"Evangelization." [4][5], Within Christianity conversion refers variously to three different phenomena: a person becoming Christian who was previously not Christian; a Christian moving from one Christian denomination to another; a particular spiritual development, sometimes called the "second conversion", or "the conversion of the baptised".[6]. Some have suggested that the concept of missionary conversion, either way, is contrary to the precepts of Hinduism. When the Church in Kerala speaks about "Love Jihad" it is reported as a fact and when Hindu organisations say the same, What is not mentioned in this report is that these are often tribals or SC/ST folks who have already converted to Christianity. Indonesia has the world's largest population of Muslims. For example, the New Testament chronicles the personal activities of the Apostles and their followers in inspired preaching, miracle-working and the subsequent gathering of followers. The groups claimed that not only dalits, who often embrace Buddhism to quit Hinduism, but also people from other castes can accept the religion. Now media also started putting venom into public mind? I would list some of the people here, 1. This is list of converts from Indian-origin religions. Sukmawati Sukarnoputri, 69, embraced Hinduism in a ritual called 'Sudhi Wadani' . Evangelization. ), read and discuss ancient literature, learn and engage in rites of passages (ceremonies of birth, first feeding, first learning day, age of majority, wedding, cremation and others). [13] The theology thus rejects infant baptism. Messianism may prepare groups for the coming of a Messiah or of a saviour. People convert to a different religion for various reasons, including active conversion by free choice due to a change in beliefs,[3] secondary conversion, deathbed conversion, conversion for convenience, marital conversion, and forced conversion. In that case, the judges could remedy the errors of 1977 by seeking inspiration from the European Court of Human Rights 1993 ruling in the, Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights, programme announced by the Dharam Jagran Samiti, anti-conversion laws in force in various states, Uproar in India over forced conversions. The groups responsible for the conversion ceremonies come from the same broad Hindu nationalist movement as the ruling Bharatiya Janata party, which was led to a landslide victory in elections last year by Narendra Modi. When performing a Baptism, Latter Day Saints say the following prayer before performing the ordinance: Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. The mass ceremony was the latest in what is a growing number of such conversions to Pakistan's majority Muslim faith in recent years although precise data is scarce. The moment where one has made pure intentions to convert to Hinduism, he will be regarded as a Hindu. [63], Research in the United States and in the Netherlands has shown a positive correlation between areas lacking mainstream churches and the percentage of people who are members of a new religious movement. [34] Individuals have had a choice to enter, leave or change their god(s), spiritual convictions, accept or discard any rituals and practices, and pursue spiritual knowledge and liberation (moksha) in different ways. Even a recent convert may be elected to serve on a local Spiritual Assembly the guiding Bah institution at the community level. New trends of Mass Conversion of Christians to Hinduism has emerged in India. Display results as threads to comeout of religious politics for ever India must rediscover why they pakistan and beangladesh. Modi has been criticised by opposition politicians for remaining silent on the issue of reconversion ceremonies. Merchants and traders of India, particularly from Indian peninsula, carried their religious ideas, which led to religious conversions to Hinduism in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia . 978--8122-9600-6 Peace & Conflict Studies, Sociology, Religion The Original Sin What Do Mormons Believe?. control of land. Conversion is illegal if there is any element of compulsion or bribery. Saurav Datta teaches media law and jurisprudence in Mumbai and Pune. The last time it did was in 1977, in the Reverend Stanislaus case, wherein the Odisha and Madhya Pradesh statutes were upheld. It states that "Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. According to the report, the converts said they were neither lured nor coerced into Hinduism. 241 of the 506 people who reported their change of religion with the government were Christians or Muslims who converted to Hinduism. Converting to Islam requires one to declare the shahdah, the Muslim profession of faith ("there is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah"). This happened in a very calculated way and the then Govt. Delhi Social Welfare Minister Rajendra Pal Gautam found himself in the middle of a political storm after visuals of an alleged "mass conversion" to Buddhism, involving around 10,000 people (as . Whatdomormonsbelieve. The Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) government in the western state of Gujarat controversially amended an anti-conversion law to classify Buddhism and Jainism as branches of the Hindu religion, denying them status as unique religions. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - In Andhra Pradesh a group of Hindu nationalists belonging to the BJP ruling party (Bharatiya Janata Party) has carried out mass conversions to Dalit and Christian tribal. Conversion to Hinduism. [26], In some cases, a person may forgo a formal conversion to Judaism and adopt some or all beliefs and practices of Judaism. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Hindu MNA Lal Chand Malhi said that the Hindu community in Pakistan was being continuously exploited in Sindh. |A+AA-. When these turn of events created a furore in parliament, the Narendra Modi-led central government instructed the local administration to thwart the Samitis grandiose plans, and Christmas day went peacefully. This doctrine answers the question of the righteous non-believer and the unevangelized by providing a post-mortem means of repentance and salvation. BJP is true party work for nation. Homecoming in the Christmas season is supposed to be a joyous occasion, accompanied by camaraderie and cheer. Now we are on Telegram too. Let me say this that if there is a hint of coercion or forcible conversion, the matter will be dealt with seriously, said Derek OBrien, a spokesman for the Trinamool National Congress party which is in power in West Bengal. Its not my business what faith others follow but surely there must be something seriously wrong to go the BJP way. More than 550 Hindu temples in the Portuguese territories were razed to the ground. Chico Xavier wrote over 490 additional books, which expand on the spiritualist doctrine. This situation stems from a law passed in the 1930s by the dictator Ioannis Metaxas. Answer (1 of 5): Sorry to say but Islam was not spread in the world by its teaching but was done through swords. But, the solution a national legislation to ban and criminalise conversions assertively advocated by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which commands an absolute majority in parliament, and despite repeated disavowals, remains rooted in essentially a chauvinistic, right-wing Hindu ideology, is far more disconcerting, and if implemented, would deal a grievous blow to the constitutional ideal of secularism. [24] A formal conversion is also sometimes undertaken by individuals whose Jewish ancestry is questioned, even if they were raised Jewish, but may not actually be considered Jews according to traditional Jewish law. Alphonso Albuquerque conquered Diu. [38][39][40] Some sects of Hindus, particularly of the Bhakti schools began seeking or accepting converts in early to mid 20th century. His blog takes a contrarian view of topical and timeless issues, political, social, economic and speculative. Frankish armies spread Roman Catholicism eastwards in the Middle Ages. Thus the 1st-century Levant, steeped in expectations of overturning the political situation, provided fertile ground for nascent Christianity and other Jewish messianic sects, such as the Zealots. Persons newly adhering to Buddhism traditionally "Taking Three Refuge" (express faith in the Three Jewels Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha) before a monk, nun, or similar representative, with often the sangha, the community of practitioners, also in ritual attendance. Terms of Use | If there are any mistakes, or if any part of the person being baptized is not fully immersed, the baptism must be redone. But its record in adjudicating the evidently unsecular anti-conversion statutes is dubious. The six Astika and two Nastika schools of Hindu philosophy, in its history, did not develop a missionary or proselytization methodology, and they co-existed with each other. Sixty years ago BR Ambedkar, the first untouchable to hold high office in India and the man who wrote India's constitution, renounced Hinduism as a creed in the grip of casteism and converted -. The most recent forced mass conversion the I know of was in 1895-1896, when Afghan Emir Abdur Rahman invaded Kafiristan and forcibly Islamized its pagan inhabitants. Also, 32 people left Islam to join Hinduism. The consensus in Spiritism is that God, the Great Creator, is above everything, including all human things such as rituals, dogmas, denominations or any other thing. 25 persons, including 13 females, switched from Hindu Ezhava to Islam. [21] In Islam, circumcision is considered a sunnah custom and is never mentioned in the Quran. For other uses, see, This article is about voluntary acceptance of a religion. The recent mass conversion of Dalits to Buddhism in Gujarat's Una district, which included the Dalits who were brutally assaulted by cow vigilantes for allegedly skinning dead cattle, has. {{#totalcount}} Fringes have been stopped, they have been given the message. In sharing their faith with others, Bahs are cautioned to "obtain a hearing" meaning to make sure the person they are proposing to teach is open to hearing what they have to say. Hindu conversion: How Hinduism is being turned more Islamic and Christian, Adjective d*****: Thanks to PC, we might soon have to be careful not to get nabbed by the oral police, Note of warning: Speculations about Demonetisation II reveal the fictional value we put on money, Johns Christmas: In remembrance of a friendship spanning 66 years, and many shared Yuletide seasons, How China locked down internally for COVI, A look at how and when Indias caste system emerged, Terms of Use and Grievance Redressal Policy, TOI will have complete discretion to select bloggers, TOI's decision in this regard will be final. A series of attempts by rightwing Hindu groups to hold mass conversion ceremonies have caused controversy in recent months. Dalits in rural areas are often bullied and assigned menial jobs such as manual scavengers, removing of human waste and dead animals, leather workers, street sweepers and cobblers. The sometimes intense violence has led to a migration to the cities, where caste is easier to submerge. The closest Hindu equivalent of a regular congregation is the RSS shakha. your username. The VHP appears to be behind Wednesdays ceremony. Attending the ceremonies are monks from America, Britain and Taiwan. However, people who converted to Buddhism said they faced caste. Some religious traditions, rather than stressing emotion in the conversion process, emphasise the importance of philosophical thought as a pathway to adopting a new religion. {{/totalcount}}, Thu, Mar 02, 2023 | UPDATED 08:23 AM IST. During the election campaign, an age-old discussion over caste discrimination has been rekindled by the threat of losing Dalits to another faith, and that too a public commitment to renouncing Hinduism. [58][59], The Church of Scientology attempts to gain converts by offering "free stress tests". His blog takes a contrarian view of topical and timeless issues, political, social, economic and speculative. In order to equate Hinduism to a culture, we need to define the culture. In recent years, anecdotal evidence suggests there have been conversions to Hinduism because of two factors. Photograph: Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images. But these benefits aside, there was another more substantive reason why many Indians, especially the Dalits (Untouchables) and tribals embraced Christianity, and even Islam. The initiation ceremony may also include Yajna (i.e., fire ritual with Sanskrit hymns) under guidance of a local Hindu priest. It is considered[by whom?] [61][62] The Church of Scientology requires that all converts sign a legal waiver which covers their relationship with the Church of Scientology before engaging in Scientology services. Another step towards remoulding Hinduism into semetic form is the promotion of a congregational faith. However, he has warned members of parliament and ministers not to make statements that might distract from his development agenda, after one member of his government called Indian Muslims bastard children last year. We are not committing any sin by bringing back our people to our own religion. Photograph: Amit Bhargava/AP. The Allahabad High Court recently refused to quash a First Information Report (FIR) filed against 37 persons accusing them of coerced the first informant into religious conversion (Hinduism to. In addition to the baptizer, two members of the church witness the baptism to ensure that it is performed properly. Can you explain why? Amen. The person administering the baptism must recite the prayer exactly, and immerse every part, limb, hair and clothing of the person being baptized. This fabricated India is not a land of different people who settled in different places at different times, and had different ways of living and different forms of worship. In another case, Larissis v. Greece, a member of the Pentecostal church also won a case in the European Court of Human Rights.[68]. [citation needed]. lmao everyone in this world is a convert, The writer has tried to mislead the readers of NIE with confusing figures. 72% of the new converts to Hinduism were Dalit Christians, mostly Christian Cheramars, Christian Sambavas and Christian Pulayas. "India investigates reports of mass 'reconversion' of Christians". Thus "religious conversion" would describe the abandoning of adherence to one denomination and affiliating with another. Returns? March 21, 2015 by Ambaa Choate. Colonial missions since the 19th century have attracted people to an implied nexus of material well-being, civilisation, and European-style religion. Help us delete comments that do not follow these guidelines. As an untouchable, the 25-year-old is at the bottom of Hinduism's hereditary hierarchy. Other religions organize mass conversions, usually of Dalits, away from Hinduism and its legacy of caste discrimination. "Converts" redirects here. The Muslim castes which have been particularly vulnerable to Hindu missionary efforts have been those This suits their propaganda well and helps in the mass mobilisation against Muslims and Christians. 17 Thiyya community members including 11 females converted to Islam. It's Not That Easy", "Dalai Lama opposed to practice of conversion", Conversion to Tibetan Buddhism: Some Reflections, Handbook of Oriental Studies. This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 09:42. Mass Conversions to Hinduism: The Ghar Wapsi Movement With the BJP taking over control following the 2014 general elections, it has been commonly accepted that the Hindutva ideology now not only wields socio-religious control but also access to political power as well. Mass Conversions to Hinduism among Indian Muslims Yoginder Sikand Manjari Katju In cases of mass conversion of Muslims to Hinduism, the central thrust has been on their de-Islamisation rather than on their accepting the Hindu religion. Though ostensibly secular in objective, the, Indians look up to the judiciary to uphold the secular values of the republic, and the Supreme Court has, time and again, thwarted onslaughts on peoples core fundamental right of religious freedom. Rinchana changed his name to Sultan Sardarudin Shah after converting to Islam and became the first Muslim ruler of Kashmir. However, Taoism does have its own religious conversion ceremony which seems[original research?] According to the survey, "mass-movement is the conversion of people in groups as families or groups of families as a community or group of communities. The Dalit leader decided to quit Hinduism and take up Buddhism, along with close to. Going way beyond, they endow the government with surveillance powers over a constituency of people. Meaningless data. it was conviction of muslim that they can not live withth cafirs and need a seperate pure (Pak) land which will be muslims and they will take muslims from india and nonmuslims will move to india. B Veeraiah, a 42-year-old who fled his village 160 miles north of Hyderabad a year ago, was washing dishes on the streets. "Dalits should concentrate on illiteracy and poverty rather than looking for new religions. The News Minute | December 10, 2014 | 08:52 pm IST On Monday, 200 people from around 57 Muslim families were reportedly 'converted' to Hinduism in Agra. Baptism is traditionally seen as a sacrament of admission to Christianity. Islam attracted 144 converts overall, compared to 119 converts to Christianity. Currently there are 25 to 60 million people[specify][citation needed] studying Spiritism in various countries, mainly in Brazil, through its essential books, which include The Spirits Book, The Book on Mediums, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell and The Genesis According to Spiritism. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, A Buddhist monk shaves the head of a man converting him to Buddhism. Views expressed above are the author's own. "India parliament uproar over conversions by Hindu groups". [29][30], Hinduism is a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, pandeism, monism, and atheism among others. Anti-cult evangelicals protest that 'aggressiveness and proselytizing are basic to authentic Christianity,' and that Jews for Jesus and Campus Crusade for Christ are not to be labeled as cults. In December another group conducted a similar ceremony for more than 200 Muslims in the northern city of Agra. When converting to Hindusim to which caste do they convert to?? [52][53][54][55][56], In the 1960s sociologist John Lofland lived with Unification Church missionary Young Oon Kim and a small group of American church members in California and studied their activities in trying to promote their beliefs and win converts to their church. pleople like you christian conversion money from abroad. The mass conversions which are being planned are part of a strategy to bring in congregationalism through the back door. The boundary between them is not easily defined: what one person considers legitimate evangelizing, or witness-bearing, another may consider intrusive and improper. Freshly-converted Irish and Anglo-Saxon priests spread their new-found faith among pagan British and Germanic peoples. Threat of 'mass conversions' by Hindu far right groups causes fear among India's religious minorities [Al Jazeera] "Homecoming" in the Christmas season is supposed to be a joyous occasion,. Both Hinduism and those pre-Abrahamic religions kept trying to look for common grounds with the Abrahamic faiths for co-existence, while Abrahamic faiths were least interested in discovering common grounds. Welcome! In terms of spiritual practices, there are many you can try and see what works for you such as r/Introspection, r/yoga, r/meditation or r/bhajan. India - Using extremely anti-minority rhetoric, a Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader in India on Wednesday tweeted his support for mass 're-conversion' programs pushing Indian Christians and Muslims to convert to Hinduism. . In October 2021, Sukmawati Sukarnoputri of Indonesia converted to Hinduism. A team of Buddhist monks from across the country is being formed to lead the mission, with an all-India "mega event" set to take . For example, in the 11th century in Burma, king Anoratha converted his entire country to Theravada Buddhism. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In fact we think that there are very few differences between Buddhism and Hinduism," says Lalit Kumar, who works for a Hindu nationalist welfare association in Andhra Pradesh. This table summarizes three Protestant beliefs. Despite officially being a secular nation, organizations allied with the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are actively promoting mass conversions to Hinduism. The doctrine is first considered as science, then philosophy and lastly as a religion. When I tell them my caste they stop asking questions. "CatholicHerald.co.uk Cardinal protests against forced conversions to Hinduism". UP's Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Ordinance, 2020, promulgated last week penalises mass conversions - defined by the ordinance as conversions of two or more persons. One becomes a Jain on one's own by observing the five vows (vratas)[44] The five main vows as mentioned in the ancient Jain texts like Tattvarthasutra are:[45][46], Following the five vows is the main requirement in Jainism. He will not be alone. Sixty years ago BR Ambedkar, the first untouchable to hold high office in India and the man who wrote India's constitution, renounced Hinduism as a creed in the grip of casteism and converted - with more than 100,000 of his followers - to Buddhism. BJP is in power today only because other parties played religious politics by oppressing the majority Hindus and providing every right. He ordered mass conversion of the Muslims to Christianity. He ran away after being tied up with his mother and clubbed for a night by an upper caste neighbour for allowing his goat to wander. and biggest lose Christianity. This is a service to our country and we will continue with the ghar wapsi [homecomings], Jugal Kishore, a VHP official involved in the event, was quoted as saying in the Indian Express newspaper. This theory was publicized by the popular news media but disputed by other scholars, including some sociologists of religion. Allan Kardec's codification of Spiritism occurred between the years 1857 and 1868. Mass conversion in India PM's home state sparks anger The conversion happened hours after Modi's Hindu nationalist party called for a new law to ban 'forced religious conversions' Asia Mainly it includes Customs and traditions Religion Arts Literature Science Government Festivals Language Up to 100 Christians welcomed back to Hinduism in West Bengal, raising concerns about possible coercion, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, A damaged mural of Jesus Christ on the outside of a home in India. The mass conversions which are being planned are part of a strategy to bring in congregationalism through the back door. Will the saffron strategy of turning India into a national equivalent of undifferentiable sliced white bread succeed? "Power and purpose: Correlates to conversion." Chhawla gangrape-murder: SC will consider pleas seekingreview of verdict acquitting convicts, Row over Covid origin: China says 'lab leak' claims hurt US credibility, FCRA of think tank CPR suspended: In 'new India', people with independent thinking are 'harassed', says Cong, UK Foreign Secy raises BBC tax searches with EAM, firmly told all entities 'must comply' with laws, Umesh Pal murder: House ofaccused Atiq Ahmads kin demolished by UP civic body, Indian state-owned firm sold 20 gun barrels to Myanmar: Activists, The Morning Standard | Dinamani | Kannada Prabha | Samakalika Malayalam | Cinema Express | Indulgexpress | Edex Live | Events Xpress, Contact Us | Nagpur (Maharashtra): - The First and the biggest mass conversion, which the country has ever witnessed, took placed on the 14th day of October 1956. For forced conversion, see. In Tibetan Buddhism, for example, the current Dalai Lama discourages active attempts to win converts. The following is a list of converts to Hinduism from other religions or a non-religious background. "Islam is egalitarian, and we get the self-respect," said Khalik. Of the total 506 people who registered their change of religion with the government, 241 were those who converted from Christianity or Islam to Hinduism. [18], Baptisms inside and outside the temples are usually done in a baptistry, although they can be performed in any body of water in which the person may be completely immersed. Section 3 Southeast Asia, Religions, "Sikhism (Sikhi) the Sikh Faith and Religion in America", "Brainwashing and the Cults: The Rise and Fall of a Theory", "Will Scientology Celebs Sign 'Spiritual' Contract? It was evident that lack of reservation benefits forced many Dalit Christians to re-embrace Hinduism. This is for countering the claims of BJP. Membership into a Latter Day Saint church is granted only by baptism whether or not a person has been raised in the church. Both are true in their own contexts. Reports of a new mass conversion of Christians in India have raised concerns over freedom of worship, days after Barack Obama challenged the countrys record on religious tolerance. Khusro then a. "There is no caste system here." Try to avoid outside hyperlinks inside the comment. However, it takes exception to what it considers illegitimate proselytizing by the Roman Catholic Church, the Salvation Army, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other religious movements in what it refers to as its canonical territory. That individual proselytisation, let alone mass conversion, has no place in the live-and-let-live ethos of the Hindu faith is blithely ignored by these saffron crusaders, who have mounted a concerted campaign to semitise Hinduism and turn it into a religious ideology based, in the manner of Islam and Christianity, on the concept of One book, one congregation, one people. They even treat tribals as low. Published: 02nd April 2021 04:33 AM| The widespread Dalit mass conversions to Buddhism have enraged many Hindu organizations from Delhi in the north to Yadgir in the south. As explained in the first of the 1,019 questions and answers in The Spirits Book: 1. Christianity lost 242 believers to the other two religions and attracted only 119 persons. Between 2002 and 2008, six states, including Gujarat, where India's Prime Minister . Shah after converting mass conversion to hinduism Hindusim to which caste do they convert to Hinduism, along with close to wherein Odisha... Is mass conversion to hinduism seen as a sacrament of admission to Christianity to win converts 2023 | UPDATED 08:23 IST. Or of a Messiah or of a strategy to bring in congregationalism the... Closest Hindu equivalent of undifferentiable sliced white bread succeed precepts of Hinduism Datta teaches media law jurisprudence... 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