Having already discussed with James that he and his wife Lily would take the boy and raise him for the light, to . Even as his uncle and aunt rounded on him to scream about the plate, the boy only uttered a soft whisper. His parents had focused so much on his twin sister that he was left behind . Sa famille lui a appris survivre et porter un masque. what if Hermione was devoted to Harry like Bellatrix was to Dark Lord, what if she took Harry away from his family to push him beyond what anyone thought was possible. Follow Harry as he realized some secrets and betrayal of his close friends and Headmaster as he receives a letter from Gringotts and he learns the truth and sets a new path, I don't own jk Rowling's this all fanfiction only and their will cussing and possible death and sex scenes if anyone under the age 16 please do not read you have been warned. Raised by Sirius Black and sorted in to Slytherin, Harry finds his way under the guidance and watchful gaze of his mentor and Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, one Tom Marvolo Riddle.". Written for the HP Yuletide Bliss 2022 - Day 8 | Fond memories / "Remember that time when mum put salt instead of sugar to the cake?". "You're You're Quin's sister!" Work Search: A matching smirk on his own face. He rolled his eyes. But what happens when they take him to the Goblins to be healed? His family taught him to survive and to wear a mask. Please consider turning it on! Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent. Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived and Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, or so they thought so. The public is warned that Black is armed and extremely dangerous. Also because the author said so hahaha have Fun ! He was not supposed to be collateral damage in a fight between his best friend and a pushy Gryffindor. To his surprise, Harry's eyes harden and darken, before they quickly change back into indifference. harry/tom. Sa famille lui a appris survivre et porter un masque. And maybe he'll commit a felony or two on the way. Sorry. Meanwhile, a figure from his past returns and one from Draco's continues to hang around. Expelliarmus, Harry hissed, and snatched Lockharts wand out the air. Instead of having James Potter as his idol, Lily Potter turns out to be a much . What if when Voldemort when to kill the potters, he sent his hunting dog first? He will live this life at its fullest. All Good Things (Must Come To An End). -----Srry, I'm a Spanish native and my English is not very good. Lilys clothing, from her entire life growing up, but it was free and technically her freaky nephews anyway Harry barely makes it out of Privet Drive alive after his disastrous 4th year. In other words, Harry makes family and friends, almost dies in war which he led the side that won, and gets sent into the bnha universe by Magic.All Dadzawa can say at of this of this, is that he is glad problem child noticed him falling from the sky. Will that be all, Professor? he said, pasting on his sweetest and most innocent expression. Im looking for a fanfiction I read a few years ago when I was really into Harry hiding his intelligence (or just putting his Slytherin side to use). (Good old fashioned lover boy by Queen was the thing that kept me going for this fict). Harry dies of a disease and reincarnates as Doran Martell. "Yes Mr Potter. The Wrong Twin by . It takes him a while to figure out what the flowers he's getting alongside every gift mean. Or: Harry is Ciel reincarnated. Le vrai Harry, celui qui dcouvre qu'il s'appelle en fait Mirus et a t adopt la place d'un Henry Potter mort-n, compte bien prendre sa revanche. or what if Mis figg did here job and actually looked after harry? I've finished the first three stories and I'm just waiting the current story finishes to read that. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Four years later, the Boy-Who-Lived goes to Hogwarts and is sorted into Slytherin alongside his brother in all but blood, Theodore Nott Jr. Harry Potter had spent his whole life wishing and dreaming for a family to call his own, and he finally got it in the form of a pair of twins, a person with a giant green thumb, and a spy/potions-professor. Would you like to know the snakes name? Severus said with a chuckle, dismissing his current thoughts to dwell on later. And maybe he'll commit a felony or two on the way. Draco had taunted him, and Potter had found it to be so hilariously stupid that he couldnt help but say something. Lockhart looked entirely bemused, and he thought Snape might be holding back a laugh. [4]: https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/ "Fork me on GitHub" [5]: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing "The maintainer". On his terms. At thirteen, he finally gets introduced to the magical world by Severus Snape . Everyone have changed ever since the War. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". This harry doesn't realize that the way the Dursleys treat him is considered abuse and not how children should be treated. Hed seen Potter roll his eyes the moment hed given up. Not to mention, Harry has a second dad who is also alive, is a famous muggle billionaire and superhero that didn't know about him until his dad's (mum's? He's not the only one who's come back. Resulting in Snape realizing that Harry knows more than he lets on. Serpensortia! Malfoy cried, and a large and certainly venomous snake poured out from his wand. Vernon muted harry so he wouldn't have to hear the screams. When Draco and Harry returns, not everything is as it seems, especially when someone has been targeting the two. --------------This is my first fic ever, so I'd love feedback and ideas on where I should take this. Fleur though just smiled. "I thought an indirect attack on your life via hexing your broom wouldn't endanger me with a possible dangerous reversal of the spell" is another bit of information that I don't think will ever get shared in-story, but is part of my personal headcanon for Voldemort's motivations in this fic series.". Skull did not know regret. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. A cat for Gryffindors, an owl for Ravenclaws and a toad for Hufflepuffs, and therefore snakes for Slytherin. Dumbledore blinked. Of course, nothing is easy for Harry who is stuck mute until another wizard can preform the countercurse but there is no secret society of wizards/witches/wixen for Harry use to get rid of the curse in the new world that he was taken to so will he end up mute for the rest of his life? What happens when his closest brush to death sparks the arrival of a forgotten connection to his parents? Not alive, but aware. memory was returned. "Come out where I can see you!" (Oh, but there is, there will be.). Harry leaves Hogwarts to spend Yule with his family. And Lee cant even communicate with it. Harry stepped forward confidently and walked up to the podium, ignoring Draco's 'you didn't tell me you were the Harry Potter!' Harry sat on the stool and let the hat be put on his head, feeling nervous. After a bout of accidental magic when Harry is six, Vernon goes too far. Please, please dont fatally injure me in front of three hundred witnesses and two teachers with your mean words and nasty smiles. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. --------------This is my first fic ever, so I'd love feedback and ideas on where I should take this. When, after that fateful Halloween night, the wrong Potter twin is hailed the Boy Who Lived, how will Harry's life turn out? Furthermore, both boys have a little secret that they unknowingly share, living in St Mungo's hospital. And you never told us that you spoke idiot, yet you manage to prove it every time you open your mouth., As if to prove him right, Ron frowned, and then gaped as he figured out the insult. What if it was not Voldemort that killed James and Lily, but Fenrir Greyback? LF For Fleur x Harry Fics. But her parents had taken a secret to their graves. Features: a Harry Potter making a ridiculous amount of terrible decisions; an exhausted Remus Lupin that did NOT sign up for this but by god will he be there for Harry anyways; a Severus Snape who didn't actually think this year could be worse then last year and is proven wrong in a big way; Dumbledore being awful; and Harry's snake Merlin, who just wants to play quidditch ONE TIME. The chosen one begins to worry there is nothing left to save him. I win. He grinned and hopped off the duelling platform. Aprs un temps infini pass au Royaume des Morts, Harry est de nouveau dans le monde des vivants, dans sa Timeline d'origine, prs changer le futur. What I wanted to write was a quick one-shot that explored the idea of Harry being the biological son of Voldemort, only Voldemort doesn't know he has a son and is also as evil as ever. 301. [Updates every Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday, Australian Time]. "This is what I've been waiting for. Like magic, a trunk full of clothing was delivered! Not that Harry will ever notice, given he's trying to simply survive at Hogwarts. To mention a few.. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Until one day, he tried to steal from a masked manwithout knowing it was a Death Eater, and the event escalated until it reached Voldemort's ears. Harry got his memory wiped, and sent to live with his awful muggle relatives, unaware of his magical origins. Being a vampire was one thing, but finding out he is an Omega had Harry struggling to see how he would manage to survive this year. After all, when life isnt fair, you need to be smart to survive the harsh blizzard that it is. Work Search: What if the lightning scar from the killing curse that bounced back and killed Voldemort was not the first scar Harry gained that night? This is a collection of drabbles for my AU where Maglor adopts Harri. Why try to save herself, when she knows she's never going to be saved? But Im afraid I must tell you that you cannot keep it.. One day, the enemies decide to be each others "therapist" every Wednesday at ten, so they have someone's shoulder to cry on. Harry looked up and saw a mop of blond hair, under which resided a pale pointed face wearing a malicious grin, and two larger, rounder faces on either side of it, each sporting similar grimaces. That night, Snape vowed to always protect the boy, as was his duty as Alpha. And why didnt you tell us you could speak parselmouth? Ron said. It was rather easy to make way through the crowds with a snake wrapped around him. Like A.I. But what happens when they take him to the Goblins to be healed? 13. Harry never knew he'd had a life before all this. Harry can't cope, especially when his group of peers is sent back to Hogwarts to finish their interrupted Seventh Year. Lucius was sitting in his office and nodded a greeting. Harry smirked. He will live this life at its fullest. Their not alive but, obscurials are basically Wixen that have had their magic gain a mind of its own? Being a Slytherin is one thing. Harry James Potter was an happy child, growing up with four parents and all their friends as aunts and uncles. Harry threw their wands onto the floor. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Story of Harry and Fleur Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic. When Hoodie finds a small child under the stairs he decides to take them. Where am I? Slash, bashing, Crossovers and dark!Harry are fine. Attack! it cried, and lunged toward him. "Ding," Minerva said, a sly grin on her face. Please consider turning it on! What if it was not Voldemort that killed James and Lily, but Fenrir Greyback? 7. Of course Harry Potter would be the exception. Enormous three headed dogs. . He raised his wand. Por supuesto que iba a empeorar antes de mejorar. Here, my boy, time is meaningless. Alive thanks only to a timely surprise visit by one fugitive godfather and a mischievous pair of twins. And Draco Malfoy is wholly unprepared for facing the love of his life every fucking day now that he knows. Harry never knew he'd had a life before all this. He goes to Gringott's to learn more about himself, but instead learns the truth of who he truly is. That is until Tom Riddle started paying attention. 17 Prisoner of Azkaban). His family taught him to survive and to wear a mask. The one scene I can remember is when Harry has to talk to or deliver something to Snape, and as hes leaving the classroom he absentmindedly stops another student from adding something to his potion (because it would explode). Chapter Text. Why ? Harry never expected a conversation over returning Draco's wand. 3)A lot of people probably just hate sports in general and want to write Harry as more of a . Harry almost makes it out of the classroom when Snape stops him and questions why Harry stopped the student or just how he knew to stop the student. I have a vague direction, but I'm pretty much making this up as I go. Crossposted to AO3 and FF.net. But my point still stands. Very well. Harry potter has had enough. He calls that shit playing possum. "Hmm, be that as it may, your snake is an Eastern Brown Snake, one of the most venomous in the world, and . 7 years old Harry Potter was found injured and abandoned by an old wizard and his grandson. At the age of 13 every wizard gets to know the name of their soulmate. Slash, bashing, Crossovers and dark!Harry are fine. Whatever shall I do? The entire hall fell silent and Malfoy gaped. What did you call it-her?, Baneofallrodents. Apparently, his father is alive and maybe not his dad since he was the one who gave birth to him, and can't forget that he's actually an Asgardian god. LF Fics where Harry's been hiding his intelligence. Hes just clairvoyant af. 8. Please consider turning it on! Is Hogwarts ready for Jinx? Father and Lily loves seeing you in a fluff messy hair His son, spoke, humming as he trimmed his hair. Umbridge had called him to stay after class, Harry didnt know why. The boy was staring off at the stars under a tree. Draco swore his revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and Harry all but laughed at him. Draco's been in love with Harry this whole time, finally confesses, and then forced proximity ensues. To spare innocent lifes from his timeline. The problem was, she didn't very much like the story, and the story sure as hell didn't like her one wit. Harry entered the room, after leaving Hermione behind at the potion trial. Amara was a seer. I shouted. Bear with me, this might take a while as most Potter Fics do. Cedric doesn't die in the graveyard at the end of fourth year, instead he is knocked out and Harry meets good! Quin yelled, yet I was too far to hear my twin. could the story be changed? Dumbledore blinked. Ideas in the one-shots may or may not be turned into multi-chapter stories. The snake rose to inspect him. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (685), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (11), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (9), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) (9), Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (150), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (323), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Gryffindor & Slytherin Inter-House Friendships, series rewrite but a lot of the plot beats are the same just with a twist, well technically a lot of them aren't cis but it doesn't come up in book 2 except for theo, Harry Potter's Ever Growing Collection of Family, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter/Tony Stark, Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), Harry Black-Potter and the Philosophers Stone, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Padma Patil & Parvati Patil & Harry Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Raise Harry Potter, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter is Heir to Multiple Noble Houses, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, No Romance in the Main Cast until later in the series, Harry Black-Potter changes the Wizarding World, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Eventual Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive, Pre-Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Ciel Phantomhive is reincarnated as Harry Potter, Alois Trancy is reincarnated as Draco Malfoy, Sieglinde Sullivan is reincarnated as Hermione Granger, Susan Bones/Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, Charlie Weasley/Original Female Character(s), Luna Lovegood/Original Female Character(s), original trelawney character(s) (Harry Potter), Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley's Wedding, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Severus Snape, Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape Friendship, Narcissa Black Malfoy/Original Male Character(s), Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr./Original Male Character(s), Rabastan Lestrange/Original Female Character(s), Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Ministry of Magic Employees (Harry Potter), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Daenerys Targaryen (Daughter of Aegon IV), Original Maester Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Game of Thrones (Harry is gona smash them), Great Empire of the Dawn (A Song of Ice and Fire), Original Werewolf Character(s) - Freeform, reading this is basically emotional self harm, It's the full moon when I want it to be the full moon dammit, The Muggleborn Slytherin: The Beginning of the Adventure, Original Muggle-born Characters (Harry Potter), Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships. . In the summer before his sixth year, a very depressed and mildly suicidal Harry is diagnosed with leukemia. Character development (people can change, y'know?) After some shuffling, Harry ends up at Wool's. There, he meets Tom Riddle, his mysterious roommate, eventual best friend, and the love of his life. From the Dursleys because they hit him, Ron and Hermione because they're his friends and he doesn't want to upset them, the school because it's his secret weapon against the evil masses, whatever. She didn't matter at all, she was just a piece of the puzzle to help move the story along. This work could have adult content. Do not read if this will trigger you. The Dursley's cross paths with Hannibal Lecter. This is crack story with some plot where Harry is actually intelligent and sassy and spends his life trying to make Snape laugh and/or have an aneurysm. An insane genocidal lunatic who taught Defence Against the Dark Arts. Dont you worry your pea sized brain. Please consider turning it on! When Sirius does come back, he must hope much harder that he doesn't let him in again and most definitely doesn't leave him broken again..Fanfic follows Remus, Sirius, and Harry's relationship after the events of Prisoner of Azkaban till the very end. Since Christmas of his first year Harry has been receiving gifts from an anonymous person four times a year. So the cards are going to be comparable to the sorting hat in their intelligence. Or, a story in which Harry Potter is a sassy little cinnamon roll who regains the family he always wanted, wraps the Avengers around his finger, and lives up to his Marauding legacy while facing down the biggest magical threat the world has ever seen with enough drama and sarcasm to make both his fathers proud. So instead of seeing a scruffy, most-likely-a-muggleborn boy standing beside him in Madam Malkin's before their first year, Draco only has eyes for the scarlet haired, green-eyed creature who just walked into his life and instead of an enemy, he finds a reason to be better than he'd been raised to be. Like alice from twilight. End of Term You really are a fool. Lockhart looked gobsmacked and he could almosthear Hermiones gasp of horror. The real Harry, the one who discovers that his name is actually Mirus and was adopted in place of a stillborn Henry Potter, intends to take his revenge. The next thing I knew, I ran away as far as I can from them. You, a second year child armed with a stick is the scariest thing Ive ever seen. The old man actually smirks as he turns to Harry. A Muggleborn another. "We didn't say anything," Ron said, but I pointed my gun at him. Nobody will try to kill you here., Ding, Harry said, and noticed McGonagall cover her mouth with her hand and exchange an amused look with Snape. She then did something that shocked not only Harry, but the entire Hogwarts contingent as well as the Beauxbatons students too. Time Travel - Recueil de textes connects. Stop, Harry commanded, deciding to see if he could give Snape an aneurysm. Rated: Fiction K - English - Sirius B., Remus L., James P., Peter P. - Words: 4,938 - Published: Feb 20 - Status: Complete - id: 14200984 . Its currently 3am and im jotting this down so i dont forget this idea. With their parteners, they decided to raise a children together. 2. You will not believe the conversation I just witnessed, he said, finally allowing his mirth at Potters audacity to show. A Muggleborn another. A very powerful one at that. Rating M pour Meutres et par prcaution. Expelliarmus, Harry said again, and received Malfoys wand for his trouble. Down The Rabbit Hole She turns a lot of stupid cliches around with some really clever ideas about why they might have happened, explaining in a comment about why Voldemort would try to hex Harry's broom: ""I wanted to see what you'd do if you fell, and what magic powers or talents you hide that preserved your life as a baby, and I didn't care back then if you died" is much closer to the truth. Seriously, this was insane, but in the context of his life it should feel like a normal Tuesday. This is everything you want. Kind of worldbuilding? :Dumbledore has no idea about . Sounds like theres a bit of Slytherin inside him. Apparently, his father is alive and maybe not his dad since he was the one who gave birth to him, and can't forget that he's actually an Asgardian god. An excellent defeat of young Draco in duelling club I must say. Harry kept silent. The Old Meddler Having inherited Snape's knowledge and memories, the self-insert resolves to be the best teacher ever, while simultaneously having fun and trolling the Wizarding World in the process. Work Search: Lily Evans and Mary Macdonald got married. And it took me all of that to realise that I have no fucking idea how to like someone. , , , . 9. I will expand on how magical/miliary Britain works in here so yes, Earthlings aren't as extinct as Kawahira thinks, It's about Skull and tiny Harry who knows far too much and has too much questionable connections, Mentions of both HP character and KHR characters, Some small cameos of other fandom characters but they won't be important, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Consequences (every action has an equal opposite reaction), you can tell how i was feeling when i wrote this fic lmfao, Draco Malfoy is Obsessed with Harry Potter, please don't write shitty reviews about the bashing, Harry Potter & James Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter & Arthur Weasley & Molly Weasley, look, its a good voldemort fic i don't know what else to say, but its really just that he doesn't really care at that point, hermione and ron are good friends to harry in this fic because i love their friendship, no matter how many ron + hermione bashing fics i read, My Harry Potter fics (hope y'all like them! His frantic (and grim) thoughts come to a halt as he hears more movement, as he sees A pair of bright green eyes peeking out behind a tree. Harry's smart and it's a shock to the world. Abandoned by his friends after his name came out of the Goblet, Harry Potter decides to commit suicide during the First Task, only to be saved by a teenager, who is revealed to be his soulmate through the mark on the back of his right arm. Be that as it may, your snake is an Eastern Brown Snake, one of the most venomous in the world, and potentially a danger to students., Ding, Harry said again, once more shocking the adults judging by their shocked expressions (gasp!). There was a soft sound of shuffling of feet. However, Harry's unusual death-ridden lifestyle has all but improved his already disastrous mental state; depression's firm grip tightening around his neck as the school years dragged on and the war's aftermath finally cutting off the oxygen, not to mention the heavy weight on his shoulders due to the merciless guilt of his loved ones' untimely deaths. His group of harry potter fanfiction harry stops hiding his intelligence drarry is sent back to Hogwarts to spend Yule his. Communities and start taking part in conversations, you need to be healed End ) three stories and 'm. Australian Time ] 'll commit a felony or two on the way the Dursleys treat him is considered abuse not. You tell us you could speak parselmouth Lily Potter turns out to be smart to survive the harsh blizzard it. And it took me all of that to realise that I have vague... 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