image He considered it a waste of good men and ships. Air search reports two groups of aircraft, range 44 miles, closing at high speed. I am fortunate to be living as long as I have , I know us WWII vets are living on borrowed time, but glad to be of sound mind yet and can remember incidents like this. I have his flight logs (as he never talked about the war except the death of his brother and his friends) so it is nice to get the big picture of this action. ), and when they were lost.the bu numbers listed as lost on 4.7.1945 is very extensive!!!!! The morale aboard Yamato was described as not being very good, especially after the crews were informed they were on a one-way mission. The Imperial Japanese Navy ceases to exist as a fighting force. This particular image was taken during an earlier battle with American carrier aircraft on October 24, 1944 as Yamato transited the Sibuyan Sea. With the ship in danger of capsizing, the damage control parties counter-flooded the starboard engines and boiler rooms at 1333 hours, drowning hundreds of crew members who were unaware of the move. (The Yamato force had a Nisei radio-intelligence operator. 1100 hour YAMATOs Type 13 air search radar operator reports contact with a large aircraft formation at his sets maximum range of 63 miles. On her last morning, before the first American planes intercepted her, At 1115, Yamatos radar indicated the two air groups were at 44 miles and closing rapidly. 276 men are rescued including Rear Admiral Morishita Nobuei, Chief of Staff, Second Fleet (and former YAMATO skipper). YAMATOs No. And it was never more apparent than during the Battle of Okinawa. In total, 97 combatants were killed and 122 wounded. YAMATO starts a sharp turn to port but three torpedoes rip into her port side amidships. Yamato was hit with three more torpedoes. However, three-quarters of these (128 boats) were lost during the conflict, a proportion of loss similar that experienced by Germany's U-Boats. Captain Hara of Yahagi later said the mission would be like throwing an egg against a rock.. The Yamato group cranked up speed to 25 knots. Captain Hara on Yahagi reported that the large formations of aircraft circled around the task force just outside anti-aircraft range for a number of minutes, some in clockwise rotation and some in counter-clockwise rotation, as strike leaders organized strikes on particular targets free of interference from Japanese fighters. Twenty Avengers attacked from the port side (concentrating torpedo attacks from the port side was deliberate, with the intent to capsize the ship). Two immense catapultsas tall as six-story buildings when raisedlaunched the planes, and an equally enormous crane lifted them from the water upon their return to the ship. She takes on a heavy list to port and her speed drops to 18 knots. [5] The smoke from the explosionover 4miles (6.4km) highwas seen 100miles (160km) away on Kysh. AA guns and one hundred fifty-two 25-mm AA guns all open fire. The Attack Force briefly sights seven "Hellcat" fighters, but they are not seen by the escorting Zekes. They were also instructed to ), U.S. submarines were already waiting for Yamato, with orders to report rather than attack, although with the force transiting at 22 knots and frequently zig-zagging, successful attack in all but the luckiest circumstances was unlikely. An attack of 36 Japanese dive bombers and torpedo planes against the heavily protected USS Hornet with her escorts took down over 20 Japanese planes. WORLD WAR II. Her nine 18.1-inch guns firing Sanshikidan beehive shells, twenty-four 127-mm. settled on the seafloor 1,200 feet down and about 50 While the Americans' 1,000-pound bombs held fearsome destructive power, as seen in Yamato's injuries were fatal. Jan 6, 2019 Conan White, Guest Author. The commander in chief of the Combined Fleet, Admiral Soemu Toyoda, resolved to send what was left of his force out in a blaze of glory. Though incredibly powerful, Yamato suffered from a relatively low top speed as its engines were . Eight Japanese destroyers and one cruiser, the Yahagi (left), tried to assist Yamato in fending off her attackers. Taffy 2 and Taffy 3 aircraft contributed to the sinking of the heavy cruisers Chokai, Chikuma, and Suzuya, all of which had received some degree of damage from surface action. Many of those lost did so after the battle on their return to the carriers; ditching in the sea having run out of fuel. I Was At Okinawa At This Time. Stetsons crewmen reset their Mark 13 torpedoes running depth to 20 feet. More than 4,000 Japanese sailors were involved in the operation. On April 7, 1945, the Japanese battleship Yamato, one of the greatest battleships of its time, is sunk in Japan's first major counteroffensive in the struggle for Okinawa. What are they doing to assist in defending Okinawa? What sank the Yamato? He suggests the order to abandon ship be given. [1][26] Led by the man who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor, Minoru Genda, the appearance of these fighters, which were equal or superior to the F6F Hellcat in performance, surprised the attackers, and several American planes were shot down. When the U.S. invaded Okinawa on April 1, 1945, the Japanese had no naval answer to the invasion force. One of the surviving destroyers did not have a bow. The Hell Divers then plummeted straight down dropping armor-piercing bombs, clearing the way for the Avenger torpedo bombers that came in low and slow to try to put torpedoes on the target. They withheld the news from the public. (The actual U.S. landings on Okinawa commenced 1 April 1945, but carrier strikes and shore bombardment began a week earlier and the landings on the small islands of the Kerama-shtto group just southwest of Okinawa occurred on 27 March.). The Attack Force briefly sights seven Hellcat fighters, but they are not seen by the escorting Zekes. Orders to Commit Suicide The Yamato had unbelievable orders. Damage Control counter-floods both starboard engine and boiler rooms and almost entirely corrects the list. Senior U.S. Navy commanders in the Pacific, including Admiral Raymond Spruance, Commander U.S. Fifth Fleet, knew what the battleship Yamatos mission was before almost anyone on Yamato did. After all, she was the Yamato was lost Apr. Since Yamatos radios were destroyed, Vice Admiral Ito sent out a signal via flag hoist cancelling the operation and freeing the other ships to try to get back to Japan. Join SOFREP for insider access and analysis. Additionally, aircraft damaged most of the . Some of the Japanese survivors reported that U.S. fighter aircraft strafed Japanese survivors floating in the water. Updated on July 03, 2019. Her waterline armor belt was 16 inches thick. Smoke rises from the vicinity of the mainmast and a bomb explodes in the same area. The others kept coming. None of the captains was afraid to diethey just objected to the sheer folly of attacking in daylight without air cover, believing that they wouldnt get anywhere close to Okinawa. By this point, Yamato was firing main-battery beehive shells set to detonate after one second (about 3,000 yards) from the ship, which U.S. aircraft just blew through. YAMATO has taken a total of four torpedo hits. Legendary Lost Japanese WWII Battleship Found by Billionaire Paul Allen.The search was funded by Paul Allen, the Microsoft co . Yamato'sFinal Voyage The battleship received a 30-minute time-late report from an observation post on a small Japanese island north of Okinawa that 150 U.S. planes were headed in Yamatos direction. My Dad was one of the Hell Diver pilots from the Essex who scored a hit as was recorded in his NC. Design and construction Main article: Yamato-class battleship Of firing 3,220-lb shells over 26 miles pilots and eight aircrewmen were missing and presumed dead how many planes were lost sinking the yamato. YAMATO, despite hits by two bombs and one torpedo, maintains flank speed. YAMATO and YAHAGI open fire, increase speed to 24 knots and commence a series of sharp evasive maneuvers. He had friends wounded and killed, but the small carriers were never given credit for anything that happened. On 29 March, Yamato was ordered to take on fuel and ammunition, and loaded 1,170 shells for her nine 18.1-inch guns (in three triple turrets), 1,629 shells for her six 6.1-inch guns (in two triple turrets), 13,500 anti-aircraft shells, and 11.5 million rounds of machine-gun ammunition. Aruga receives a rare double promotion posthumously to Vice Admiral on the request of Admiral Toyoda. TG 58.4 had just finished refueling and would arrive just in time. The submarine radio traffic transmitted in the clear, reporting Yamato by name, and reported by Japanese radio intelligence, did nothing to improve the sense of foreboding felt by the senior officers on Yamato. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING VETERAN JOURNALISM - JOIN SOFREP+ She slips under followed by an underwater explosion. During the night, this plan morphed into sending six new battleships detached from TF 58 into blocking position. About 1,620 survivors of Yamato, Yahagi, Hamakaze, Isokaze, and Kasumi were rescued by the surviving Japanese destroyers. A heartfelt salute from myself, a navy vet in the 70s! It was going on the attack totally outnumbered. 1s USS HORNET (CV-12), HANCOCK (CV-19), BENNINGTON (CV-20), BELLEAU WOOD (CVL-24) and SAN JACINTO (CVL-30) and from Task Group 58. These were 50 aircraft from Essex and Bataan. Eggheads on this subject get "lost in the sauce" going over tables, charts, and math formulas done by researchers after the war shooting rounds into armor plate captured from Japan and Germany,. The loss of ten aircraft and 12 men led to the sinking of four destroyers and two other vessels. (Although U.S. carrier air groups complement had been changed to have a mix of about three quarters fighters to defend against kamikaze and only one quarter bombers and torpedo planes, the fighters had been trained and gotten pretty good at being used in a fighter-bomber role, and, with no Japanese air opposition, had the freedom to do so.) Also, accounts differ as to whether he was a captain or rear admiral. At 1107, Yamatos Type 13 air search radar detected a large aircraft formation inbound at the radars maximum range of 63 nautical miles, and noted the aircraft formation was splitting into two groups. Twelve Helldivers claimed several hits in the bridge area in exchange for five Helldivers damaged by anti-aircraft fire. The Japanese battleship Yamato in the late stages of construction alongside of a large fitting out pontoon at the Kure Naval Base, Japan, 20 September 1941.The aircraft carrier Hsh is visible at the extreme right.The store ship Mamiya is anchored in the center distance.Note Yamato's after 460mm main battery gun turret, and superfiring 155mm secondary battery gun turret. Over the next days, additional messages were intercepted and decrypted by Fleet Radio Unit Pacific (FRUPAC) and also OP-20-G in Washington that provided increasingly detailed information on the operations timing and made specific mention of Yamato on 5 April. Isokaze, which had her steering disabled by a near miss, suffered 20 dead and 54 wounded, and had to be scuttled by gunfire from Yukikaze. TG 58.1 and 58.3 were quickly on station. In viewing cite, this the first time I have seen any mention of the carrier Langley. In the interviews below, meet two Yamato veterans still haunted by memories of the battle that took most of their comrades lives. Of the 3,332 crew members aboard the Yamato, only 276 survived the sinking. Japan started the war with 63 ocean-going submarines (i.e., not including midgets), and completed 111 during the war, for a total of 174. At 1830, destroyer Isokaze sighted Threadfin on the surface. By early 1945, the Japanese Empire was shrinking daily and the war had reached its home shores. She lies in two main parts in some 1,000 feet of water. A near miss on Hamakaze disabled her starboard shaft and then, at 1247, torpedo hits amidships blew her in half. Operation Ten-Go ( (Kyjitai) or ja: (Shinjitai) Ten-g Sakusen) was a Japanese naval operation plan in 1945, consisting of four likely scenarios. Five Helldivers are damaged by AA fire. A report that had been delayed for 25 minutes by ransmission and decoding, is received finally. This would be carried out in conjunction with a mass aerial kamikaze attack by over 350 airplanes ( Kikusui No. They would not be needed. Just after 1240 on 7 April, Yamato maneuvers frantically under the initial attackby USS Bennington (CV-20)and USS Hornet (CV-12) aircraft as a bomb explodes offher port side. A 500-pound general-purpose bomb hit Suzutsuki and blew off her bow. Praesidus brings homage to the military watch tradition. YAMATO turns hard to port. Fifty aircraft from ESSEX and BATAAN are sighted approaching from the SSW, range 18.5 miles. 1200 hour A lookout spots three Japanese troopships on bearing 0250 heading for Amami-Oshima. The largest battleships ever built were Yamato and Musashi of the Imperial Japanese Navy. As she came under attack on that April morning, the At 1234, Yamato opened fire with her two forward main battery turrets, lobbing sanshikidan shells at the U.S. aircraftto no effect. Their solution was to bolt a shit load of 25mm open AA gun mounts where ever they could which left the sailor's firing them very exposed to enemy MG's. The USN would rake the hell out of just one side of a BB like Yamato and soften up the AAA for the torpedo planes and dive bombers to attack. This was taken by senior Japanese navy leaders as implicit criticism of their services inaction. The first U.S. attack wave ended about 1250. John Carter, was in a perfect position to watch what unfolded. Behind the Scenes Both Rear Admiral Komura and Captain Hara survived. At 1232, lookouts in the Yamato force sighted the first incoming strike wave. The chief of staff of the Combined Fleet, Vice Admiral Ryunosuke Kusaka, flew in from Tokyo to ensure that Ito would comply with Admiral Toyodas orders. Survivor Stories How many Japanese aircraft carriers were sunk in ww2? 4: Factual error; Musashi was sunk on Oct. 23, 1944 in the Sibuyan Sea. It would not be enough. Cloud cover precluded accurate firing of the Ito was posthumously promoted to full admiral. Since Yamato could not get to the landing area before 8 April, there wasnt a big rush and Deyo convened a planning conference on his flagship Eldorado (AGC-11) at 1030 with plans to sortie TF 54 from the bombardment area at 1530. On bearing 0250 heading for Amami-Oshima range 44 miles, closing at high speed an option none them... This plan morphed into sending six new battleships detached from TF 58 into blocking.. Yamato and Yahagi open fire incredibly powerful, Yamato suffered from a low. 1945, the Yahagi ( left ), tried to assist Yamato in fending off her attackers in exchange five... By two bombs and one hundred fifty-two 25-mm aa guns and one torpedo, this plan into. 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