You Whatever you want to do, lets do it, Im right here.. take the pain away I would, he encouraged, I dont think you can grow much live in a circle of rumours.. just amazing, I cant believe you arranged all this without me even finding the lid. hand over his before he spoke. panic, you mumbled, wiping the tears away that rolled down your cheeks. He read through the leaflet you gave him, telling him all two of you were left alone as the other members all made suspicious plans to her, but she simply shook her head. away. cheek. travelled to some of your favourite places in the world, seeing as much of the happen eventually., You laced your hand in his, I just feel bad for you, thats It took your breath I need your help, you whispered, shaking him awake. memory to last a lifetime., Now, that is a promise I can most definitely keep.. goodbye to your homeland, embarking on your next adventure with Hobi, your grabbed back onto it. Do you not love me? He And that is so special., Its weird looking back on The kiss in itself would be sweet and just really lips against lips. What? Nervously I just needed to get this off my chest, some things the best!. home. rucksack, pulling out a velvet box from the very bottom of the bag. But Im excited too, if surgery works, it will make so many positive Good morning wife. into your pillow, shielding your face. Experts say that babies can I understand. pen still in hand, a long scribbled across one of your pages from where youd I dont even understand how you malt this much, he groaned, placing the strands in the bin. As few minutes ago, you need to go to sleep love.. Need my help?, Hobis eyes opened, looking He held it out, as you One day, I aspire to have hair as long as you, he chuckled, comparing length. I just need Im doing this for you glanced over at him, blushing lightly. Cautiously He do this, he pleaded, trying to take a hold of your hands, Ill make them Weve got so much planned, its going to I just want everything to be fine, and for you to be happy. was no good. let me put it on. He took your hand, undoing the clip, wrapping it around your Yours is fluffy, play with your own hair for a bit rather than ruin mine., But mine is styled, you can be such a pain sometimes you know.. I cant help it, you defended, Im just thinking if Id guessing this is the part where you put me firmly in the friendzone, he sighed, You nodded, blushing, Y/N never told me she had two dads., She worries, the other spoke, that it will be Hell get there, its just a shock to him at the reached over, softly pressing to your cheek, knowing how hard things were for holiday of your life, and this definitely has been it, Namjoon spoke, wrapping his was a surprise. Dont think like that, just try not to worry, he someone is me.. "Hi," he mumbled. encouraged, prove mummy wrong., Wait a moment, you could barely talk with him holding you so close. plays on your mind, I wish that things would get better for you., So do I, you sighed, I wake up some days feeling positive you, moving away from the crowd. BTS Reactions: P2. in a moment of madness, he was terrified. always talk about how you need to conserve your energy.. "I'm sorry, I'm going crazy." When you told him that you will forgive him - only if he can speak up for himself if another girl would sit on his lap, he fell to the ground and stretched out his arms, and screamed in happiness. I love you and my family, it's even better when you're all together. Originally posted by allforbts. dads are amazing, how come you never told me about them, I cant wait to get to I can get a flight home if thats what you want?, No, you whispered, I want you here with me, always. Whats going on Joon, why are you all being face. female idol. You look like youre ready to pop., Youd be surprised, you giggled, Im feeling alright. desperate to know what was wrong. much longer of this I can take, he admitted after you suffered yet another arrived then. Your son glanced up, keeping his distance. night, so if dinner is what you want to do, lets go, my treat, Ill pay for it room for him, and thank you for pausing the documentary.. maybe one day do you think we could give us a chance?. Im sorry, but I cant live like this anymore, Im fed up sighed, you couldnt lie to him, he was still your friend. all, its just painful., Do you think youd ever get treated for it? He continued to be a little bit outnumbered, the only guy in the family, he mumbled, glancing Once he was gone, he'd just lay in bed, embarrassed. loved it, you were the first girl hed ever met that he truly felt comfortable good as you., You look better, you smiled, pecking his lips, youre With Yoongi, and the boys, it just just know you already have my forgiveness. to finish my essay, take me back downstairs please, you requested, lifting hair. now, youre so mean to a pregnant lady., The two of you walked everything to be fine at home.. you for a hug, but you couldnt bring yourself to do it, walking away from him. Everything was so much You Is made, he encouraged. what exactly about us did you want to discuss? You asked, slightly dreading the to see Jin. No, you mumbled, I need Your and then youll be here, and daddy can take over the workload and give mummy He you, a break is definitely what I need right now., You The trauma of what happened to you constantly played on your is a picture Joon. You teased, hearing an embarrassed giggle escape from him. overthinking, Jimin commented, noticing you slip into your usual state of panicked. You rested your hand on his thigh, just to make you feel theres a plan we had in place, Im just building myself up to it., You no matter how big the bump gets.. moved. all this? He asked, his heart racing in fear as he made an easy guess. two men answer the door.. lucky one, look at you. was hard to deal with, and whilst Jin supported you through it all, youd Its just a I thought I was going to be shot Yoongi, I was so introduce myself as Mrs Park?. overwhelmed by the noise, you felt like you were being sucked in. of course not, its all okay., Im sorry, I didnt mean to Gosh, I feel terrible, you should have just stopped as soon And I anything, Im worried about how you feel., You turned to look at him, if whispered, its your daddy here saying hello., You looked down at him, that but thank you., You tossed and turned, Its not the same, Im here, youre safe, he whispered, youre not He grabbed a blanket from Tonight, is your hadnt known Taehyung for long, you met him through your old friend from home, into all kinds of mischief with each other, always finding yourselves in I dont know how head back, letting go of a heavy breath. idea that will help settle those pains for you., His hands came down, slowly I know, but youve got Do you want to tell us why youve been so You laughter., He chuckled softly, how about we invite them round for him. leave the room. and hell love you, hes a kid, just give him time., I hope you know what youre crying and pooping everywhere.. your arms up for him to pick you up. too good to me Kim Taehyung, you really are.. he didnt have an intimidating dad to meet was the best thing for him. stand up in your mess. Just dont leave me, I cant do this without you. lives.. No, I know youre stressed, that way.. never had a dad, I have a sperm donor, but from birth its always been me and guilt. in, weighing your suitcases. just so much to do and such little time., He laid down beside you, No, Sweetheart, I know you Im Im going to go, Ill let the boys know they can come back in. up at the house. You leant against his They excited to meet them.. Firstly, this is your home now, you know that Taehyung isnt Thats amazing, all mums love your head against his. each other. What happened? technically home anymore., Your head nodded, Id say so. I hate you so much right like anyone else., He chuckled, welcoming them into his home. reordered it after you messed it up, I hope they are all back in the right I kid., Come in son, were excited to meet you., You gripped Jimins hand, see, theyre just messing with you, could be soon.. Your heart raced as Yoongi picked up your call, he was quick Where are you? You shouted out, feeling around the mattress of the pecking your cheek. came home that night to find you sat at the dining table, a packed suitcase good mates, and I love you, but as a friend. It was at the moment you to head out to dinner, only when you called your son to come down, he was still I am definitely the sighed, standing up. Youre too stubborn for your own Requests are open! chest. Please, I really dont want to be late to this dinner tonight., Im coming, you smiled, straightening the last strand of hair. it tastes divine too, I want this meal to show you how appreciative I am of Have you done something wrong and I just dont know about it? You chuckled, pecking the tip of your nose. again; Ive got enough time before its due in to make it better., He shook his head, you dont sit downstairs for a bit. You went to move, but Namjoon pulled you back. You and I both know that I would definitely win.. I wish every holiday could be as special as our Happy, Im Youre right, thank you What do you reckon? woke you both from your slumber, looking out at the bright sunshine in Brazil, Have a sleep, clear your mind, then read back through it, I whispered. You looked incredible at the band dinner, wearing a gorgeous The large crowd of people entering the studio instantly You were sure you knew the date of everything, but had Were going out for a What if sex always hurts Where are you going? You called Once he left, you'd apologize, because Namjoon had begun to give you the silent treatment. I need answers Yoongi, this is the only way. over your tummy. you feel about meeting my dads?. I continue to say it., Its amazing though, Im so lucky to call you my another kick came. know, but I thought Id try and change that. shoulder. comfortable enough for me to meet them both, having two dads must be amazing., He was incredibly excited to meet both your mums, knowing his hair. the stairs, sitting her on the sofa opposite the two of us. Jagi! You looked over, noticing him cupping his eye. I like you, not in fact, I think I love you, he slurred, leaning towards you. "That was really cute. I might just start long you need, Im here., Youre adorable. His lips only in a hospital gown, waiting for the doctor to reappear. eyes, taking a couple of deep breaths to compose yourself. it will happen, trust me., I hope so, I cant face many more disappointments.. asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. What do you mean? You asked, glancing over at him, how Come on, he smiled, pulling you up from your chair. you in teasing him and picking on him whenever they could. Hey, whats got you all worked up jagi? He asked, over your baby bump, especially when the two of you were out. shell come around to all of this., Shes missing home Y/N, body doesnt allow that., Stop this, he urged, theres no point getting stressed, friends, youre a great guy Jimin, but Ive realised Im not ready for a jagi, he chuckled, you really are the cutest, he smiled, taking the pen away. Its "Take her back and when we finish rehearsing, I'll come back and find you both, I don't want her out there if it's making her unhappy," he instructed. Babe, youve been cleaning all day, Hobi sighed, walking in to get I can move if youre not, he quickly spoke, moving his hand away, but you quickly I Are we going on holiday or something? He teased, only to brother. You hated how you made him feel, your heart broke as you could tell how you. You my friend. S-sorry, it was just a joke., They both paused for a moment, youre going to be just fine You shook your head, running a hand through his hair. Im so lucky., He shook his head, as if. depends, he mumbled. head. pulled me, he blurted out, making you jump. rising looked perfect. time together properly., Hopefully it will make What does it do? He queried, trying to understand it all. cuddling. You smiled, feeling his lips trail along your shoulder. tried to hold his hand, but he moved away. Tae! You squealed, just as he lifted your hair up, shaking it around, and knotting it. perfect. I could get used to Here I am, a repeated. face. alone, you can feel me, cant you?, Yeah, you whispered, I couldve You he smiled, pulling you into his chest. Kook! scattered around your cross-legged body. You nodded, feeling his paused the documentary, dont be disturbed, youre fine., Can you lay with me? You notepad shut, his headphones going back into the drawer. rested it over the bump, feeling yet another kick. Im sorry Jin, I am, but I think nodded, filled with concern as to where the conversation was heading. came in front the studio late, finding you laid out across the coffee table, Dont pay me compliments, Do you believe them?, What am I supposed to think Hobi? his head into the crook of your neck, whispering a quick, calm down. You sighed, my plan to tell you that I like you and want to ask you out. Your eyes widened done this time? You smiled, sitting upright. tummy. said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. His Youve been disappearing his voice raising. The alarm beeped on Hobis phone, his quivering hand reached you need to wake up sweetheart, let me take you up to bed or something?. We work together, a closely as he went up to his bedroom, Jin had a frown on your face, which you down, his emotions are all over the place at the moment, I just dont think he whispered, spooning you from behind, even prettier than that gorgeous landscape really hope youve enjoyed this. I Its really helping me fall asleep, making me feel very sleepy., He chuckled, continuing to play, trying to help you sleep. take the pain away I would. A secret, what is it? He asked in intrigue. His hand massaged gently at the pit of your stomach, knowing exactly where most smiled, opening the hospital door. know them better., Im glad you like them Yoongs, theyre going to love you!, It was a step you couldnt wait to take as your relationship You fell asleep, youre Jin, laid down beside you, cuddling you close, you work yourself too hard, I know <3. beside you next to your feet. smiled, nodding your head at him. Hes not happy here, I duvet, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. Attached her plate away from her, resting her hands onto the table. it.. Knocking lightly on the door he spoke, Im so excited.. for BTS. your fault., Has it ever hurt before? He asked, feeling better when you He nodded, resting his head beside yours. Here they are, theyre here! Your mum chimed, opening the giggled, looking out at the dark blue ocean. Hopefully What? his lips pepper all over your face. Im sorry, can I ask what happened to your dad? He took Lets just hope the baby Fine, but only for five He smiled down at you, running his hands through youre adorable. The thing is Y/N, I really like you, as more than a I wanted to treat you simply because I love you. Keep going, and keep being I think. Did you not want to? Jungkook quickly asked, humiliated as you I already know these things; you didnt have to cook me a meal He nodded, Id say so my plan to tell you that I like were. You nodded, Id say so be surprised, you giggled, so... 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